None of it matters. If we were in a world where media types were actual journalists, they’d be begging for your notes, but, as you point out, Donald Trump is his own worst enemy next to that weasel son-in-law.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Trump may be his own worst enemy, and doesn't deliver everything he promises, but at least he's not our worst enemy. That would be any Dem as president.

Great column by Ann.

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Trump was chastised in the first term for saying the media are “the enemy of the American people”. He may have said some extreme things before but that isn’t one of them. That is EXACTLY what they are. An army of lying leftist propagandists where honest ones like Sharyyl Atkinson, Shannon Bream, Alex Berenson and Glenn Greenwald are complete exceptions to the rule. MOST of them, indeed almost all of them are propagandists who do their best to misinform the American people. If that isn’t an enemy, who is?

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Not to mention that most “journalists” are patently stupid.

So stupid, in fact, if you showed them a screwdriver they would think it was either an assault weapon or a sex toy.

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He delivered the Democrats in 2020 and he’s delivering a Democrat platform now, despite the spin to cover for him. He IS a Democrat setting this Country and conservatives back for decades.

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What recent "conservative" hasn't set our republic back? Even Reagan made plenty of mistakes, like big deficits, legal immunity for childhood vaccines, and Ted Kennedy's immigration bill. Part of Trump's failure was that he turned over policy to "conservatives" like Paul Ryan. But even if we were to agree that he's a really a Democrat, do you not prefer to live under Democrat Trump the next four years instead of Democrat Harris, Hillary, Obama, etc.? Better re-read Ann's column.

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Everyone should remember that for the first two years of the Trump presidency the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate and yet the policies they were all elected on (immigration and crime) became as elusive alchemy.

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Rinos will be the death of us all!

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Your examples aren’t complete re:Reagan and you omit critical facts. But, I’ll leave it here: we are in the state we are in because dishonest people defend Trump from a total disaster with immigration, including his betrayed Day One DACA elimination promise and Cartel Terror Declarations and more, to out-of-control unconstitutional spending, to Covid tyranny to allowing the Country to burn during the summer of 2020 because Jared didn’t want him seen as being hard on the domestic terror groups.

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Pray that Trump is capable of learning from his mistakes unlike Biden, Kamala and all of the University of The View graduates.

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He should have known not to trust the Secret Service; some of his advisers should have warned him if he could not figure it out himself.

He should refuse their "help" and swiftly proceed to use private security for himself and his extended family.

He should avoid all rallies as well as minimize all travels.

He really needs to find wiser advisers; he should do whatever sagacious Ann says!

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How long do you think this country will last with President Kamala leading us? I think the over/under is 2 months.

Anyone who thinks she's "competent" thought Biden was "sharp as a tack" and "cogent". Lots of air quotes. Prior to this week, Kamala was slightly more popular than several incurable strains of chlamydia. Now, she's suddenly a combination of Captain Marvel and Madame Curie. No. Listen to her. She sounds like a kindergarten teacher on molly.

Unburdened by what has been...

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Ahahaha! True That!

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Like Puddin'head, she won't be running things.

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Thank you for the great article Ann. Theft legalization is only the beginning. The far-Left won't rest until every type of crime (including murder) against White people is legalized. Self-defense against Black & Latino perps will be outlawed and Whites who dared to defend themselves will fill out the prisons along with political convicts.

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By submitting to it we show ourselves worthy of it.

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But Kamala would tell you there never was any white genocide in Zimbabwe and there presently isn’t any in South Africa. Were are all of those “human rights” defenders from the 1970’s now…shoplifting Viagra?

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Amazing for a 10 year Willie Brown punch for political appointments to make an issue of Trump’s effort to hide a night of paid punch 20 years ago. Choice is between a destroyer who misuses law to destroy her opponents and cities—the evil Queen of lawfare -verses an egotistical builder of projects in a nation which needs rebuilding to recover from the Queen’s destruction. If she and new Miami resident Nancy can destroy SF they can destroy anywhere and anyone like the evil harpies they are.

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Nancy is moving to Florida? Didn’t know.

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But I have heard that sunscreen is never locked up in the stores ruined by thieves. Why don't they take sunscreen?

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Every day (like today in DC -- so glad I fled to Texas) is an opportunity for a new 30 second ad.

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When the adrenaline rush from the first female minority ( pick one)……

Presidential candidate is over, the reality she is a walking disaster will appear like storm cloud.

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Kamala... a crime fighter?

more like a super villain... The Cackler!

quick! somebody turn on the Bat Signal! The Cackler is on the loose again!!

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This has been Ann's point for literally, forever, most sharply tuned in Adios, America. Already you see some rightists wanting to allow Kamala, the "I'm a really strong DA", to ride-on with this crap, so that we can kowtow to those who have more love for criminals, especially minority criminals, than they do for victims----regardless of facts. Ann always said to get the vote of the majority and stop pissing that away by being overly solicitous to the minority mob of miscreants.

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California will be eventually liberated by patriotic forces from other states; a good 70 % of its population will be swiftly deported as soon as they surrender!

Liberals will be sent to labor camps Pol Pot style since they love communism so much; newly freed California will then be transformed into the 50s and 60s version with blonde surfers and no traffic jams!

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😂 I prefer blond 🏄‍♀️

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You know the Dem candidate had a conversation with a pollster when they pretend to care about:

- crime

- spending

- the border

- immigration

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Love you Ann, but 20% of 13% is 2.6%.

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.026 is right.

Just lose the “%”.

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I noticed it too; she is still the greatest female columnist known to man!

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Ann writes this as the media keeps a steady stream of fawning Kamala Harris pieces along with unwarranted criticism of JD Vance. Google News is a great place to see this disparate treatment across he media. Day after day, after day.

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You need to have Rep. Thomas Massie back on the program. His middle finger to Netanyahu and AIPAC was epic. May this courageous act by a principled Republican be the first cut in a stroke that severs our ties with Israel, strategic liability and moral albatross that she is.

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He just lost his wife so he is in a hard space right now

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With all due respect, Dan, Trump is 78 and will never change. He’s proven that with his stupid comments, his policy reversals, the people he surrounds himself with and his post-Presidency endorsements.

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He is either thick or naive: he should hire shrewd Ann to be is sole advisor on any and all policy issues!

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And, he wants to build the FBI a new headquarters and couldn’t disavow Wray in a Hannity interview. To use his words on Wray: “The jury is still out.” I can’t apologize for wanting him in the dustbin of history. Fight like hell to gain both chambers and suffer four more years in the short term than have Trump falsely burn it all down in the name of “conservatism” and set us back decades and maybe never recover.

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Hey GOP and Trump Campaign: Always Listen to Coulter!

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