The Cold War repeats itself: the first time the Americans were the good guys, this time they are the villains. In the first Cold War the Russians were Marxists and this time the Americans are Marxists. Back then Russia censored the news and kept political prisoners in gulags and now Biden does that. The Soviets bankrupted themselves with socialist policies and imperial military adventures which the current American Regime now emulates. The American experiment will likely end in Soviet-style economic collapse or nuclear annihilation unless the reckless people in charge of our government are stopped.

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This is funny because it's true.

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Trump for all his faults (innumerable) kept us out of this quagmire. Putin for all his faults is protecting Christianity in Europe/Asia. Biden for all his faults is a demented scumbag who wouldn’t care or even know if the US is nuked.

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It sure is good that we didn’t push Russia and China together, because that would have been disastrous…

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Yes, phew!

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During the Cold War in the USSR there were what were called the “Captive Nations,” Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In addition to them Christians of all sects were persecuted and imprisoned, as were Muslims, Turkomens, Georgians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens and many other ethnic and religious groups. They were suppressed and denied human rights by the authorities in the Kremlin.

But the only ones we ever heard a lot about, and that our government took legislative and executive actions to help escape, were the “Soviet Jews” -- remember? Many came to America.

The Soviet Union has been gone for over 31 years, but for some strange reason hatred of Russia persists in some corners of our government, NGOs and the media. Germany is today our friend, as is Japan. Vietnam merits passing interest from the US and is mostly forgiven for defeating us. But enmity at Russia goes on and on.


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I hear that Victoria Nuland would like to admit Chechnya to NATO.

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I continue to be amazed at the large swath of the American public that can be immediately and blindly channeled and led like sheep as soon as "Russia!" is added to the conversation. For anything. It is an unending tool for the intelligence community to use for any type of manipulation with no proof needed; they don't have to invent anything else. Not unlike the decades of touring and music sales Jimmy Buffett got from his one big hit, "Margaritaville". .. "Russia!" is the IC's very own "Margaritaville".

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Hey, Jimmy Buffett has a lot of wonderful music, and I don't care to ever hear Margaritaville again. Though you are correct it alerted many to his music. I also heard that the untimely death of Jim Croce in 1973 caused ABC Records (label for both artists) to boost Buffett up into that genre's top slot for heavy promotion.

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You mean to tell my my old elementary school flying the Ukraine colors back in March of 2022 was in reality pure propaganda? This is a vote for RFK Jr. Trump nah. DeSantis nah. Was always told Hillary wanted a war with the Russkies. Well here we are.

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Seems like we’ve been headed for “bad guy” status since January 1989. Actually post-war, it started with overthrowing freely elected Mohammed Mosaddegh in Iran. As a Boomer, America was always right because ‘merica, that’s why. I did not question.

We’ve been wickedly interfering in Russia *the world since the end of the Cold War. Invading Iraq bankrupted us, and we lost our moral standing. We kinda did the same thing Hitler did when he invaded Poland in 1939. I supported it at the time because ‘merica, and I believed fibbing fibbers who fib, like Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, George Tennant, and the Dumb President Bush.

If there is such a thing as karma, we may deserve and we may be getting - some of the bad variety.

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Ann has given us a very clear and succinct understanding of where we are right now:

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night.

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We are not fighting in Ukraine. We are supporting Ukraine. And why shouldn't we? It's the right cause morally and it's the right cause geopolitically.

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This is sarcasm, right? Just checking.

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What did the USA do when the USSR started moving missiles to Cuba?

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But..... where's the money in that? Says Raytheon and the like minded.

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This is a pretty good summary of promises made to the Russians upon the fall of the Berlin Wall. These are memorializations of conversations held at the time and declassified in 2017. Putin is looking at what we would be looking at if China cut a deal with Mexico and Canada and moved their tanks to our borders. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early

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It’s rule by the self-righteous here. We had a great chance to create a new relationship with Russia after the ‘wall came down’, but instead we helped them rebuild it. They opened up and we drove them back into authoritarianism and Putin. When a State Department official was asked what were some of the things we had helped bring to Russia under their new post soviet era move toward ‘democracy’, he studied the question for a bit and said, ‘well we helped them develop a far more efficient voluntary compliance tax collection system.’ We gave them their own IRS. This guy smelled of Harvard. When Russia started objecting to Western/ American way to self righteousness we pushed even harder until Putin came to power and his Russia-first instincts objected more and more. He could see that the Western influence, especially American was going to devour his Russia. We had the chance of offering Russia membership IN NATO where he would not be threatened and there would be no need to push NATO up against his border. But no, the low IQ from Harvard never thought of that or couldn’t bear the thought of that. So now the mutual assured destruction deterrent policy might just be not so. But on a lighter note we could see a continuation of slaughter stalemate in Ukraine with a high return on investment such as Biden made when he extorted 10 million on an investment from our voluntary compliance tax revenue system of 1 billion. Just imagine how our money is being spread around and providing a handsome return for the corrupt of this country, not to mention Ukraine and others in the world’s self righteous ruling class.

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It took a unique brand of under-endowed morons to consistently humiliate and provoke Russia post USSR.

Instead of co-opting a natural ally with common enemies and geo-political concerns, the US establishment went above and beyond to provoke a hereditarily paranoid people and in the process validated every rotten preconception about the USA drummed into the Russian people by generations of relentless propaganda.

In the process, the USA (both parties) destabilized the Middle East;pushed Russia into the arms of the CCP; has Putin holding toilet paper to wipe his ass in one hand and the nuclear trigger in the other; bankrupted the USA to spend 20 year lying to the American people about Afghanistan only to run with tail between there legs in worse shape than if we never went at all (not to mention the countless thousands of great Americans (not scummy little Beltway elitists) killed , maimed and/or mentally destroyed in the process).

“This is a fine mess that you’ve gotten us into Ollie”

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Wasnt Ollie. He brought us crack!

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Sadly the "realist" American foreign policy school of thought is now relegated to Harpers magazine. If you have a second home in say the jungles of Paraguay consider yourself blessed,

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