Fantastic column, Ann.

Those who claim that, “Pro-life really is a winning issue, we just haven’t campaigned the right way,” need to win a couple of referenda or else they’ll sound like those who say “Socialism works, it just hasn’t been really tried yet.”

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"This is our DEFUND THE POLICE faction..."

Spot on comparison. And the Marxcissists who get elected, after Republican campaigns are torpedoed over abortion, will cause many more deaths than the number of abortions that would have occurred if Republicans had simply moderated their stance on abortion. Roe v Wade was overturned; I hope it does not become a Pyhrric victory, but they seem determined to make it one.

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What's guaranteed is that they will never accept responsibility as co-conspirators in the baby-killing industry. As with the Marxists, all. of course, with the best of intentions.

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This reminds me of why I didn't join the College Republicans at Binghamton in the early 1990s. The leftists were holding anti-CIA recruitment rallies on campus and the brilliant college Rs wanted to hold a pro-CIA rally. I asked them, what will your slogans be "We don't know what you are doing but we support you!" I am pro-life but pro lifers are literally throwing the baby out with the bath water by overdoing it. They are creating the same back lash Roe itself created. Also, can we stop throwing commies out of the legislature for saying stupid stuff? It is more overdoing it and plays into the hands of those claiming WE are the totalitarians. Criticize them. Censure them when they violate the rules. But don't throw them out unless they really commit a crime and don't do it without appropriate due process.

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"Also, can we stop throwing commies out of the legislature for saying stupid stuff? It is more overdoing it and plays into the hands of those claiming WE are the totalitarians."

Why does that street only run one way? Did any of the things you warn about happen to Pelosi and the Dems when they didn't allow any Republicans on the J6 committee?

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Did that inure to their benefit? Is Pelosi still Speaker? It was a Banana Republic totalitarian thing for her to do and it (among other things) cost her the House.

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"Did that inure to their benefit?"

Ask any of the J6 prisoners. Ask Ray Epps; ask Tucker.

Has the GOP Congress done anything about it.... are the prisoners being released, are the corrupt judges being taken off cases or are cases being moved out of a 95% Dem venue?

I will wait for your report.

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Your point is not an answer to my point. You were critical of my point about overdoing it and acting like totalitarians implying there was an advantage to doing so. I made the point that Nancy Pelosi lost her job at least in part for antics like that. I think Rs will lose their jobs for acting like that as well, including Ann's point, about going too far too soon on abortion. They can do nothing about judges if they cannot control the Senate and get back the White House and they will not do either if they act as crazy as the Ds. They should focus less on symbolism and more on substance and call out the left on exactly what it is doing, not fall into the trap that is being set for them by coming off as the crazies on the right.

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tap your brakes; I wasn't critical, I just cited your point to make a counterpoint.

I am just naturally pessimistic, so cut me a bit of slack..... lol

32 years of Rush #1 talk radio domination , 1994 Contract with America, Trent Lott sharing power with the Dems, Fox News domination in the cable ratings, Ann writing numerous best sellers, Bush showing compassion on the border, raising the debt ceiling in order to make sure Federal parasites don't miss their Thanksgiving turkey. Norm Coleman and the GOP being nice by not fighting the Franken vote creating machine.... is the nation going in the direction of Bernie Sanders or Republicans (whether Trump MAGA or DeSantis)? Feel free to add your own failures of liberty to the new fascism.

There is no hope for the US and western civilization at this point. The only thing that would make a difference is for the next GOP President (assuming there ever is one) for immediately abolish the 3 letter agencies, mass deportations (including door to door raids if necessary) of every single post 1970 arrival by way of Kennedy's immigration bill, re establishing a gold/ dollar link, cruise missiles into the NSA server farms, a razor wire topped 50 foot wall about 100 feet inside the US border in order than those 100 feet be salted with as many trillion land mines as can be manufactured, no restrictions on construction of oil refineries and nuclear power plants. 100% tariffs on ChiCom imports, defunding UN, WHO, and any other international agencies..... again, feel free to add your pet projects.

Rant over. :-)

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As far as I can tell, the convicted J6 rioters are right where they belong.

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When Ann Coulter is the adult in the room you know something is going on.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with everything she says.

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Ann is always the smartest person in the room. Would never want to piss her off (e.g. Delta, Trump, Jared) but the Rs ignore her at their own peril.

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Being “right” and losing elections is a non-starter for me.

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I despair…DeSantis did everything right, and now this is the hill he’s chosen to die on. But if we have enough stupid women who would choose the hell that is America now under democrats because of abortion rights, then maybe we just don’t deserve to go on anymore. I guess the strategy now is, highlight the nightmare America is under democrats and hope Florida looks like El Dorado in comparison, but it’s frustrating because by signing that abortion-ban he’s alienated tons of stupid voters who might otherwise have voted for him. We’d better hope this is enough, provided he’s the nominee…responding to Trump’s sniveling insults isn’t a good look either, and I say that as a diehard DeSantis fan. Ughhhhh.

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Unfortunately, for many women abortion is the only issue they care about, but they want to ban everything else.

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Ban (or repeal) the 19th amendment.

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It turns out that the movement to overturn Roe was like a dog chasing a car barking. The dog doesn't have a clue what it's going to do if it catches the car. For a movement that spent so much time and effort to get Roe overturned, and notwithstanding the advance notice that the Court was about to deliver them the victory they had worked so hard for, I'm absolutely gobsmacked that no one in that movement gave a moments thought to what they would do.

Conservatives assumed that the matter would be returned to the states, where federalism would work its magic. The democratic process would result in compromise legislation. People in California, Illinois and New York would have the abortion regulations they wanted, and people in more conservative states what they wanted. The end result being vastly fewer abortions being performed, and the anti-abortion movement would move on to working for the moral awakening that must happen for abortion law to move forward.

Then came the nut-job fanatics, self-centered narcissists, who are prepared to sacrifice everything, including the unborn, in their quest to immanentize the eschaton right here in Babylon so we can all admire their moral perfection. No matter what your moral purity, it's impossible to do good in the world without wisdom, and wisdom is what they lack.

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" immanentize the eschaton" Good one! lol

I think Ann referred to it once in a column, noting the hilarity of Buckley's formulation.

"Conservative spokesman William F. Buckley popularized Voegelin's phrase as "Don't immanentize the eschaton!""

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Our side is passing highly restrictive abortion laws in states where most of the abortions are being done to a population that votes 95% Democratic and is economically dependent on the governments and taxpayers of those states.

If you’re not in favor of importing more Somalis and Haitians into the US, why are you in favor of restricting abortion services in Alabama or Mississippi?

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The result of these zealots behavior on this issue puts the country in Kamala Harris' hands at some point in the next Biden term. Not sure that's quite enough to turn suburban women away from Democrats to Republicans. These women are not stupid by the way, and they aren't all for unfettered abortion. They are scared to death of themselves or their daughter being raped, shudder at the thought of another women, probably not themselves, becoming pregnant incestually, or having health issues with the only option being a horribly emotional option to stay alive, and not being able to abort. You add to that the government wanting to be in the room with the woman's family, doctor and priest when this choice is being discussed, and you end up with Kamala the President. Repeat it's not stupid women it's insane zealots leading the country to this end.

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"You add to that the government wanting to be in the room with the woman's family, doctor and priest when this choice is being discussed, and you end up with Kamala the President. "

What a fascinating contortion. It is okay for the government to be in the room when gov't is financing abortions but not ok if the government doesn't finance it.

This is of a piece with Lefties wanting the government out of the bedroom but at the same time being in every other room via smart meters, brownouts and higher priced electricity at peak times (instead of increasing electricity production) low flow toilets, low flow shower heads; in the garage via CAFE standards, herbicides and pesticides that dont herb or pesi icide, destroying suburbs via affordable fair housing.....

"These women are not stupid by the way"

I'm not sure I agree with that in a general sense. I agree with Ann's advocacy of repealing the 19th amendment, for all the reasons she cites when on that subject.

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You are talking about a different group of women who need government financing of abortions, those women never vote republican. I am talking about suburban women, they do not need money, they do want a choice, who may have once voted republican, but who now will not.

I agree with you on power and water production expansion. I am not a supporter of affordable housing let the free-market work that out.

Women will not lose the right to vote, nor should they.

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"They are scared to death of themselves or their daughter being raped, shudder at the thought of another women, probably not themselves, becoming pregnant incestually...."

Women showing their true intelligence; voting for a Party that wants to flood their neighborhoods with sub human garbage, import millions more of said creatures (who will end up having to live somewhere), not to mention releasing criminals (including rapists) into the general public on the basis that they want the chance to abort a baby that might be conceived by the aforementioned human garbage.

I really don't GAF about whether abortion is legal or mandatory or prohibited; what I find fascinating is the mental gymnastics people will go through to justify their position, blissfully ignorant of the internal contradictions within their positions.

My only position on the matter is that, yeah, ok, have abortion be available; just pay for it herself. Undoubtedly these suburban women are libs who also love environmentalism, so this could be a double win for Republicans on the abortion and environmental issue: specifically, all medical facilities from the smallest clinic to the largest hospital must be cut off of the conventional electrical grid and tied to 100% renewables. It will be funny to watch suburban women say that abortion is too important to be left to the vagaries of the weather.

To any suburban woman who votes Dem and gets knocked up by POS, maybe try to think before thinking you're adding to the general welfare by scratching your scent onto a ballot.

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EXTRA ANN VIDEO CONTENT! From today’s Mark Simone radio program: https://youtu.be/37xCKPeUBo0

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Abortion absolutists not only don’t care about winning elections, they also don’t care about race. They believe in equality, in a “color-blind society,” and in Martin Luther King. (Did you know he had a dream and went to a mountaintop?)

They are true conservatives. They never, ever take the following into account:

“White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (118 abortions per 1,000 live births), and Black women had the highest abortion rate (24.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years) and ratio (426 abortions per 1,000 live births).”

“In 2020, compared with White women, abortion rates and ratios were 3.9 and 3.6 times higher among Black women and 1.8 and 1.5 times higher among Hispanic women.”

(Abortion Surveillance, United States, 2020 — CDC)

Race and ethnic distribution of abortions by select states:

Mississippi: White 18% — Black 77%

Georgia: White 20% — Black 67%

Alabama: White 26%; Black 66%

N Carolina: White 28% — Black 52%

Virginia: White 34% — Black 47%

(Statistica.com January 2023)

An amazing 73% of Black adults believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a national Pew Research poll released on Tuesday. That’s the highest percentage in favor of abortion access of any ethnic or racial group.

So if you are not an abortion absolutist and want to attract the elusive black vote, you might want to be more open to abortion access for certain specific medical reasons (and certain specific demographic groups).

Of course, there are other advantages to such a nuanced position…

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I agree with, Ann. Our country is on life-support. Primary these pro-life zealots. Nothing more than a 2nd and 3rd trimester ban, with exceptions. We need to win elections.

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PS- See my earlier comment agreeing with Ann but also, these heartbeat bills may paradoxically lead to more abortions as women are forced to rush their decision or lose the abortion option. Furthermore, a 15 week fetus is more visually compelling than a 4, 5, or 6 week fetus and more likely to cause a woman to decide to keep the baby after seeing a sonogram.

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If one must be a single issue zealot, just play it smart and stand unflinchingly for the Constitution and the God-given individual liberties which made America the marvel of humanity...if we can keep it!

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Ann provided a lot of logic and facts about the pro lifers who haven't thought about the electoral consequences of their own zealotry. First off, abortion was right to be sent back to the states since it is a states rights issue and that seemed to be what pro-lifers were arguing. But now Pro Life, Inc., is demanding both state level and nationwide abortion bans which the Democrats have and will skillfully use to frighten their base and independents such that Republicans could be facing oblivion in 2024 congressional elections. The abortion issue got a previously despondent Democrat base energized and out to vote and probably saved 10-15 House Seats for Democrats and 1-2 Senate seats.

There was a time when polls showed the wicked Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan losing to a generic Republican by up to 6 points but the Dobbs decision and Tudor's hardline anti-abortion chance ensured her re-election. It also caused the Michigan state legislature to flip to Democrat control which just forced through radical anti 2A measures.

Pro Lifers need to go SLOWLY and learn to take small victories wherever they can get them. Instead they treated the Dobbs decision like a national mandate from the almighty.

Abortion to the political left and independents is like immigration and the 2A to the right. Mess with abortion and the left and many independent become blind with rage.

DeSantis signed a 6 week abortion ban which he will be forced to defend and it won't be a good look as his eyes bug out and he talks with his hands like an Italian grandfather when forced to defend himself.

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As a libertarian I support women's right to have an abortion, but I would still give consideration to pro-life candidate. What's astonishing is that the biggest abortion advocates are gay men and butt-ugly lesbians, in other words, creatures who could never get pregnant to begin with. It's like they're angry at their parents for not aborting them in time.

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"As a libertarian I support women's right to have an abortion, but I would still give consideration to pro-life candidate. "

The Right to abortion should explicitly contain the Right to pay for it herself.

"gay men and butt-ugly lesbians, in other words, creatures who could never get pregnant to begin with."

These types of creatures (good word) know that Mother Nature played a joke on them and so they take their rage out on everyone else. The correct response to them is to laugh at them.

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This is just plain nasty. There are plenty of gays and lesbians who vote GOP, who do not accept LGBT "Critical" ideologies, and who, while they reject the radical idea of "equality," still expect, and have every right to expect, tolerance, civility and decency from their fellow citizens, especially their political allies on the right.

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The main problem I had with the libertarian view of individualism is that it ignores actual and potential second-order effects (a/k/a "externalities"). It's why I became, and still consider myself, a conservative, or "conservatarian."

Woman's right to have an abortion? What about the unborn child's right to life?

Legalized gambling? What about the wives and children of the statistically small but signifiicant number of gamblers who become addicted and bankrupt their familes?

Legalized drugs? What about the statistically small but significant number of people who will become addicted or otherwise alter their lives in ways that impose burdens on their parents, wives and/or children?

Right to keep and bear arms? Same analysis. Only difference is that 1) the right to self-defense is a fundamental natural right that no government has the right to infringe; which is why: 2) It is constitutionally protected. Which is why I say "Two cheers for the 2nd Amendment." The biggest threat to legal gun ownership in America is the statistically small but significant number of people who own guns but shouldn't be allowed to and cause catastrophic harm to otheres.

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