Ann says the things everybody knows, and no one else will say.

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My mom, a Navy and Air Force, didn't want to be a pilot when she could just marry one :)

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Work smart.

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WONDERFUL review, Ann! I'm waiting for my BluRay disc of Top Gun: Maverick to arrive since most movie theaters in the USA have devolved into, more than anything else, showcases for feral children (and adults) to aggressively demonstrate their complete lack of coherent upbringing. At home, viewers are (usually) respectful of one another, hence the explosion of the home theater industry since the 1980's. I'm old enough to remember the white-gloved, flashlight-carrying theater ushers who would eject loud troublemakers and drunks from the premises, and I also remember the usual Leftist activists who forced all of that to be stopped, since the vast majority of the ejectees were the Left's political protectees. And so, predictably, the theater-going experience rapidly changed to one not conducive to attracting decent gentlefolk as patrons.

Although I wish that you would review more movies, I also realize that the reason why you don't is because the vast majority of movies are trash and a complete waste of time. Your insightful background information on the Top Gun school and other aspects of the film are essential points that other reviewers, predictably, have studiously avoided or have airily and smugly waved away. They are being placed in the impossible position of being called upon to write about a genuinely and inarguably excellent and inspired, pro-America film while needing to remain in the good graces of the proudly anti-American Hollywood and media elites and remaining on their cocktail party invitation lists. It's amusing to watch them squirm as they contort themselves.

I confess I'm astounded that a film like Top Gun: Maverick could even be made or distributed during this Dark Age we're in, but I would suggest that it may have a lot to do with Tom Cruise's Hollywood clout as well as the bankers and underwriters financing the film who are silently admitting that America is a lot better country than they and their Leftist friends would like to think; that an expensive, pro-America movie like this will not only sell but will return a VERY handsome profit.

Thank you Ann for lending your essential perspective to what will become a landmark film, despite the Left quietly gnashing their teeth and wishing it would just go away.

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Hilarious description of movie theaters, Stoat. Makes it kind of like "Rocky Horror Picture Show," but you don't want audience participation for T.G.M.

Recall that the movie was NOT made during these Dark Ages: They finished filming in 2019, one year before the Year of Our Floyd, then held off releasing it because of covid (when movie theaters were shut down for NO REASON WHATSOEVER).

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Ann, the triple-whammy of one of the most brilliant and beautiful people on Earth taking the time to read and respond to my post as well as being moved to smile or even laugh at something I've said brings me to a heretofore unknown state of euphoria. As in the 1980's hit song from Katrina and the Waves, I'm truly "Walking on Sunshine". Thank you so much! This is a 'high' that I may never come down from...I hope not! ;-)

Points all very well taken, of course...turning T.G.M. into a 'participatory' movie experience like Rocky Horror would get rather messy and lethal pretty rapidly ;-) It would be like 'The Purge', but at every showing ;-)

I appreciate the movie release timeline correction, thank you...please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 2019 also prior to the date when the new rules for a film's consideration for an Academy Award were put in place? The rules that specified a racial-percentage makeup of any film that would be considered for an award? If that's the case, then it seems to me that T.G.M. would most likely (according to your description of the actors) not be eligible for awards...it's not suitably "diverse" for the Leftist Hollywood trash who insist on judging everyone...and the films they appear in... by skin color.

An excellent point from you (of course!) about movie theaters being needlessly shut down...one can only imagine how many small, independent theaters were driven out of business and how many careers and lives were destroyed by the mindless deification of Fauci and the CDC's unscientific, incoherent & draconian pronouncements. It seems that even at this late stage when so much solid data is easily available to everyone about the ineffectiveness of covid lockdowns, that particularly the Left is determined to avoid learning any lessons at all from this.

For the 'religion' that glorifies the shockingly brutal, industrial-scale murder of unborn children, the horrific genital mutilation of those who manage to survive the abortion culture and the intentional wrecking of everyone else's future through school lockdowns, distance learning and Marxist political indoctrination, it actually should be expected that they would breezily accept and defend the comparatively minor closure of theaters and the near-destruction of that entire industry.

After all, as they say..."you have to break some eggs if you want to make an omelet."

Thank you again for your time, Ann. I am sincerely honored.

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*Saint George Floyd

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I liked Toms message to the audience before the movie, thanking everyone for coming to the theater (Tom appreciates the theater owners who make the popcorn and are trying to make an honest living).

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Totally agree, plus in a sea of repulsive movie "previews," the only movie that did not seem to be about the monstrous cruelty of whites toward blacks (and as fascinating a subject as that is, I don't need to see it EVERY movie) was "Mission Impossible," another Cruise movie.

But what really won me over to Cruise is the last scene in the movie "Tropic Thunder." I never really thought about his acting abilities before, just figured his main selling point was a beautiful face, but he is a comedic genius. I didn't even realize it was Cruise at first.

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Tom is probably my favorite actor. No one can deliver lines better than he. I liked him in Few Good Men, Collateral (particularly Yo Homie....), his incredibly foul mouthed Les Grossman....lol...

Super Grover says hi and that it was a pleasure meeting you in Newport Beach. I guess we won't be doing any more traveling, given our refusal to get the jab. Take care, Ann. :-)

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At present, worst and most confused military leadership ever. Nevertheless, Happy 232nd Birthday, United States Coast Guard. For some reason, Congress thinks Americans are obsessed with having them do nothing but think up new ways to spend absurd amounts of money. Spending is like a drug addiction for Congresspersons. Lobbyists keep them well juiced.

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Marvelous pod, Ann. Indeed so, I’ll surely watch the movie. Great commentary today, very much appreciated.

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I didn’t want to out this on Twitter, but this is what happens when inexperienced and unqualified people are thrust into positions where they don’t belong. Absolutely incredible during a training session and now two lives destroyed. The LT was charged with manslaughter.


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I tweeted a couple times I was going to see it and since my schedule will only permit a 10:PM showing,

I’ve procrastinated. Unequivocally. I will heed this movie reminder.

Regarding the theme of your post, Type A men are marginalized, persecuted and prosecuted. Literally in some cases. Generally they rebound, but, with far less enthusiasm and that is the objective of people with power. Achieving power in the last thirty years is rarely based on merit or courage or pro-active behavior.

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Totally agree on the vicious, calculated demeaning of masculine men. (Masculine women, they love!) Posting from Europe right now and it depresses me to report how much more far gone our country is. I ran into some "Adios, America!" fans and begged them not to let it happen to their countries.

But Ron DeSantis has worked miracles in Florida, the third largest state. Maybe he can do the same for our country.

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Loved love this review. Saw Top Gun Maverick and loved it. You made s few awesome observations: I don't know anyone who doesn't love their mom. Also what about bosses give them such huge egos that they can't be proved wrong? Someone needs to break that down or do a study: military, private sector, government, they are worse than early 200s traffic cops.

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Are Ann's statistics about women and black fighter pilots literal or is she just making a point? If real, what is the link to the numbers?

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Unbelievable should have guessed it!☝🙂

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Hope it is a wonderful, relaxing trip. I have one bucket list location on that side I must make in the next few years.

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Lucas’ Red Tails was a failure because he didn’t portray reality. Yes they were brave heroic but there were plenty of fatalities. If he only showed the reality instead of a video game the thought of how much better it could have been.

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I think you are on the wrong path when you try to uplift Duke Cunningham. He was thoroughly corrupt - guilty of much more than the incident you mention. The same qualities which make one a great fighter pilot (aggressiveness, pride, belief in invulnerability) can make one a very awful Congressman, and that happened here. Let's honor him for the good things he did, but apply the same yardstick to dishonor him for the bad things he did.

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022

I saw a Marines recruiting ad on TV last night. I thought "good luck with that." The entire US military are having trouble meeting their numbers. Big, big surprise, said nobody. I wouldn't want to have to sit through CRT bullshit. Get an associate's degree in accounting or comp sci instead, kids.

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President DeSantis is going to have a LOT on his plate!

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