Another great piece!

I also think is especially worthy to note, that almost without fail, these stories that the MSM decides to champion, are ALWAYS the criminal blacks, versus any innocent black that was the actual victim of bias or at minimum, an unjust killing. They always choose absolute, undeniable, criminals to herald! It's as if, they want to normalize the black criminals as the normal way of being black, or as a mechanism to normalize black criminality. Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Ahmad Arbury, Jacob Blake, Rayshard Brooks... Now, try to name a black guy that was killed, that was widely reported, who wasn't an actual criminal, committing a crime?

You can't! Because they only highlight the criminals!

That tells you all you need to know about their agenda!

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Once again, AC did her homework. Something the dinosaur media won’t do or won’t report facts.

You left out the part about the altar boy practice he was jogging home from.

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Wasn’t he an honor roll Olympic hopeful with dreams of attending medical school?

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Already accepted

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Here is the breakdown of how much various people cost the government on average during the course of a lifetime. The government nets an average of 220,000 $ from the average white person . The average Latino cost about 550,000$ during the course of their life (so much for those hard working Latinos funding the government) . The average African American costs 855,000$ during the cost of their lives. Let’s combine a reparations program with a deportation plan give every black who wants to accept a 500,000$ payment to leave permanently & never come back we could implant a chip for instance so they could be easily tracked make it all voluntary & send them to a place like Madagascar for instance. It would be a win win situation. We would get what we want to be rid of them & they would get what they want from us money. It would be a huge positive since we would be getting rid of a huge liability not just them but their future feral offspring. What about the ones who don’t accept the deal? If being in America is worth 500,000$ to them they are probably worth holding on to. Why far away it would be difficult & expensive to sneak back.

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In case people didn't know the media lies about interracial incidents and exaggerates or creates racial motives out of whole cloth in the case of white on black incidents. Most of the time we never hear about black on white incidents and if any anti-white racial motive exists it's quickly suppressed and memory holed. This is why the average America dullard thinks there's an epidemic of white on black racist violence when the reverse is true and blacks are about 9X more likely to kill a white person.

The legal lynching of the McMichaels is probably the greatest miscarriage of justice next to the sham trials to convict Derek Chauvin and the other officers who detained St. George Floyd. Tucker Carlson has not so much as uttered the names of the McMichaels. They will have no champions among the talking heads of conservatism since they are icky working class whites who had the temerity to defend themselves against a privileged jogger.

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The only way to get all the facts is research & AC proves that repeatedly. The best way to remain happy and clueless is look to the media and politicians for facts. Great column.

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We have a national psychosis about black people. And it's not the kind that harms and persecutes them, but instead protects, defends, coddles, explains away, rationalizes, forgives, ignores and basically does anything to avoid confronting the truth.

Freedom. Security. Blacks.

You can have any two.

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Just a single thought…If one can’t use their 1st Amendment rights to shout fire in a crowded theater, then why can the media perpetually use those same rights to burn down America and civilization along with it?

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Not to be a pedant, but one reason is that the decision that quote comes from was later overturned. But the real problem is probably the culture of anarcho-tyranny that now dominates the West. That term has become more and more obviously descriptive of the way the West is ruled since it was coined by the late Sam Francis in the 1990s.

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Please do me a favor…enter a very crowded auditorium and start screaming “fire”…just curious what happens next.

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But that case was about passing out ant-war leaflets during World War One. It wasn't literally about shouting "fire", it was about suppressing speech in wartime. There was an incident in a crowded black Chicago nightclub shortly after 9/11 where some black guy shouted "Bin Laden" and (incredibly) caused a stampede. There must have been injuries and maybe even deaths, otherwise it wouldn't have been reported. But if you want guaranteed panic these days you shout "Alahu Akbar", not "fire." Or "Trump" may be even better in some places.

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To me the issue was the defendants leaving their property to play cop. Granted, in nobler times they would have been lionized as protectors of the community; but we live in an age where self-styled conservatives celebrate the anti-discrimination laws that wreck their own neighborhoods. The adage about a jury being twelve individuals too stupid to escape jury duty has never been truer.

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If you’re a white male in North America or Western Europe in 2024, you are inarguably guilty of all past, present and future crimes, atrocities and abuses.

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That’s exactly why my deportation idea would be so successful. Not only would they get a lot of money but they would be free from all future ravishes of evil whitey

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Thank you for the eye opening article Ann. I followed closely Arbery case, but I don't remember anyone in the Media mentioned that Arbery was a recidivist criminal. Even Fox News stayed mum on this pesky little fact. So much for "fair & balanced".

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If you value piece of mind, prefer urban life and can work remotely, it's probably best to relocate to a former Soviet Bloc country in Central or Eastern Europe.

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It's time for conservatives to realize that Law Enforcement/Justice System is only as good as corrupt left-wingers who run it. And right now the LEFT is abusing these institutions to go after law-abiding citizens who dare to defend themselves against social parasites. We need to stop cooperating with the enemy.

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Well, it's been a long haul from 1964 to now (about 60 years) and it looks like we're all still racists no matter what we have done or are doing (Legacy Media, certified Victim Groups, Progressives (sic) excepted, of course).

So, why not appoint your own DEI Commissar-in-Waiting in each family and have them network with The Great Leader du Jour and inform on the family in real time?

We already have them in most other Institutions, why not our Families? That should do it.

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I quit all print media up to the Covid pandemic narrative. All Marxists.

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Thank you for update on heinous hate crime Ann. Tough read. Media-wise, I only rely on a handful of trusted, decent media human beings to relay the information to me. I refuse to play the hate game no matter who and how the Times and other woke publications portray and present it. Will share this one-appreciate the permission. Thanks Helios for link to Simone show.

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For more like this...Liz Collin's book on the George Floyd death and trial called, "They're Lying" and the documentary of hers called "The Fall of Minneapolis" about the trial.

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