Our government is so corrupt that the three guard troops killed in Jordan may actually have been (illegally) in Syria.

But speaking of Suzy Warmonger, Dan Hill (@dandinohill) on X names some names:

The Warmonger/Not a Warmonger Honor Roll:

President Trump - Not a Warmonger

Vivek Ramaswamy - Not a Warmonger

Ron DeSantis - Hard to Tell

Nikki Haley - Corrupt Warmonger Extraordinaire

Chris Christie - Overweight Warmonger

Mike Pence - Irrelevant Warmonger

Liz Cheney - Daddy's Little Warmonger

Lindsey Graham - Strongly Worded Warmonger

John McCain - Ghost of a Warmonger

Hillary Clinton - Crooked Warmonger

Joe Biden - Puppet Warmonger

I'd just add that FJB should really be listed as Corrupt Puppet Warmonger.

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Got some new info yesterday. The base where the three deaths occurred is ideally located at the junction of the Jordanian, Iraqi, and Syrian borders. By ideally, I mean it's a perfect site to be hit by missiles from anywhere in the region. The troops are there as bait to draw attacks and widen the conflict for the warmongers.

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Adios America.

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"But more important, it’s our country that’s being invaded -- by bands of destitute, culturally backward people. We were worried about Germans? If they’d invaded, at least things would work."

The chilling truth is that post-1965 immigration is genetically unsalvageable. "Half devil and half child," equatorials do not bear the seed of civilization. It's not their fault. But they needn't be our burden.

Ann questions what we are doing in the Middle East. Other than AIPAC's bidding, the answer should be obvious: baiting Iran into a conflict at the behest of the "defense" industry. War is big business. It is also a welcome distraction from failed domestic policies.

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You hit the nail on the head. Why have we been in any war in the Middle East. AIPAC and the other organizations that control our politicians with the help of Jeffery Epstein who was an agent of that government and used that blackmail so that the powerful would do their bidding. Nobody is suggesting anything but fighting back using their own tools.

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and no we won’t catch them all, SO -

States will have the right to deny employment, verify citizenship for housing and schooling.

Cancel birthright citizenship

Do not count illegals in the census

All the invaders will be declared felons and ineligible for any voting or gun rights

NGOs lose tax exempt status if they are caught enabling illegal immigration

Hospital costs will be taken out of the host country’s aid package, or better yet cancel the aid package entirely

Get out of the UN quit funding it and all it’s career bureaucrats


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Nice and a big Yes to reduction of foreign aid to offset illegals costs to us. Extend that reduction to every cost not just medical care. Every cost including the expense incurred in deportation., ie bus fare, air fare , duck tape , pretzels, and zip ties.

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I thought my boring plains state would be overlooked by the invaders but I was wrong - yesterday there were fat Muslim women (I assume from the headscarves and swaddling garments) begging on the medium with “we’re refugees!” scrawled on ragged cardboard.

Wonder how aggressive they’ll get

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Feb 7Edited

I’d say just deny them medical help. Let Catholic charities pick up the bill if they’re so eager to invite the entire 3rd world into our country. Anyone who dies in American hospitals here illegally will be cremated immediately. Too expensive to bury them or repatriate the body. Tough but they didn’t pay for anything, why pay for the funeral?

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You just reminded me of how our plaintiffs lawyers will be heartily feasting on the lawsuits brought by these invaders.

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Can we just ban those lawsuits the way our government banned lawsuits against vaccine corporations??

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Perfect Ann. More greatest hits from The Worst Generation (apologies to those of you Boomers here who are not responsible and opposed it like my mom and dad and stepdad did). They have blown $30 trillion enriching themselves and forgetting us (another F word came to mind...). They sent the jobs overseas or imported cheap labor and all the promised retraining never happened (learn to code is this Millennia's "let them eat cake.") They have left us with an open border and tens of millions of illegal immigrants. Our cities had recovered from the 70s and early 80s and were the safest in generations and they allowed them to be torched and turned into vermin filled crime factories including DC itself. They allowed ill-conceived drug legalizations whose net effects is to normalize being perpetually wasted for all too many people (guys like John Boehner got rich off this) and refilling of the welfare rolls as well as increased crime, poverty, and sickness. All the while, they are insulated with their own security force in their black suburbans as they jet off to Vail, the Hamptons, or Davos and we are left holding the bag. It is all despicable.

And the Old Fool is the worst. He and his nit-wit pal John Kerry (and Obama) gave Iran billions for that phony nuclear deal and then to try to buy back the used version of the deal that anyone who was sentient in the last fifty years knew Iran was going to ignore. The only place they "Built back Better" was the Iranian regime. Now they and their warmonger pals Haley and Graham want to send our young men, women, and others (thanks Joe!) to go fight them. Perfect.

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The endless stupid wars started to support the Military industrial complex would be reasonable if1. We won any, 2. We subjugated the losing population 3. We took the spoils of those stupid follies. However, we have lost them all and as bonuses get stuck with their rabble and run up incredible debt. Iran is a fools errand. Maybe we should have the cruise missles bound for Tehran hit some targets in Mexico City and maybe our friends to the south would play ball. But with Trump or M Obama poised to enter in 25, I suspect we better learn to code in Spanish.

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The immigration nightmare has finally invaded the world of the, “Not in my back yard”, crowd. I find myself having to watch my back here in SE-VA. Sadly the idea of protecting citizens over illegals evaporated long ago. When Grandma drills a bad during a home invasion the usual suspects line up to put her away. Buy ammo and hold on tight.

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Mexico should have been put in its place decades ago; the globalists who control the US government deserve the ax and block!

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“Suzy Warmonger” is worth the price of admission 😃

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Apparently we don't exist in their world.

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Making reference the fall of Rome and "Northern Europe...going full cesspool" in the same article is so prescient of Miss Ann.

Rome, by its fall, was an empire comprised of disparate city-states of conflicting cultures. Northern European nations and the US used to be fairly assimilated with each nation possessing a single widely accepted national culture.

Now the former nations of northern Europe are just geographical containment vessels full of disparate city-states of conflicting cultures...they are no longer nations.

Hence, we have the perfect makings for the US shortly going "full cesspool" already laid out in our national kitchen.

Our best days as a mixing-pot are long behind us. Today we are nothing but an ill-arranged charcuterie board with each item on the board stinking worse than its neighbor.

The timer is set and it is ticking.

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America’s undoing will be a head-scratcher for future generations. At least the Romans tried to keep barbarians out, here we have our leaders actively conspiring to bring them in. Satanic.

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Agreed, mass deportation and an Israeli-type wall you can't fly your hang glider over. Then spend the next 15 years on Catch and Deport. It's rather amazing how quickly this cohort of refugees have assimilated, because it didn't take them a week to realize there's no down side to stealing, robbing, and beating cops in the street. Can't say the democrats haven't taught them anything.

As for Iran, we're going to have to deal with them sooner or later. Biden's still mulling over what kind of gift to get them while he's on another extra long vacation. In the meantime, let's just B-52 Bandar Abbas, Anzali, and Amirabad while we're Stuxneting the shit out of them. Because as soon as their first bomb is ready, they'll be Ubering it to some western capital (I don't think they really care where).

It's nice to know there's a religion for illiterates.

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Fuck this clown show. We deserve to eat zee bugs and own nothing at this point.

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Excellent Ann. The reason is it’s symbolic. Innocent American service members killed in their beds? Drone attack. It’s an election year which amplifies it 10X. Plus my formative years of education preached about America the great melting pot. You know Ellis Island. The racial enclaves in NY City. Vito Corleone in Godfather 2. How did the British Empire crumble from their imperialism? Look at them now! Why Brexit was a thing? It seems you are a highly principled conservative. Mucho respect there. I just register Republican but I’m hardly with the mob. We have a bunch obsessed with Trump, Sean Hannity, Taylor Swift and low hanging fruit. Plus Joe Biden. Again much respect Ann. I’ll go down with you and your principled conservative ship. Oh what happened to the billions sent to Ukraine?

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Murder and fentanyl are more than compensated for by the millions of "dreamers®" (cheap labor/Dem voters) that pour in.

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