Ann proves yet again The New York Times is where the truth goes to die!

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Let's not forget the AP is also captured. They just had a story on "Leading the (La') Resistance" featuring none other than Gov. Gavin, JB Pritzker, and NY AG Letitia James. The coastal elites with a silver spoon fat ass midwest buffoon stuck in the middle. People remember Gavin going to The French Laundry with no mask and eating with lobbyist from the health care industry. Chris Christy on a beach chair with the fam all alone. Whitmer and AOC hanging out in FL during the shutdown. Fauci Frankenstein at the Capitals baseball game with his mask on his chin. Pelosi getting her hair done while the barbershops in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee closed for good. Let's also not forget the "Essential" workers or what I call the "Expendable's". The 2024 election was the Covi election and the "Resistance is futile".

Nice work Ann, Peace Out !

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Ann, Thank you for the scathing summary of the case for transformative leadership at HHS. The Great Barrington Declaration was also shaped and signed by Sunetra Gupta whose previous book on epidemics showed the complete futility of vaccinations for constantly mutating viruses like Covid. George Gilder

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Wealth and Poverty George Gilder? If so, good on ya.

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I just want to see RFK’s well-muscled foot crushing the neck of the FDA/CDC/Pfizer/McDonald/CocaCola industrial complex. Payback for 2020. I can never forget or forgive that.

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Fauci and Collins and their enablers belong in Gitmo!

Trump was idiotically a bumbling and naive enabler with his rushed Warp Speed initiative.

How come no one around him advised him that the whole COVID thing was a deep state plot designed to make it easier for the Dems to cheat in the 2020 presidential election?

I knew from day one that it was an obvious PSYOP!

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Obvious. It was "get Trump" from day 1. These people were the worst "officials" in the history of America.

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Brilliant column ANN -- Thank you for truth telling as usual !!!

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The peanut thing is galling. It ruined the only good thing about a Southwest flight. But seriously, one is not even allowed to study whether any vaccine possibly contributes to the fact that 1 in 36 kids are diagnosed with autism today and it was only 1 in 150 twenty years ago. We probably would not be allowed to study whether eating peanuts prevents autism! Furthermore, they are still running COVID vaccine PSAs on AM radio. Good luck with that but I suppose I am happy to see the money being wasted on stations I listen to at least. I doubt anyone listening to the shows I listen to are running out and getting their tenth booster.

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The sick bastards are still recommending the Covid jabs for babies at six months old.

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Honest to God, I just got a text from the CDC reminding me their V safe tracker is now open and I can sign up and register my COVID and RSV vaccinations.

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During the year of Covid, wearing the mask became like political statement for many Democrats. If you wore a mask while alone in a car, or walking outside, the chances were that you're a liberal.

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I am saving this for talking points to throw in the face of the the still masked idiots.

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Thank you Ann so much for bringing this up. This issue is so important -- far far more important than the attention it gets. Our medical system is quite amazing -- if only we could lop off its top layer which is saturated by corrupt, ambitious-class idiots who regularly hurt millions of people - and that is no exaggeration. I am so very happy Trump teamed up with RFK. Nobody has shown more willingness to cut out the cancerous leadership of our industrial-health-complex, or bring it into compliance with our true health needs, than RFK.

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Ann’s fucking great .

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Jove himself adores her!

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I have a close friend who lost her father to covid and her son to the vax.

so, she no longer trusts doctors or Big Pharm.... at all.

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Xavier Bacerra is the current HHS secretary. It is a lawyer and former attorney general of California. His whole tenancy as CA attorney general was to issue 60 suits against the Trump administration for things he didn’t like.

Meanwhile CA burned in homelessness and rampant crime. At least Xavier felt better. Thank you Biden for getting him out of CA. Not sure RFK jr could be much worse.

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Of course Bacerra’s replacement is Bob Bonta who is suing parents for opposing the teachers and school districts changing their child’s gender. The family moved to Nevada

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I once had a doctor pushing me to get a medical procedure done that could have a serious impact on my life.

fortunately, a friend got me a second opinion from a better doctor than I'd ever find aroud here, and on that advice, I chose not to do it.

many months later, it turned out that I'd been misdiagnosed, and that procedure would have done me NO GOOD whatsoever.

so, yeah... I've learned to be cautious about what doctors tell me.

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Great column. Saw a wonderful meme somewhere (can't find it now) showing health care in 2021 versus 2025: 2021 was represented by a photo of sad sack (no sack?) Rachel Levine, while 2025 was a very muscular RFK Jr. And Babylon Bee had a great take on the alarm that RFK has caused "The Science":


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Would rather see RFK Jr as a special advisor for health and

nutrition, rather than head of an expansive bureaucratic agency with myriad other responsibilities.

Everything Ann said about the Covid response is a thousand percent spot on.

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We need to go further and even question the legitimacy of the SARS-COV-2 virus itself. Was it truly isolated and proven to exist? Or was that a fraud and the so-called pandemic an illusion? I recommend Dr. Sam and Mark Bailey's book "The Final Pandemic"--that explains scientifically how the fraud was conducted: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/the-final-pandemic

The fraud of virology explained in song. Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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