Losing the popular vote has been very damaging to the Democrats’ psyche. Hillary losing the Blue Wall hurt them, but allowed them to maintain an air of smugness. Losing the popular vote has smashed their entire worldview where they thought such a thing could never happen to them. That’s why there’s been a slew of propaganda reassuring them that it’s not a mandate or a landslide, because their egos absolutely cannot accept that.

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I'm amazed that Kamala continues to spew the party line in a stupor. I suppose reality will eventually hit the fan. There's a rumor she wants to run for governor of California in 2026. California cannot stand to have another Gavin Newsom, and she's not even at his pay grade. She should just open her exclusive restaurant in Napa Valley and be done with it.

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If I were a better person (I'm not) I might (unlikely) start with something empty and glib like "We should almost have some sympathy for our confused, beleaguered, and woeful compatriots", but alas, it wouldn't do any good. They are most definitely deluded, and dumb! After years, perhaps decades, of living in some bizarre fantasy world of their own creation, can we even be surprised that faced with a crushing defeat, that they now, cannot process it in realistic terms?

They haven't been residents of reality in a while! So, of course, they are now creating an ever evolving fantasy about "why?" they lost! Huugely!

Isn't the first step of the grief process denial? It wasn't Kamala, she was great! Super great! A real vision! Bleh! It wasn't the "One Billion Dollars in 100 Days" campaign, nah, that whole part was brilliant! The best that Dem political consultants could muster! And now, it wasn't the failed economy (that's fake news!), and rampant illegal immigration (diversity is our strength, and haven't you tasted their food!) or the lack of vision for the path forward (Climate Change, Trans Rights, JOY!!); Nope, it was the dumb American voters! The same dumb voters that elected Obama twice, and Biden, suddenly decided to let their racism run free, and their sexism to move from their loins to their ballot box operating hands, and voila! No woman president!

Thus, of course they aren't dealing with reality. They gotta work thru all their fantasy land bullshit first, and then, maybe then, they can try to figure-out where they REALLY went wrong.

Kamala in 2028! She's GREAT!

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Another witty piece by Ann. Never stop. Happy thanksgiving

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Kamala barely lost despite being a moron and a completely contrived phony. Slightly less than half the people were fooled all of the time. That is the sad part. And even today, two house races in CA where Republicans were leading and now slowly headed to the Democrats. The Dems managed to fool enough people (and perhaps "find" enough votes) in MI, WI, and AZ to win those Senate seats even while Trump won the state. How did Kari Lake lose in AZ when she was basically female Donald Trump? How did Hovde and Rogers lose too? How did the Rs lose House seats? How Did NY vote more than ever for Trump and yet the Rs lost three House seats there? These are the questions R should be asking themselves. There are any number of answers- mixed messaging? Bad ground game? Not spelling out that people need to vote for the other Rs as well as Trump? I remember as a kid, the Rs used "Vote Republican for a Change" in 1980. Why not this time around? How did half the people get fooled?

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My concern is that people are SO HAPPY!!!!! that Trump won that they are ignoring the cheating that took place. Ann may hate Kari Lake but that does not excuse the cheating there or in other states in the Senate races.

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O Sovereign Lord, whose hand doth guide the spheres,

Through time’s vast course, unending as the years,

We lift our hearts in gratitude profound,

For bounteous gifts Thy mercies have unbound.

Thy earth, adorned in autumn's golden hue,

Bears witness to Thy artistry most true.

The harvest reaped, the table richly spread,

Speaks of Thy care, by which all souls are fed.

Yet not for bread alone we bow this day,

But for the light that shows the righteous way.

Thou sendest voices, bold, both sharp and clear,

To cut through folly, ignorance, and fear.

Among these guides, one form illustrious stands,

A beacon raised by Thy unfailing hands.

O Ann, with wit and wisdom finely wrought,

Her piercing words by Heaven’s wisdom taught.

Her tongue, like tempered steel, defends the right,

While folly flees before her radiant light.

With beauty matched by intellect sublime,

She serves Thy truth in this, our fleeting time.

For her, and for the gifts that round us fall,

For faith, and hope, and love, the best of all,

We raise this hymn, O Lord of sea and land,

Our lives sustained by Thy most gracious hand.

Grant us, we pray, her courage and her grace,

To fight for truth and finish well our race.

And when at last Thy feast in Heaven we see,

May we give thanks through all eternity.


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On a salient tack, Kamala had initially adopted the basement tactic that bore fruit for Biden. But she veered from it, with the attending and necessary staff groans. She lost by behaving LIKE A CANDIDATE instead of as a Himalayan hermit monk. People saw and heard, and it was always a head-scratcher.

Anyone think she sat for the second shot at the CA bar exam?

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Thank you Ann and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I am thankful for your relentless dedication to sharing of the stories and the ways the leftist Democrats have tried to take down the USA. They have little to no idea of the damage they have caused. May we all come out of these past few years with a stronger mind and heart for our valuable country. Very nice “Ode to Ann” from Helios.

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I was thinking about the problem of having people in the US actively undermining the work of the Founders and the original AMERICAN people. There really should be some limitation on people who have no vested interest in upholding our ideals.

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After all, without the Constitution, the US would cease to exist…just another piece of backwards geography.

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That's a "Top Ten Closing Paragraphs in Column History" right there.

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Ann, you really need a smiling Turkey instead of the angry bird at the top. Maybe a Ben Franklin National Bird type Turkey. Is there indigenous people on our land or were they just the first settlers that came across the frozen Bering Strait? Watching "Pod Save America" was entertaining, how Plouff and the gang had 107 days to introduce Harris's bio to the voters because, apparently, we didn't know who she was. The biggest problem they had were "in her own words" comments from fraking to Medicaid for all. Yeah we knew who she was and the people have spoken. "I'm sick'n tired of being sick'n tired!!" Gobble, Gobble, everyone.

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Watching so called journalists set around the table pontificating why Harris lost is comical.

While at the grocery store some lady was screaming in her phone,”Harris did not lose in a landslide!” I nodded in agreement, I quickly added and lost in one. She was not amused.

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Today I was running a credit app for a white senior female customer and she said “I’d better get this card before I lose the right to get my own credit ya know”.

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Why do I feel more safe with Ann’s “Unsafe” than with all the safe-making measures coming from the Left?

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As to the indigenous peoples, remember that no one hates an Indian like another Indian. Just saying.

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We have a new set of Indians to worry about. See London and Toronto and sneaking across the northern border.

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Just classic Ann, from start to finish, ramping up as we go careening along. AC: "Has any group of people ever hated the accomplishments of their own ancestors as much as liberals hate our Founding Fathers?"--truer words were never spoken, but it fits that incredibly stupid "Kumbaya" world view that if it wasn't for "us", there would be world peace. Socialism would never become communism, and "work" and sacrifice would just be options because everything would be shared pleasantly. Utopians who are incredibly dangerous; but after you tear down enough statues and water down history so great white men are diminished and demonized you are left with the idiocy of hearing some single example of someone's struggle somewhere (an NPR tactic) and determine that should change our approach to everything. These people are really not awake, just "woke", they have their eyes closed and are in dreamland.

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David Wallace-Something. Hmmmm. I have never trusted persons with hyphenated last names.Too uppity, and feminist (no longer British) at its core. Sure, it may have been given. But that suggests a generational problem.

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Well, let's face it. We always knew the Dems were a little stupid (maybe even more than a little.) So is it really any great surprise that they can't do basic math, either?

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