I know ( ahem ) someone who was once an absolutely adorable little girl who's now binary but has a boyfriend who is also binary. The mom is a white, liberal , very privileged woman who ruined her kids. The dad finally left the mom after she had repeatedly cheated on him with other men while he was working 24/7 to provide for the family.

The now divorced couples son has all these made up sicknesses that his liberal mom talks about on Facebook.

This is just one offline story that I personally know of.

Liberalism is a mental health disease.

Obviously πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜’

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Interesting anecdote, but do you mean *non*binary?

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I try to block out the ' woke ' religion πŸ™ƒ

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holy shit! the statistics!! have I been living under a rock? I knew there were liberal parents who in some way pressure or reward their kids for being trans, or at least saying they are... but wow!

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This is you st your best. Full length, funny, slashing. Trying to build readership online too many authors go for short and frequent because the lore says that works. But real writers usually need room to run. Really good, full length, best stuff is what the really successful Cleven on Substack.

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When I was a kid in the 1980s there were tomboys in my neighborhood, girls who associated themselves with boys, but when the puberty hit those tomboys turned around and became well adjusted young women. Today, public school teachers would probably groom them for sex reassignment surgery.

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Has there been a time, when something good or positive, can out of a meeting between any two liberal women?

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I'm so glad you brought up the twitching girls! A few years ago I randomly remembered that story and thought "Hmm, how come we never got an update on that?" Of course because it all resolved in a matter of weeks and was an example of mass hysteria (which almost exclusively happens to women). I too remember indignant mothers on The Today Show smearing doctors and blaming their daughter's twitches on a chemical spill that happened 40 years prior in a different location.

The massive surge of people identifying as LGBT amongst Gen Z is almost exclusively white girls thinking they're trans or identifying as "queer" - at least the latter won't permanently alter their physiology though.

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Another fun story of psychogenic illness: the mass laughing hysteria in Tanzania: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanganyika_laughter_epidemic

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Exactly. So, let's stop talking about it - ignore them and they vanish(works for exes too!)

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Math lesson:

--> 1+1=2

--> sensationalism sells + nothing but dogmatic narcissists enrolling/instructing at "journalism" schools = Insanity

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Ann, no one gives the straight dope like you. Thank you.

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I want to trans so I can be a lesbian.

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I knew a woman who had a couple of daughters... but she really wanted a son. she talked a LOT, quite freely (and loudly) about how she thinks that girls get the short end of the stick in this culture.

surprise, Surprise, SURPRISE... as she approached puberty, one of the girls decided she was really a boy.

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Just got around to reading this substack piece, and my first reaction is that Anne is a much-needed gust of fresh air. The astounding level of brain-dead, woke issues flooding the MSM is truly stutifying. Thank you, Anne for your frequent injection of healthy skepticism.

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Ann, when are we going to get a video of your Presidential Tier list ranking?! Asking for a friend.

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OK, but what's the answer? Bitching about "the libs" is a waste of time. Why don't we just let this trend die out like the other without making a thing out of it? STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. It's boring, as are the endless anecdotes about "someone I once knew." While we're at it, let's stop talking about "wokeness," another dreadfully boring non-thing that grown-ups don't engage in.

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I subscribed just to comment. I agree with you completely about trans social contagion but post acute covid sequalae, or PASC as my sister's rheumatologist refers to it, is all too real. Please, please, stop referring to it in the same vein as tik tok meme diseases.

My aunt and my sister both have it. My aunt needs braces to walk. My aunt is from Port Richmond, Philadelphia and worked as a dialysis nurse. I say "worked" because long covid destroyed her ability to stand and walk. She needs braces to stand. She voted for Trump like many working class people from her neighborhood (My family is from an adjacent neighborhood known as Kensington, but I do not vote as I believe all elections to be rigged and and all "candidates" to be handled by elites to serve specific purposes. This is simply my opinion after decades of observation- I do not begrudge anyone theirs so please do not begrudge me mine.

My sister worked at a tourist attraction in Philadelphia and as far as we can figure was infected there before everything shut down . The long incubation period for the OG strain of covid means that she did not show symptoms until almost 3 weeks after the infection. (I do not say Wuhan Strain because I do not believe the virus came from Wuhan, but from UNC by way of Ft Detrik. Think, now- why would Wuhan, Lombardy, and Qom all be hit at the same time? Covid is a bioweapon and is more than likely engineered to target specific cell sequences. We know it attacks the endothelial system and the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system via the retroviral spike. Covid is a betacoronavirus wrapped in a retrovirus. Or, if you like, a cold wrapped in HIV. )

Her initial infection involved strange rashes on her fingers and toes and a complete loss of taste and smell. Her nose, she said, felt like someone was shoving lit cigarettes up it on and off. This was in early April 2020. She also began experiencing tachycardia, or an extreme rapid heart rate. On May 5th, her heart rate jumped to 180 at rest and she went to the ER. Then 196. Then 208. Then her heart stopped and they had to use the paddles to shock her. A nurse held her hand and prayed. Her temperature at this time was 104, a full month after her infection.

She was in and out of the hospital for two months. In July of 2020 she began experiencing excruciating pain and vision problems. They found two blood clots, one of them a dissection clot, in her brain. Shortly after that her central nervous system began to misfunction and she couldn't stand or walk. The periods of this got worse. She still couldn't taste. In May of 2021 she went back to the hospital unable to walk or stand. She was there for two months and in August of 2021 began infusions of infliximab every 8 weeks. This, finally allowed her to stand and walk. She still can't taste almost 3 years on. She still has memory problems and the same rash she had with covid will flare up.

I know what happened to my family. I watched it moment by heartbreaking moment with my sister. Long covid is real. It is not some meme disease. I paid 5 dollars just to comment this because it truly breaks my heart to see it compared to this trans madness. It destroyed my family. My uncle is dead from covid and my aunt and sister are permanently disabled. It is real. I wish it wasn't but it was. I am not a liberal in the slightest. I just had to say this bc of what happened to my sister and aunt.

Here are studies from other countries providing that it isn't just liberal white women who get long covid:






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Ann, you provide interesting analogs here. It’s true that youth, social pressure and hormones create havoc. But these analogs don’t prove anything about trans people. Because analogy isn’t science. You should be summarizing the scientific studies that examine regret rates in trans people. Because here’s the thing: people are transitioning; doctors are prescribing the meds and doing the procedures; there’s no way your adducing the Salem Witch Trials is going to do anything but inflame your fans. Give me a solid summary of the studies to date -- I just spent an hour reading several -- then take a bow.

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Thank you, as always, for your important perspective Ann. I beg to differ on point #11 re: the NSD (nervous system disorder) being solely related to females. Especially during these precarious β€œtimes”. (Hormones in milk production used to be an β€œissue” in the late 80’s early to mid 90’s). And plastic (BPA) bottles on the market/available for human infant feeding(s). A big β€œenvironmental” (?) issue…..

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