coming to a small town in America very soon... (it's already in the big cities).

it's amazing how all the western governments suddenly turned against their own people in favor of violent third-world thugs......

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Anything for a vote...

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Anything for ONE PARTY RULE

that’s what is behind mayorkass’s “the border is closed!” stunt

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Yes, amazing and enraging!

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Mass deportations is the only rational solution; berserkers awake!

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

The US must deport at least 40 million illegals, invaders and criminals; it appears unlikely that such a course of action will be taken. The moribund republic will thus likely die and transform into a third world hellhole: Ann Coulter is always right!

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We are going towards the fascism/communism/capitalism merger that the writer of brave new world talked about. I say it is a small chance that we maintain our republican democracy, we are not a united country. There will have to be an event that unites the nation like 9/11 and the political will to put an end to the broken border and deport the anchors.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Whatdoya know they wrote a book on my thought. I'll read it

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It predicts Balkanization rather than unification.

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Ok, Ann, so murder and rape are everywhere in Sweden but WHAT ABOUT THE RESTAURANTS, HUH??? And who's gonna pay the taxes to support all those boring white Swedes when they retire and they need young workers to.....(Wait, what? 90% are on welfare two years after entering the country?)....ok, never mind that part. But Sweden's legacy of colonialism, slavery and institutional racism is coming back to haunt them, so it's justice. When they colonized uh...wait...that one place, you know...they sewed the seeds for all this so DEAL with it! Plus, now Sweden has an economic and cultural edge thanks to the talents that the people of Syria and that part of the world are famous for, like...oh, there are so many.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

Swedes blessed the families of the earth by teaching barbarians a superior culture AND sharing beautiful genes. No question.

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It's not rocket science. You let the fox into the henhouse. Now you have blood and feathers everywhere, and some still refuse to recognize that they maybe made a (huge) mistake.

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You would think that if the President of Sweden was smart enough to know not to lock down because of COVID, he would know to Stop admitting Syrian “refugees. Maybe he hates women as much as our Liberal politicians do.”

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Sweden should not join NATO and they should leave the EU at once; they should also declare a state of emergency and then proceed to swiftly round up and deport all of the Mohammedans!

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Import the Third World......you get the "culture"

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Blood soaked streets, Mexico level corruption, Berdejo gringo racism. Don't worry, you might survive.

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You cannot mention what is causing these issues or you are a racist xenophobe......and you are also correct.

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What in the F did they think was going to happen? That the brown islamic refuges would become peace loving swedes? Does not compute.

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Virtue signaling narcissists will defend criminals before admitting fault.

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It makes no sense for modern progressive cultures to allow the unregulated importation of people from primitive “cultures” which have been stagnant for over a thousand years without a national benefit or assimilation plan.

It is as insane as allowing children to throw handfuls of polluted dirt into a pristine reservoir and hoping for some miraculous good to come of it.

There really must be a cultural suicide gene no different from that which saw saw the Romans piss away their culture into the abyss of the barbarians.

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Narcissism does contradict evolution. Hmmm. Hand of GOD?

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

I’m becoming a believer of this *great reset* idea where western politicians will willfully sacrifice their own people, societies, cultural identities, not because they believe in the WEF mission statement but because they are cowards too afraid of the monstrous leftist Borg hive-mind that is the internet.

“Resistance is futile”!.. so it seems.

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The last bastions of white Northern European hegemony are disappearing thanks to the self imposed rot of wokeness cheered on by, wait for it, white women!

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I read on Vdare that many of the shootings in Sweden are done by ALBANIANS!!

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Ode to the berserkers

Oh, hail to the fierce and fearless sons of the North,

The Viking berserkers, warriors of great worth!

In battle, they danced with a savage delight,

Unleashing their fury, a fearsome, wild sight.

When Odin called forth his chosen few,

They answered with valor, their loyalty true.

With eyes filled with fire and hearts pounding strong,

They charged into battle, a relentless throng.

No armor could bind them, no weapon could tame,

In battle, they sought neither glory nor fame.

But a fierce, primal rage, like a tempest unbound,

In their veins, the berserker's fury did pound.

With the strength of a bear, and the speed of a wolf,

They struck with a force that could shatter the gulf.

Their war cries resounded, a thunderous roar,

As they swept through the ranks, their enemies they tore.

But in the midst of their frenzy, a madness took hold,

As they fought with abandon, their stories oft told.

For the berserkers were marked by a trance-like state,

A gift from the gods, or a curse, some would debate.

In battle, they cared not for wounds or for pain,

Their only desire was the enemy's bane.

And when the battle ended, they'd fall to the ground,

Exhausted and spent, in a deep, dreamless sound.

Oh, Viking berserkers, your legend lives on,

In the annals of history, forever to dawn.

Fierce and untamed, in the heat of the fight,

You battled with valor, in the name of the right.

Though the ages have passed, and your deeds are now lore,

We remember your courage, forevermore.

Oh, hail to the warriors of the Northern domains,

The Viking berserkers, forever in our veins!

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Chat GPT, The chattiest of chatting to the T

You think it has run out of words, but you are mistaken, for it has the verbs!

Collecting from the internet to iterate, the thoughts and comments from the populate

Oh, Chat GPT, the lexicon that is worthy to legislate

It wields the might of the pen, so it may punctuate the paper,





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What made the Swedes think diversity was the answer? There weren't enough murders? Your mom hadn't been kicked down the subway stairs yet? I'm sorry, but this appears to be a self-inflicted wound.

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Coming soon to a theater near you.

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