You mean the media is biased against Republicans when women accuse any elected Republicans of sexual wrongdoing? No way!

Notice how the media says next to nothing about former Biden aide Tara Reade who Joe Biden groped in his Senate office. She's now in hiding in Russia since the DOJ was going to prosecute her under FARA for merely giving an interview to a Russian TV station.

Whatever happened to believe all women? Only when a woman accuses a Republican. Otherwise the little Bolsheviks in the mainstream remain mute.

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Bill Maher played a clip from his 2018 interview with Daniels, her version of it then was completely different. No blacking out, no shaking hands, etc. She willingly consented in that version of her story, a totally trauma free sexual encounter. I’m not a huge Maher fan but he nailed her to the wall re her lies at the Trump trial.

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And Ann Coulter nails the media double standard again. We suspect it but she does the research and has the knowledge to put it on obvious display.

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Outrage at hypocrisy has been dead for a long time. This whole trial is like a bad play. The thing that bothers me most is Cohen. This guy is so loathsome it is hard to describe without profanity. Most egregious to me is his obliteration of the attorney client privilege. Even if Trump was trying to get him involved in a criminal enterprise (trying to describe an exemption in layman's terms) he should only limit his violation to things directly related to that. Instead, we have this disgusting display. Disbarment is not good enough for this creep.

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Remember the good old days back in 1999-2000 when all the little scolds told us that caring about the peccadilloes of our elected folk was a sign of what a prudish, uptight, bible-thumping hillbilly country we still were? How affairs were more or less expected behavior for European politicians and elites?

I'm betting that someone could go back in time and find some inconsistencies -- or as they might say, "evolution" -- on how some of the same talking heads and "journalists" excused Clinton's behavior, but are now happy to play in the pig-pen 'cuz....Trump.

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May 15·edited May 16

Right. Back then they told us "it's just sex" and if we thought a married president in Clinton should have exercise more restraint and discretion we were derided as fuddy duddies and "not with the times".

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The best, most fool-proof, totally accurate way to understand what's going on in any news story - The more someone is flattered with sympathetic media profiles:

- the more rotten they are

- the more fanatical they are about leftist causes

- the more the left needs them to keep some awful policy in place

- the less the person has in common in decent ordinary people who work for a living and know which bathroom to use.

Never fails.

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Does anyone really believe Trump did not have sex with Stormy?? And for her exaggerations, she’s a porn “actress.” Trump counsel should have asked if she fakes orgasms. I’m still trying to figure out how he landed the stunning McDougal. Anyway, people should be more concerned about his nearly two-decade association with Epstein. But, your hypothesis applies here. Too many Democrats, which technically applies to Trump, are also associated with Epstein, so no outrage.

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May 15·edited May 19

A two-decade association with Epstein which included banning Epstein from Mar-a-lago for hitting on the teen-aged daughter of a member, and possibly tipping authorities, this prior to Epstein's quilty plea in 2008. As for Ms. Daniels, Trump is said to be a germophobe who's dated many genuinely attractive women, so an attaction to an overinflated, not very attractive, porn star seems somewhat out of character. He's definitely guilty, however, of unseemly support of genocide apologists like Lindsey ("nuke Gaza") Graham and Mike Johnson.

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And, btw, the accounts of the Epstein victims is that he was known not to use a condom, which defies his germaphobe reputation, but two of his children were conceived out of wedlock. Best not to defend the indefensible. He’s a scumbag, but that doesn’t mean I agree with Bragg’s prosecution.

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I'd be interested in learning the whereabouts of the testimony of Epstein victims regarding Trump. Is it possible that Hillary, Mark Elias, etc., who paid for the made-up stories of Trump enjoying golden showers from prostitutes in Moscow, somehow missed that? Why would the establishment bother with Cohen and legal NDAs if they have evidence from Epstein victims?

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Civil depositions. And, again, explain his public statements expressing fondness for Maxwell. Trump is a scumbag and has gotten away with a lot of crap.

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"Trump is a scumbag and has gotten away with a lot of crap."

You can pretty much fuck right off you moronic cocksucker. Trump dealt with actual mobsters and government bureaucrats in his many years in the construction business. That's not his fault, it is the fault of a culture that required palms to be greased in order to make things work.

No one he dealt with has ever come forward with accusations of dishonesty or corruption on his part, and most certainly the IRS has never had anything on him because there is nothing to be had.

A fuckin cunt like you needs to walk the far end of the target range to which I go. Take your tiny hat and crawl the fuck home,.

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GFY ignorant fool.

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May 16·edited May 16

Again, what would keep the lawfare warriors from using testimony from civil depositions? Why hasn't this been in mainstream news? I've heard about Epstein claims against many people--Dershowitz, Randy ("can't sweat") Andy, etc. Why haven't the media that loved accusations of Trump's golden showers not publicized this far more damaging claim?

As to Maxwell, photographed for the society pages with Trump and probably hundreds of others in the 80s and 90s, she was in jail (and Epstein dead) when Trump "wished her well," which could mean as little as "hope you don't get strangled too." After all, according to a NYT reporter, as president elect Trump said of Hilliary Clinton, purchaser of the Steele Dossier BS: “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways.”

So just as I don't believe the worst (that he made a fortune by confiscating Jewish property during WWII) about the truly evil George Soros, I don't believe the unsubstantiated worst about Trump, though I hate that he turned over Covid policy to the very people who created the virus and now backs the Joe Biden/Mike Johnson/Lindsey Graham foreign policy on Ukraine and Israel.

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I just erased my response. Stop commenting to me if you are going to defend that scumbag Trump. He should be in jail. Unfortunately, it will be for the wrong crime.

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So, you’re telling me he had no idea what was going on with Epstein and had a good relationship with Maxwell, which you conveniently left out? Give me a break.

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are you just pissed off that Epstein gives your tribe a bad name? Take the shower door, not the freedom door.

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Unlike Bill Clinton, Trump wasn't photographed hugging Maxwell at the cabin door of the Lolita Express. The photos I've seen were at social functions with lots of other people.

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$Billions are the ultimate aphrodisiac.

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Minus one or two typos (I’m a disabled Harvard grad, please pay me to proofread for you!), this might be the best column you’ve ever written, Ann. I’m still laughing…

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Stay away from mine! 🤣

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I really can't blame Bill Clinton for stepping out on Hillary, hell, I probably would myself. But taking Stormy over Melania? Trump is guilty alright, of bad taste.

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"That wicked unsaved lady has unnaturally large 'dirty pillows.'" -Margaret White (Piper Laurie, RIP), Mother of "Carrie" 1976.

Thank goodness Beavis & Butthead taught me the preferred medical term, "thingies."

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Low hanging fruit here. And to think Ben Roethlisberger continued with his career on his way to more than likely a hall of fame career. And Jim Nance waxing poetic about his exploits. I hate the media.

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We can bitch ad infinitum about how unfair the media is to Conservatives, but it will never change a thing…it is up to the law and the courts to deliver blind justice and protect all of us from propaganda and its resultant persecution. Hence, the real and legitimate cancer is that, for the most part, the prosecutorial and judicial systems are broken, corrupt and third-worldish.

At this stage of decay, I wish there was a solution other than the guillotine but call me jaded...I don’t believe in the tooth fairy.

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As David Horowitz says, it is always about the revolution. Nothing more complicated than that.

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deletedMay 16
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The guillotine was referenced as a not so subtle dysphemism for “reform”.

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I agree with everything Ann has said in this post except that Stormy Daniel's testimony is humiliating to Trump. Donald J. Trump is shameless! He could drop a deuce on second base in Yankee Stadium during the World Series on demand!

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Honestly I’m really more concerned with Presidential Policies than who they are getting freaky with 😎. When it comes(🤪) to the double standard between female & male porn stars I think it’s up to the Feminists to level that playing field, kind of like men playing in female sports…. Wait oh never mind 😎.

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News to me that Ron Jeremy, Harry Reems, and John Holmes have a better reputation than Stormy. Holmes was actually involved in the "Four on the Floor" Wonderland Avenue LA murders the cops rated as worse than the Manson murders.

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Well yeah some of them are bad. 😎 Women are really put in a worse light than their male counter parts. I think Jeremy is in nursing home memory unit, so I guess he got his.

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Idiot....we'll all get to a Memory Care Home....eventually. What....do you think God is punishing him...or is it just Bad Karma...stupid comment..

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Blaha get over your self.

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I can only hope that she was more attractive in 2006, otherwise in the face of her many plaintive revisions of events over the years, I can only assume she drugged Trump prior to this social interaction.

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I want to comment but the hypocrisy leaves me speechless.

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