Ann Coulter: God bless you for stating what is the truth. The DAMNING, ugly, marvelous truth. These people who hate us must leave. There is no other way. We are out of room for bottom-of-the-barrel immigrants who hate us. Let them hate us for inventing electricity, antibiotics, modern government, thought, systematization, industry and enterprise from their hovels in their failed states, but do not let them bring about our own failure. Perhaps we could export some of our own worst (a certain 12% of the population who commits over half the crime, white liberals and 2nd generation immigrants who have not progressed) to spice up and diversify those countries!

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Love every word!

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Especially our invention of ‘thought’. !!!! Yes

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Hilarious. But let me double down on this: none of the ideas the savages protesting in the streets are pushing on our country, like communism, socialism, etc, are original to them. Actually, many of those ideas stem from Jewish intellects. Ironic. These immigrants couldn’t even THINK of how to run a government past crude monarchies and warlords, why are they here protesting? I will grant that their own diabolical methods of killing their enemies are quite original to them.

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In order to answer the question why Democrats import millions of Third World migrants here, one has to look at the ideologues of the Far Left movement. One of them, Susan Sontag called White race a cancer of humanity, that no Mozart, Pascal, Boolean Algebra could redeem what this civilization wrought upon the world. Another Harvard professor Noel Ignatieff proposed to abolish White race all together. There are thousands of Ivy League professors like that who had brainwashed the minds of current leaders of this country to hate Western Civilization in general and White people in particular. And the quickest way to destroy it, is through demographic replacement of White people. That's exactly why Democrats opened up the floodgates of our country to the Third World savages.

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In a sane nation, all of those "professors" would have been sent to some forced labor camp in Alaska!

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Or just fired!

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The bagel crowd wanted it, they voted for it and now they're shocked to see the consequences of it.

And btw, what's with all the Palestinian "students" everywhere? Great example of how easy it is to get around what's left of our border control by getting a student visa. These people have the same history of intellectual achievement as Haiti and yet they are everywhere. Any bets on how much Uncle Sucker has put up to guarantee their student "loans"?

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The "bagel crowd" (by whom I mean non-religious and anti-religious Jews whose "liberal" or "progressive" identity trumps all other values), in abandoning Judaism, adopted the foundational leftist belief that human beings are inherently good and all the negative attributes we associate with human nature are the result of "society."

Take a hundred thousand Palestinian Arabs out of the Middle East and dump them in NYC and on college campuses and watch them eat bagels too. Even though no one is supposed to assimilate to our oppressive culture, somehow it was assumed the Palestinians would.

That's how I would explain it!

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As long as no one calls it The Great Replacement.

That is totally *not* what is happening.

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Unless it's the NYT gloating about it, then it's ok.

Unless it's the NYT wondering why some hillbilly (anyone outside of the NY-DC corridor) is talking about it, then it's "What? What are you talking about?"

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This is all, actually, really good news, because for the first time, in a long time, "The Left's" politics of division, finally cleaved one slice too many-


Effectively "splitting" their base, because they didn't know, or simply "forgot" that many in their camp, hate Israel, and support the Palestinians.

I welcome it!

If the Left keeps this up, pretty soon, they won't have a base at all; Just wait until all those Muslim immigrants and illegal aliens find-out what The Left thinks about homosexuality!

Good times!

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This is very insightful (because I thought the same thing😄) and can’t wait to see the contortions the left goes through to try to reconcile all the conflicting ideas.

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Time to bring back Trump's Muslim Travel Ban!

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There was no Muslim travel ban.

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True, and a good comment. But, there was a Trump travel ban, mostly from Muslim countries.

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Paging Heather MacDonald!

Isn’t America’s decades long immigration policy just another instance of “Mismatch?”

Here we are affirmatively reaching out to people from countries — and dysfunctional cultures — which are clearly not suited to the land, customs and values of our nation. And, like the “Mismatch” theory holds, the result is failure, resentment and anger.

Would the Japanese make such an error? The Chinese? Would the Israelis act affirmatively to bring in Muslim Arabs?

Of course not. They know the dangers of “Mismatch.”

For their own benefit let’s allow the great majority of mismatched aliens from Africa, Central America and most of Asia to stay where they are — and prosper.


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Does Israel wring its hands when Muslims commit horrible terror attacks in Europe or America? Do they rush us an aid package? When bad things happen to America, Israel's greatest ally, they merely shrug their shoulders. Israel demanded Palestine be given to them and knew what kind of rough neighborhood they were moving in to.

How come Jews are the only people in America you can't offend without suffering serious financial and professional repercussions? Yet American politicians are all but calling for collective punishment and mass killings of Palestinians to the raucous applause of all conservative media outlets.

American Jews have been at the forefront of multiracializing America since a superduper majority white America we had until 1965 displeased and offended both they and the Kennedy family. Now America's increasing diversity is blowing back on them since they helped import people who bear no guilt over Jewish sufferings in WWII and can't be guilt tripped by words like Nazi and white supremacist. And thanks to racial diversity we have less free speech and we all must walk on eggshells so as not to offend unless someone wants to trash white people in which case you will be praised and get your own show on MSNBC.

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I brought this quote to Ann’s attention several months ago. She called it “perceptive.”

“Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

“The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.

“The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call “minorities.”

— Joseph Sobran, “Liberty, Equality, Diversity,” Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, April 1997, pp. 4-5.

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That's funny. As neither Ken Griffin nor any of the Jewish billionaires have any problem with the over the top anti-white racial hatred at Harvard or any other Ivy League school or university. But it's all hands on deck for anti-semitism. I don't like Hamas nor do I want any Palestinians or other Arabs brought to America but I'm also sick and tired of America being a vassal state of Israel and our Constitutional form of government replaced by Jewish and non-Jewish oligarchs.

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It's astounding how LGBT groups support Hamas, knowing full well that given a chance Islamofascists will exterminate them as well. Same goes for liberal Jewish activists who chant "Free Palestine". What is this if not the symptoms of suicidal tendencies?

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"It's astounding how LGBT groups support Hamas, knowing full well that given a chance Islamofascists will exterminate them as well."

It's worse. They will not allow any mention of this double-standard. Any attempt to bring up how LGBT people are treated in Israel versus the areas under PLO or Hamas control (or any Arab and Muslim country for that matter) is called "pinkwashing" (?) and is not to be tolerated among the woke. Why?

Again, anti-Semitism is the only credible explanation.

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Homofascist Left doesn't tolerate any arguments that contradict their agenda.

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I have an idea for “fixing our broken immigration” system: anyone who’s not American isn’t allowed in the country. Shut it off forever, with some exception for Swiss scientists et al. (No Bengali data scientists, thanks.). We are doomed if we don’t do it now.

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Question: Why are we importing millions of people from lesser cultures who will inevitably despise and resent the West for its very success?

Answer: Because Jews threw open the gates. See David Cole's writings re golems; or Kevin MacDonald's works, generally. "We" must stop making common cause with Israel abroad or Jews at home. We will never be more than useful idiots to them. They will never stop undermining our culture and identity.

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David Cole? ROFL

Why not David Duke?

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David Cole is a political genius as well as a gifted and hilarious columnist; that's why wise Ann appreciates his writings.

They both appear in TAKI'S MAGAZINE. https://www.takimag.com/

Here is his latest column: https://www.takimag.com/article/white-knighting-for-middle-east-unsalvageables/

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"'We' must stop making common cause with Israel abroad or Jews at home. We will never be more than useful idiots to them. They will never stop undermining our culture and identity."

Luckily, Ann doesn't share your opinions about the Jooz.

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Oct 26, 2023
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If this is one of the best, that's truly pathetic.

But not surprising coming from Taki.

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Thank you for this important update on crime Ann. Would somebody, anybody in a leadership position call this what it is: A terrorist attack on the US. Yes. On the United States. US soil. Makes little difference if it is at the southern border, northern border, on a shipping port, big city, our used to be valued universities. We the people must speak up, to/our leadership….who have allowed terrorists freely in to terrorize us on our own turf. Inexcusable. I think we are so far past the visa checking. We still must, it is our duty, to support our allies. But not at the expense of our own US citizen expense on our own unbordered land.

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" and other clown outfits".......thankfully read this while not drinking my coffee. Thank you once again for putting a smile on my face and making my day

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It just might be a more straightforward problem/solution than yet discussed. How many fifth-column foreign provocateurs/propagandists have been placed in this country with ill-intent by their home countries.

Where is the discussion of Middle East $Billions being pumped into the Ivy’s and all top 20 schools which has successfully compromised them. Also interesting that there are so many pro$Islamic “student”organizations started by foreign students before they even unpack their bags. These organizations are funded with student activity fee funds and thus, the universities are effectively funding anti-American propaganda machines.

Without a doubt, we are admitting trained foreign agents who are only registered for classes and not their nefarious political activities.

Where is Senator Joseph McCarthy when America needs him.

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