We are now officially a third World Country! You cannot deny it any longer the debt is higher than the GDP! We now have about 30 million illegals here, is Ann the only one who noticed their vote.

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I'm not speaking that over my country. I can say we are in enemy territory, i will not give into defeatism. You roll over.y husband and I will continue going to church and raising little Americans.

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Joe Biden and the Democrats did an excellent job spending $4 trillion to buy votes - it worked.

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What makes Florida an anomaly, then? The Hispanic turnout there was MASSIVE for both Cuban RINO amnesty-lover Rubio AND non-Hispanic DeSantis. The difference in FL? Common sense election laws like voter ID for both in person and any kind of early/mail-in voting. I believe the true will of the American people is shown in Florida, and voter fraud blurs and distorts that reality in just about every other state. Sad!

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You are wrong. The differences on Florida are cultural. Mexicans are the minority over there and those FL latinos come from different countries and mindsets than the rest of the latinos in the US.

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What does that have to do with anything? Florida has quite a diverse population of Spanish-speakers. Little is known but the precise break down due to very few people identifying strictly by their ethnicity much less the even less specific “Hispanic/Latino.” The clear difference is in election laws on the books. Mail-in fraud is almost impossible in FL because you can’t just send out unsolicited ballots and vote without ID or signature verification. THAT explains the gap better than a haphazard sociological theory about how the 20-some Hispanic ethnicities all vote differently.

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Okay we're not going to agree so let's just state plainly where we differ:

You think strict voter ID and voter fraud explains the 20 point win in FL as compared to the Dem leaning results/wins in other states.

I'm saying that all we have to do to see if what you're saying is the best explanation is compare 2020 Florida to 2022 Florida.

Same election laws in the state 2 years ago. 3 point win for Trump then, 20 point win for Desantis now. The main reason isn't FL ID requirements, it's the overwhelming popularity of the FL governor and Republican policies there.

You're implying there's fraud in the areas the Democrats won. I disagree that any level of suggested Dem fraud would affect the other states the way it's being suggested.

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Hello Bryan, I've got your name, and I'm sharing this Comment everywhere Thank you for this!!

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I agree.

No mail in ballots.

I'm okay with early voting but counting should start early too.

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Disappointed as hell.

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No, the GOP will never learn. Their takeaway will be that they need to triple down and try harder and perhaps give Hispanics more free stuff and support amnesty. Sam Francis didn't call the GOP the stupid party for nothing.

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yup - it's all about free stuff - obama phones, food, housing, child care etc.....whoever gives more (while taking from people who work) wins...it's that easy...and the more 'takers' that are admitted to the country for a free ride the bigger the burden becomes for taxpayers....it rather amusing to see the Dem Mayor of ElPaso put 600 illegals onto the city streets this morning until the federal government pays him $7 million for their upkeep and 'welcome center'....this is not going to end well for any of us...

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90 percent vs our 10 percent political propaganda news and you get a Republican loss. BTW Fox is in the 90. Censorship - goodbye OAN - along with many social media platforms doing the same really helps. You get the nations talk show hosts spewing politics saying we are a threat to democracy. You get the NFL propaganda machine go out and vote - when did the NFL give a fuck about that? And let’s be honest Ann, Bill Maher has a HBO show (don’t watch don’t care) and you don’t. You have the sub-stack and Mickey. But you’re brilliant and so is Mickey (your words) along with some steak dinners coming your way. Game over even with Ron D. in the wings. Adios America is correct.

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More takers than givers and the takers know, and are encouraged, to vote themselves even greater confiscation from the real working minority of the population...combined with a couple of generations brain-washed by education and degenerate culture (i.e. propaganda) plus the criminalization of critical thought or even the most basic facts, America’s goose was cooked starting decades ago...thank Teddy Kennedy for also driving the nation off a bridge!

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One naturally wonders: if there isn't going to be a 'red wave' in the current political climate, when could we possibly expect one?

How could you envision a more perfect set of circumstances to ensure massive Republican victories everywhere? I would suggest that, hard as it may be to do so, we've got to give credit to Dems. Their consistent efforts over nearly a century to dumb people down from cradle to grave and to convince them to hate themselves and their country has truly borne fruit. Bravo!

With this election, proud Democrat voters have risen up and loudly informed the world that nothing is worse than people who care about America's Constitution, our Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law; honor, decency and virtue, and above all, freedom. People who believe in such antiquated concepts are truly terrorists, Nazis, fascists, mega-phobes and just backward, evil people when the truly Good People are those who embrace corruption of all kinds from Law to Science and everything in between. Anything that causes a single mentally ill person to feel bad about themselves is, by definition wrong and evil, and the rest of Society and culture must be re-engineered to appease that one lunatic, because when one person feels bad about themselves that means it's everyone else who is wrong, not that one person..

They've told us that a man with a frightening appearance who cannot speak or think coherently is a spectacular choice for Senator, that people who say violent crime is unimportant (when the crime is committed by People Of Color) are looking out for our best interests and that the world is a safer and far better place when a pedophile dementia patient brings the Nation to the brink of nuclear war. This is the message that they're sending and anyone who dares to disagree is a very, very bad person who really ought to be beaten to death in the streets by screaming mobs of Good People.

Ann was correct, as usual, when she said Adios, America.

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Absolutely the best comment bc it is the absolute truth and it's really sad how ignorant half of this country is.

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Thank you so very much Eye_la for your exceptionally kind and gracious post! It's sincerely appreciated! Best wishes to you and yours :-)

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Mayra Flores (Fox News’ FAVORITE Republican) got crushed last night in her 85% Hispanic district and went on Twitter to yell at Republicans. Meanwhile she’s spent the last several months bragging all over cable news about how amazing Hispanics are and how they’re breaking for the GOP in record numbers, yet you’ll never see her blame them for her loss. When will Republicans learn “Dems are the real racists,” despite leading to ravenous applause amongst donors, appeals to a solid 0.0% of actual voters. Also it’s worth mentioning that the *only* Hispanics that even barely lean Republican (sometimes) are Cubans and Obama won them twice. People desperately need to read Adios America…

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Ann: You told Michael Malice that you actually read these comments, so here goes.

I'm trying to find the positives in our election cycle. I look forward to you goofing on Fetterman (and by extension Pennsylvanians) for the balance of this decade. Cheers!

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Supposedly half of the country cares about abortion on demand the most bc -- they do not know how to use b.c.

Open borders, no problem.

Inflation, okay.


So what.

Killing a child on demand, no matter what is a priority for Godless, Americans.

Don't even get me started on Democrats winning even though they never campaigned, attended a townhall meeting or offered to debate 🤔

Actually Democrats refused to debate Republican, candidates.

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Have people noticed republicans lost in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also, republicans performed poorly in Wisconsin and New Hampshire. White voters are true swing voters, GOP in courting all the Latinos have lost white voters. White middle class voters can be won back with conservative messaging, they hate affirmative action, school wokeness, crime and welfare. Why not run on that message? Myra Flores and Maria Salazar ( GOP house members) support amnesty. What is the point of electing Hispanic republicans if they support amnesty. In Miami, many Cuban Americans who are second generation migrants cannot speak English. We need to stop with the latino GOP nonsense. How could we have a country if we are not bound by common culture and language ?

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Some words on the election:

Most Americans hates Trump (this midterm should convince anyone more than ever that yes, he really lost the 2020 election.) I even now question if Trump would have won re-election if COVID hadn't happened. Americans may have been so overconfident that Hillary would win that some didn't bother to show up that year.

Most people are now in their own social media bubbles, they don't listen to the other side and won't believe anything they say. The shadow banning, public faux outrage over things that were once non-issues like they/them pronouns has silenced discourse. The trolling and one-upmanship on both sides, while humorous, has created an environment less civilized than a kindergarten playground.

The early days of Trump were funny but without a tempering of personality, without a willingness on his part to actually just build the wall without talking about it or just incessantly tweeting, little was accomplished.

The shouting down, the creating of victims, calling people racist and Hitler has worked. And ladies and gentlemen those social issues and identities are more important to the common folk than groceries.

With that I say Godspeed, Elijah lived outnumbered in Israel, if necessary I can live outnumbered in my state and country.

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The incessant hate mongering, fearmongering, finger pointing and demagoguery by Democrats in the weeks and months leading up to these midterms worked. Constantly accusing Republicans of being a threat to democracy worked. This nation is in a really bad place right now.

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Some words on Florida and Desantis:

I have family who live in FL. That state is a perfect storm.

NY, NJ, and Cali conservatives have moved down since early 2020. Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin and thousands of other out of state conservatives now call Florida home.

Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguan immigrants and their kids have bought into the whole Democrats= Communists. Puerto Ricans who want a more affordable and better quality of life than they can get on the island are also half voting Red, other South Americans who's home countries have been flooded with Venezuelan immigrants don't want socialism/communism, they are experiencing secondary effects though so while they are not republicans they are definitely more amenable to voting for them.

The Republicans down there work hard for every vote. They're so used to Florida being a nail biter that they take nothing for granted. If early voting had the Reps plus 50 they would still campaign like they were 20 points behind.

Desantis has been extremely effective, this is unquestionable, but we cannot discount the fact that he is the governor of a state he and others have honed into a well run machine. The latinos in the rest of the country are not like Florida latinos. The rest of the country sees him as Trump lite. Desantis is one of my favorite Republicans but he is not very charismatic or a great debater but incidentally this could work in his favor after so many years of Trump. Also, thankfully you do not necessarily need that personality to win the presidency in today's climate.

What am I saying? Despite his many wins, he's unfortunately got an average shot at the presidency, nothing more or less.

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The truth is the Hispanization of the US is it’s end. Look at how California, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado used to be Republican states and no more. Our government allowed this.

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Rising serpent 🇺🇸, So we're expected to believe that only the people of Florida voted exactly as the exit polls indicated and that everybody else changed their minds, yes? 3 hours ago. Twitter for Android

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The migration situation literally “got-a-way” from us. The map image shows the result. Thank you for providing the information and visuals Ann.

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So much for the Red Tsunami.

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