Jul 10·edited Jul 10

"After clearing a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in 2018, the Orange County clean-up crew had to haul away thousands of pounds of human waste, almost 14,000 hypodermic needles and more than 400 tons of garbage."

Thank God California banned plastic straws, or the clean-up could have been twice as bad. Another great column, but please Ann, we can't call the dingbats "SCOTUS girls," because at least one of them can't define what a girl is. Best stick with something asexual like dingbats, loons, or creatures.

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Californians, reliable Dem voters, deserve all the droppings, filth and slop resulting from their voting.

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That column would be hilarious......but it's true.....so it's sad. Thank you.....again....Ann Coulter.

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Women compete with each other on the bases of compassion and caring but are generally--proudly, even--ignorant of the realities of material scarcity and resource allocation. Any society organized on the feminine virtues of fairness and harm avoidance (to the exclusion of the masculine imperatives of loyalty, authority and sanctity) would soon collapse for lack of male incentive to produce or protect anything. Feces would be everywhere.

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You just described San Fransicko, as Micheal Savage calls that once beautiful city. Any need any degenerate in SF has creates a valid, moral, enforceable claim on the resources—time, money, etc.—of the decent, working people in and around the city. No wonder most of the aforementioned now, or in the near future will, live in Morehead,KY, or Cullman, AL.

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I rather like the idea of punishing the kinds of crimes we hear about today with thumbscrews, knee splitters, the rack, the wheel, drawing and quartering, etc.

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Yes and public hangings or firing squads

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Machiavelli said: a show of force by the Prince—make it short, sharp, to the point and as brutal as it needs to be—will reliably deter behavior the Prince wants to deter. I am in agreement with that. You folks? Ms. Coulter has said, Trump, despite being a blowhard sometimes, is malleable. Maybe, if he wins a second term, and does not plan to run again, he can be persuaded to test the bounds of the Eighth Amendment. Things that make you go hmmm….

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Things that make you go hmmm….

Maybe some of those wacko dims may be on to something.

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Look at these justices in the backdrop of who appointed them. Leave it up to the dems and we'll degrade into a 3rd world swamp with crazy woke at the helm.

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I was arguing with Cole the other day, and one of my many assertions, was that I don't think a few of our newest "Justices" are as intelligent as many believed. And it's not just "the interpretation of laws, The Constitution, or matters of jurisprudence"- I mean that several of them might actually be kinda stupid. ACB is still a 50-50, as to whether she is one of the dumb ones too.

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They are not stupid. Very intelligent people can have very stupid beliefs, probably due more to emotion than intellect. “You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.” Jonathan Swift

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But do the justices do anything except sign what the law clerks write? Radical law clerks ( maybe one of them who cannot be found leaked the decision a few years ago?) are responsible for this nonsense.

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Speaking of SCOTUS girls gone wild, Amy Coney Barrett has been a disappointment so far. Recently, she dissented in the case regarding the January 6 riot defendants. She argued that is was just fine for the Biden Department of Lawfare to use the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 against these defendants. Ketanji Brown Jackson, on the other hand, voted with the majority, with apparent concern for the rights of the accused.

It seems there are now three ideological branches of the USSC: 1) the Conservatives; Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, 2) the Liberals; Kagen, Sotomayor, Jackson, and 3) the Establishmentarians; Roberts, Kavanaugh, Barrett.

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Great column as always, but I can't stop thinking about the poor dog in the photo 😭

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That's Sotomayor.

Sorry I couldn't help myself.

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I’ve always wondered why a conservative activist group doesn’t set up real encampments in these judges neighborhoods. Something like Desantist did to Martha’s Vineyard. Not rhetorical, really why not ?

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Maybe no need. Anti-2nd Amendment Sotomayor's bodyguard just shot a carjacker in her neighborhood. Inclusion and equity!

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Rules for thee not for me !

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They'd just drag you away without a second thought. On questions like that it's all "Who? Whom?" as Comrade Lenin put it.

Here's a federal appeals court judge saying that US citizens attempting to exercise their First Amendment rights who have opinions he doesn't like are engaging in "outrageous misconduct": https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/03/us/unite-the-right-victims-damages-reaj/index.html

<blockquote> “Over two years ago, the jury used its $24 million punitive damages award to send an unmistakable message to the defendants and to the public about the outrageous misconduct that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Diaz wrote in the 3-0 ruling. “While the law compels us to reduce the award, it’s long past time for that message to be delivered.”</blockquote>

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Thank you Ann for the update on homelessness and the Grants Pass story. I had read a story which included personal interviews with some of the “residents” of the Grants Pass and their exchanges with local law enforcement. (Move along orders) Sad. And. Sadly interesting. Thank you for the link to the SC decision.Will definitely read it. (Cruel and unusual punishment to me would be spending time anywhere near Clooney and his property)

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Ann, don't go wobbly on Burgum. Once bad on immigration, always bad on immigration.

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The sagacious Ann Coulter on The Mark Simone Show - (7-10-2024


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Thanks for the article Ann. Like most Puerto Ricans, Sotomayor hates white people and unleashing mentally deranged homeless bums upon society, is her way of getting back at the "whitie".

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Sotomayor truly is beyond her capability. She doesn’t even have the capacity to reason that her clerks are nuts.

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The contemporary political/propaganda manipulation of SCOTUS's public perception is reprehensible.

SCOTUS is the last line of defense between the tyranny of oh so precious democracy and individual liberty.

When a bunch of loons wish to shred the Constitution, do not look to the Executive, Legislative or even the Bar Association for help. SCOTUS is the last best defense of our Constitutional rights and liberties.

Instead of legal excellence, the appointment of justices has been reduced by both parties to the same Affirmative Action/DEI hiring standards as the local Department of Motor Vehicles office.

To tell us that a candidate has a Harvard Law degree today is meaningless unless we also get a peek at their LSAT scores and samples of their actual course work.

(Is defense of the Constitution and Individual Liberty white supremacy or a form of insurrection? I'm not certain if I just committed a number of "thought crimes".)

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