That’s how the Dems do it, hell if you are really smart you can marry your brother get citizenship and then get elected to Congress.

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Without a doubt and our famous ICE knows she engaged in fraud. They know it. And they do nothing.

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Jail time. Lock her up. Sadly this is exactly what we know is going on through out the country. That is why a Trump sweep.

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We the people are exhausted by so many in this country who make illegal behavior their lifestyle, while we law-abiding citizens wouldn't even dream of blocking a store entrance with our car. Just check out any grocery store and you'll see a constant stream of drivers who never use the actual parking spaces, but park near the store doors, until their passenger(s) come out. And never update their car registration. Little things, but an indication of how lawlessness and discourtesy has become the norm. They just cheat their way through life.

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Sickening..but as somebody already has posted, it is going on all over the country. If foreigners can find a loophole or a dishonest American they will exploit it...and from what I have seen in my70 years both are easy to do. This piece of work needs to be severely punished because until we actually enforce the laws this will continue unabated.....

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everyone involved needs to go to prison.

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Seriously- somebody needs to do a study revealing why it’s so often the fuggos that work to destroy society and everything nice or beautiful! Because just like a bunch of antifa mugshots, the fuglies just want to wreck everything, at least in part, because THEY are ugly pieces of shit!

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They can't get green cards if DHS doesn't believe the marriages are real. They might get temporary work permits in the meantime. The flipside is that Trump will re-start deportation proceedings on people whose applications for green cards are denied, which was always the automatic practice before.

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You’re right.. which means they’re likely working with someone corrupt inside DHS because an honest agent will reject such weddings instantly. Wouldn’t surprise me if under Biden someone is approving these marriages for a payout.

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No, sadly you are wrong. They can do and will apply for a ‘ conditional’ two year green card. Meeting the “conditions” after 2 years they can apply for a ‘permanent green card’ . With the ‘ conditional’ green card they are also eligible for ‘ employment authorization’ ,ie a work card. (See USCIS.gov ) Search ‘conditional green card. They’re way out in front. If they produce the required documents they get the card. If theire is some ‘evidence’ of fraud it gets referred to ICE for investigation, just like in the case of Illia Omar, Minnesota’s Congresswoman. This ICE isn’t going to do shit.

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The happy couple might be invited to an interview to assess the presence of an actual marriage. Just exchange information before the interviews so ‘ get their story straight’ And in NY state the happy couple is NOT allowed to be interviewed separately. How’s that for a garbage immigration system.

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But a friend of mine came here illegally over 50 years ago as a 13 year old after her mother died in Colombia to live with her sister in Flatbush She passed as legal going to high school and community college thanks to the generosity of the taxpayers. She had a regular job as well as a part-time job. She was to marry her boyfriend, an American citizen. Then the crap show started. She had to go back to Colombia for months and apply from there.

How does everyone get away with this stuff today?

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Very easily. There are millions of illegals living utterly normal lives.

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Of course, but it is so hard to do things legally and so easy to lie and break the law. All the “ asylum “ seekers have lied with Biden colluding/ conspiring to break out immigration laws. There is a price to pay for cheating.

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Absolutely. Most Americans have no idea how easy life is for illegals - they use a fake social and work anywhere they like, get tax refunds for their “citizen” children, apply for welfare the day they arrive (and get it!)… then we get lectured about Ellis Island as if this is an apples to apples comparison. At Ellis Island, even those coming legally were subject to immediate deportation if they were sick and were of course jumping into the deep end with no social safety net. Approximately 1/3 self deported. No free hotel rooms or section 8 housing back then.

Not only has Biden been violating our immigration laws, so are these “asylum seekers” and anyone who watches the interviews they give will see they’re knowingly flaunting our laws with an open intent to exploit the U.S. taxpayer. They in fact seem to feel very entitled almost without exception. Asylum should only be available in the first safe country and only apply for the specified protected conditions. Period. Enough is enough. If we give too many people “asylum” from their own country, our country will become like the countries they’re fleeing.

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There’s no end to this garbage. Can they still be deported?

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First of all, if you notice this obvious and blatant corruption, you're a racist.

Second, the Democrat party delenda est.

Third, this story is really about divorce. We have made a complete mockery of marriage to the point that we have no shared notion of what it is and nobody even cares. This is why Jesus said there aint no such thing as divorce. At least the Catholic Church still believes Him.

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Nothing will happen to them, sadly.

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Guaranteed this 3rd world ghetto bitch entered this country illegally and illegally obtained some bullshit legal immigration status through, perhaps, her own personal marriage fraud, perhaps asylum but certainly not through genuine legal means. Will ICE hunt down all the fake marriage participants for prosecution and deportation? The answer is no. The Indians were recruited or related to other Indians and are now legal and gainfully employed at gas stations, vape shops and motel Six s’ across the country deeply enriching our culture as the present you your room key or winning lottery ticket. This bitch entered illegally as a visitor and simply stayed until she figured out the system. They’ll prosecute her. She’ll get 6 years with early release, she’ll get out in 2/1/2 go on welfare until she finds another fraud to run, then she run the fraud AND collect welfare. It’s a career path. This is our future unless we take out the trash.

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It's well known in my area of the Northeast that the going rate for these is in the $15k to $20k range into the blushing bride's pocket.

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There ought to be life imprisonment without parole for everyone who undermines our democracy via an election fraud. This is worse than high treason.

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Election fraud is the bread and butter thing in the inner cities where Black democrats have political hegemony. This is how states of New Jersey (Newark, Jersey), New York (NYC), Maryland(Baltimore) "votes" Blue every time. Black officials like Wanda Geter-Pataky simply dump enough fraudulent ballots into machines to overturn the public will of the rest of the state.

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Reminds me of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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