The article was written in the context of smaller crimes like mugging. But the era when mass shootings are the topic, it absolutely GALLS me that mass shooters think they will be able to shoot many people without taking one to the temple almost immediately. I want to live in a country where mass shooters think "Well, that will never work." I carry concealed for that reason -- I take the steps to create the country I want to live in.

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You remind us why mass shooters prefer "gun free zones" (like schools)...they do for the same reasons Ann cites in her article here, Mass shooters are deranged psychopaths who are looking for a massive body count and an uninterrupted shooting spree. A teacher or other school employee with a concealed weapon permit would tend to interfere with that goal.

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And we have an entire half of the country that is almost religiously committed against that idea. Especially in the school systems. This is a terrible thing to say, but I truly believe it: they would rather live in a world where kids get killed every now and then (if guns are outlawed), than a world where there's almost always immediate return fire if a bad guy goes on a spree. I'm just the opposite -- the response is more important than anything to me, because it's the response that makes life tolerable. One of my favorite movies is Shane, and I love the part where the home has been burned down, and together the good farmers say "We'll all pitch in an rebuild it." When someone says "What if they burn that one down?" And somebody says "Then we'll rebuild it again!" The armed response of the good people in this world is not just the most effective response by the numbers, but it's the most moral, proportionate, and comforting response.

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“Mass shootings” (rarely consistently or reliably defined … “Is it three or more?,” “Are drug and gang ‘multiple’ shootings included?”) remain a very small part of America’s two-to-three deaths per HOUR murder toll. The media covers “mass shootings” a great deal, which is of course appropriate. But the quotidian, almost always handgun committed murders garner much less attention. And never multi-day, multi-news cycle coverage. To be sure, much has changed in the twenty-plus years since Ann wrote this article. The country is even less supportive or aware of the original reasoning behind the Second Amendment (“It’s for deer hunting, right?”). Surprisingly, unqualified affection for the First Amendment has waned greatly (because … “Safety!”). But corporate media, the entertainment industry, and the entire Democratic Party have turned uniformly against private citizens’ ownership of guns.

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A great line that made me laugh......and why I like to read Ms. Coulter. Making her point while inviting a laugh.

- Ann writes, "I’m all for men, I like to have them around all the time. But they can’t be. Sometimes they have to go buy things for us".

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Having a gun carry permit in CT that’s is very hard to get but so glad I took the time to do it people get them while still can

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Excellent article with “obvious” points to anyone with the ability to reason!

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Finger outside the trigger guard... good discipline.

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Impressive and true facts.

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awesome! I remember when this article came out! (and great photos!)

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I love it, I love her, I like looking at her I like listening to her I like reading her editorials I like reading her books, I recently re-bought all of her books on iTunes from my iPad. She was described as “ruthless“ by leftist liberal, I have to say I agree, she’s sufficiently ruthless for the times, she’s willing to tell and say the truth, with humor, she’s amazing I love her.

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Israel had a problem with terrorists attacking schools to harm children. Israel adopted a new policy: armed guard in each school and a couple of teachers carrying concealed. Two terror attacks after the new policy; both terrorists killed by teachers- no more attacks at schools.

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AMAZING ANN ❤️ and that photo shoot is HOT

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Still a powerful defense of the other reason for the Second Amendment, the first of course being to make tyrants think twice before exerting unConstitutional power over citizens. Thank the Lord that man was there to help, since DC insists on infringing on our right to self defense!

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This reminds me of ladies night at my local gun range. ( yeah it was better than ladies night at the pub). The shooters always ended up at a Pub afterward owned by a New England Libtard and his British socialist wife both gun haters. As I finished my

Last Guinness I said see you at the range. The socialist asked me what range, my response left her dumbstruck and fuming. I winked and said guess who’s packing. Libtards are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

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"...I like to have them [men] around all the time. But they can’t be. Sometimes they have to go buy things for us..." After all these years, this is still one of my favorite quotes from Ann Coulter!

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Gun control is a fantasy. The criminal class pay no heed to those interfering with their schemes. Those gun grabbers render decent folk prey. Perhaps that is the intent.

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