The stories that are highlighted in this excerpt from Heather’s article are the ones that will be missing from Fox News now that Tucker Carlson has been fired.
He was fired overnight, with no warning, and with no explanation offered from the people who canned your most popular and cable’s highest rated commentator.
Sometimes divorce is the best solution. It puts you in a better place. "Place" is used here as it is meant to be a used......a physical in some place free.
Cable news is not a good place to freely express yourselves. Tucker was fired as much for his content as his lack of big money advertisers. He may attract more viewers on Rumble or he did on Fox. Fox makes more ad money and Tucker gets more freedom and viewers.
As upset as I am personally....this is a good thing over all.
Read Glenn Greenwald's article in Locals System Update for an explanation.
Our lying government and media, endlessly professing the sins of "white supremacy" while in reality, a black crime wave continues unabated. "White Girl Bleed A Lot"
I'm also glad that American Renaissance,, is continuing to publish his work for the next book that he never got the chance to write. They are all important stories that need to be told. White People don't deserve to suffer from crime and racism, just because "they happen to be white". Ann is a rock-star for covering these themes as well, especially in publishing the black on white rape statistics (thousands per year) versus the white on black (statistically zero).
For your consideration: black males between the ages of 34 and 50 constitute 2% of the US population and account for 37% of all gun homicides. This is 20 times the rate of the corresponding white male cohort. If there's an article about an assault, robbery, or shooting and they don't mention the race - you already know which race is involved.
Fill your country with third world people, you become a third world country. "We the people of the United States." The first sentence of our constitution. That was written in their present tense. It doesn't say "to all the peoples of the world, come and live a better life." "Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." It couldn't be more clear. Unfortunately, we're not smart enough, overall, to save ourselves. The third world will take full control in the next thirty years, and when the time is right, the Chinese will take what's left from them.
Feral black criminals have been weaponized by our pathocratic ruling class, which despises both the victims of crime and the criminals themselves. George Soros is one of the demons putting big money into making sure these thugs are allowed to keep preying upon everyone else (in particular via his support for Marxcissist DAs like Alvin Bragg and Kim Fox); the fact that Soros and his ilk are escalating their contributions to this psychopathic agenda indicate that they are getting their money's worth. The bigger-picture questions are: (1) Why is a foreign-born, psychopathic oligarch like Soros able to keep doing this in America with impunity? And (2) What is the end-goal that Soros and his ilk have in mind? The black street criminals are just mindless pawns in someone else's bigger chess game.
Never understood why all people in all segments are not treated equally under the law and societal conventions since all people are equal under the law and societal least that is the official narrative until one of many exceptions surface...such as prep school, college and graduate school admissions, “hate crimes”, “hate speech”, etc., etc. etc.
Today’s pick-and-choose “equality” is a de facto statement that certain subjectively selected population segments are, apparently, permanently handicapped and can never perform to the mean of the societal curve so, in the interests of “equity” the curve must be shifted with a new much lower mean of expectations.
I would think that the members of these designated low-performing segments would be insulted by not being treated as real equals and, instead, lumped into this “let’s pretend to be equal” game.
I’m certain this must be a joy, and a solution, for rationalizing the cognitive dissonance away--->like the new beauty standard celebrating 300 lbs. of Twinkies with arms and legs (i.e. morbid obesity). Without the reality of an actual solution that would require discipline, hard work and sacrifice one is still awarded the illusion of achievement.
What happens when a “let’s pretend to be equal” achiever with a chest full of awards literally or illustratively falls into the deep end someday and must sink or swim?
All true. But is Heather MacDonald’s solution that we stop making national news stories about “...while Black” incidents, or that our leaders, the ones we elected to protect and defend us, start calling out the group that is violently intimidating Whites while claiming we are at fault for their behavior?
Heather MacDonald wants neither of your solutions.
She wants crime stats to be looked at...and reported they are. Not as they need to be politically.
Get it???
Won't ever happen. EVERYTHING is political fodder. Always has been. Always will be. But now we are more aware of it being used as political play. Why? Because of people like Coulter and MacDonald and Tucker Carlson.......and mostly.......the evil internet. Not local news. Not national news. Not local newspapers. Especially NOT NPR.....that goes without saying.
Which was why when Ann hosted Heather on her video podcast I asked why MacDonald was so concerned about black victims of crime.
They don’t read her books or listen to a word she says. They vote for the people she criticizes. But still she’s worried about black victims of crime, instead of criticizing the black community explicitly for enabling and protecting a feral population within its midst.
This article, at least, was centered on the true victims -- Whites.
The Black community does NOT enable or protect a feral population within its midst. You are completely wrong. They cry out more than anyone for better police protection and safer schools [some get on the media]. Some in North Minneapolis and South Minneapolis made the news when some of this feral crowd hit their homes.
MacDonald calls them victims....and over represented victims for a reason........because they are.
A Democrat would call what you said......wait for it......wait for it.......RACIST!
Oh really, Fritz? So “Snitches DON’T Get Stitches?”
You assert of the black population, “They cry out more than anyone for better police protection and safer schools.”
How do they vote?
St. Louis in 2021 had the highest per capita murder rate of any major city in America. In the May election for Mayor the city elected Tishaura Jones, a self-identified progressive and “best friend of the Black Lives Matter movement.” She recently fulfilled a campaign promise — the establishment of a St. Louis Commission on Reparations.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, in his 2022 Democratic primary RE-EECTION campaign Philadelphia’s white DA Larry Krasner, a man notorious for “soft on crime” policies, received his strongest voter support from the most overwhelmingly black wards of the city. He was running against a “person of color” endorsed by the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Society.
And of course we’re all familiar with the recent 2023 mayoral election in Chicago, a crime-ridden city with terrible schools, where the winner was a former teachers’ union organizer who defeated the candidate endorsed by — get ready for it — the Fraternal Order of Police.
Here’s what CNN Politics had to say about it. “Sizable runoff wins in majority-Black precincts allowed Brandon Johnson to erase a 60,000-plus vote deficit from the February general election…wins in precincts that incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot led in February…Johnson swept majority-Black precincts, where he won 80% of the votes.”
Some folks can get on TV and cry all they want, but the fact is that there is not a single successful black political movement preaching for the school reforms that work, the kind of policing Rudy brought to NY or criticizing black culture. Being some black face on “Hannity” doesn’t cut it, either.
Even Heather Macdonald on the Andrew Klavan show is finally getting fed-up with black people. “I’ve observed inner-city classrooms and they are absolute frightening zones of insubordination and chaos.” “But we’re all supposed to believe that there are no behavioral differences.” “Nobody dares look at heritability.” “The race hustle, which is what’s going on…has to stop by the hustlers themselves.”
True, But what works for blacks seeking black votes is demanding more and more and more — from you and your children, because they think they deserve what you “stole” — and demanding less and less from themselves.
Instead of thinking up Democratic epithets to throw around, you’d best realize that fact before it’s too late for your kids. And demand your politicians and pundits do so, too.
Well, you are a wordy piece of work aren't you. My main point is [and always was] -- and MacDonald and everyone else that can read statistics agrees --- blacks are the victims by a large majority of gun violence and crime. They don't like it any more than you do.......if someone shoots their kid in some collateral damage gang banger shootout. They want more police and ask for more police.
It does not directly translate to a smart vote. Got me there. Although I never claimed they voted GOP.....or some other metric that implies "crime fighting".
You are....with all due respect.....suffering from a severe case of imply that these blacks mist simply "ask" for it by living in such bad neighborhoods.
The numbers show they are the largest class of victims.....and their Politicians don't give a crap. MacDonald and everyone else has said this .....repeatedly!!!! Not earth-shattering...........
2. If they do not like the conditions in which they live they can change them through their own efforts, both personally and collectively.
3. Blacks elect their leaders.
4. Many cities are now governed by blacks elected by blacks.
Please name a city in America that has improved since blacks gained political control over it.
So why are they victims when they don’t help themselves, and when they keep electing the same politicians who in your words “don’t give a crap?”
Would you accept such self-destructive behavior from your children — or is that “Adultism?”
I don’t, and I won’t accept it from the black community either. I’m done with their complaining and demanding. It’s time for them to either make it in America or STFU.
We need a news network that will not only report on crimes committed by Blacks against whites, but will also investigate whether criminals are recipients of Section 8 Housing. People should have a right to know what will await them when Democrats build another housing project in their neighborhood.
Thank you for the connections and follow up stories re:crime Ann. Depressing. Big Tech. Big Media. Silencing of Speech. Retreat into Denial. All equally depressing stories of crime. Tough read today.
The stories that are highlighted in this excerpt from Heather’s article are the ones that will be missing from Fox News now that Tucker Carlson has been fired.
He was fired overnight, with no warning, and with no explanation offered from the people who canned your most popular and cable’s highest rated commentator.
Because we are IMPOTENT.
Sometimes divorce is the best solution. It puts you in a better place. "Place" is used here as it is meant to be a used......a physical in some place free.
Cable news is not a good place to freely express yourselves. Tucker was fired as much for his content as his lack of big money advertisers. He may attract more viewers on Rumble or he did on Fox. Fox makes more ad money and Tucker gets more freedom and viewers.
As upset as I am personally....this is a good thing over all.
Read Glenn Greenwald's article in Locals System Update for an explanation.
Our lying government and media, endlessly professing the sins of "white supremacy" while in reality, a black crime wave continues unabated. "White Girl Bleed A Lot"
I’ll see you one Colin Flaherty book title and raise you one -- “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry.”
Cheers! I happy that you caught the reference.
I'm also glad that American Renaissance,, is continuing to publish his work for the next book that he never got the chance to write. They are all important stories that need to be told. White People don't deserve to suffer from crime and racism, just because "they happen to be white". Ann is a rock-star for covering these themes as well, especially in publishing the black on white rape statistics (thousands per year) versus the white on black (statistically zero).
Colin, like Larry Auster, was a great American. (And like Jared Taylor is.)
Ann is wonderful too, the most courageous and effective woman in American politics since Phyllis Schlafly was in her heyday.
If you missed them, Mike, please see the comments I made today on the comment thread of Ann’s column yesterday, the one on abortion.
I know you’ll appreciate them.
“Fritz” finally replied to me, Mike. I’d love to read your reaction to my answer.
For your consideration: black males between the ages of 34 and 50 constitute 2% of the US population and account for 37% of all gun homicides. This is 20 times the rate of the corresponding white male cohort. If there's an article about an assault, robbery, or shooting and they don't mention the race - you already know which race is involved.
carved into a corner of the Lincoln Memorial..
'if I had known they were this much trouble I would have picked my own cotton' -- author unknown
Fill your country with third world people, you become a third world country. "We the people of the United States." The first sentence of our constitution. That was written in their present tense. It doesn't say "to all the peoples of the world, come and live a better life." "Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." It couldn't be more clear. Unfortunately, we're not smart enough, overall, to save ourselves. The third world will take full control in the next thirty years, and when the time is right, the Chinese will take what's left from them.
Feral black criminals have been weaponized by our pathocratic ruling class, which despises both the victims of crime and the criminals themselves. George Soros is one of the demons putting big money into making sure these thugs are allowed to keep preying upon everyone else (in particular via his support for Marxcissist DAs like Alvin Bragg and Kim Fox); the fact that Soros and his ilk are escalating their contributions to this psychopathic agenda indicate that they are getting their money's worth. The bigger-picture questions are: (1) Why is a foreign-born, psychopathic oligarch like Soros able to keep doing this in America with impunity? And (2) What is the end-goal that Soros and his ilk have in mind? The black street criminals are just mindless pawns in someone else's bigger chess game.
Never understood why all people in all segments are not treated equally under the law and societal conventions since all people are equal under the law and societal least that is the official narrative until one of many exceptions surface...such as prep school, college and graduate school admissions, “hate crimes”, “hate speech”, etc., etc. etc.
Today’s pick-and-choose “equality” is a de facto statement that certain subjectively selected population segments are, apparently, permanently handicapped and can never perform to the mean of the societal curve so, in the interests of “equity” the curve must be shifted with a new much lower mean of expectations.
I would think that the members of these designated low-performing segments would be insulted by not being treated as real equals and, instead, lumped into this “let’s pretend to be equal” game.
I’m certain this must be a joy, and a solution, for rationalizing the cognitive dissonance away--->like the new beauty standard celebrating 300 lbs. of Twinkies with arms and legs (i.e. morbid obesity). Without the reality of an actual solution that would require discipline, hard work and sacrifice one is still awarded the illusion of achievement.
What happens when a “let’s pretend to be equal” achiever with a chest full of awards literally or illustratively falls into the deep end someday and must sink or swim?
All true. But is Heather MacDonald’s solution that we stop making national news stories about “...while Black” incidents, or that our leaders, the ones we elected to protect and defend us, start calling out the group that is violently intimidating Whites while claiming we are at fault for their behavior?
Just wondering...
Heather MacDonald wants neither of your solutions.
She wants crime stats to be looked at...and reported they are. Not as they need to be politically.
Get it???
Won't ever happen. EVERYTHING is political fodder. Always has been. Always will be. But now we are more aware of it being used as political play. Why? Because of people like Coulter and MacDonald and Tucker Carlson.......and mostly.......the evil internet. Not local news. Not national news. Not local newspapers. Especially NOT NPR.....that goes without saying.
I got that a long time ago, Fritz.
Which was why when Ann hosted Heather on her video podcast I asked why MacDonald was so concerned about black victims of crime.
They don’t read her books or listen to a word she says. They vote for the people she criticizes. But still she’s worried about black victims of crime, instead of criticizing the black community explicitly for enabling and protecting a feral population within its midst.
This article, at least, was centered on the true victims -- Whites.
The Black community does NOT enable or protect a feral population within its midst. You are completely wrong. They cry out more than anyone for better police protection and safer schools [some get on the media]. Some in North Minneapolis and South Minneapolis made the news when some of this feral crowd hit their homes.
MacDonald calls them victims....and over represented victims for a reason........because they are.
A Democrat would call what you said......wait for it......wait for it.......RACIST!
Oh really, Fritz? So “Snitches DON’T Get Stitches?”
You assert of the black population, “They cry out more than anyone for better police protection and safer schools.”
How do they vote?
St. Louis in 2021 had the highest per capita murder rate of any major city in America. In the May election for Mayor the city elected Tishaura Jones, a self-identified progressive and “best friend of the Black Lives Matter movement.” She recently fulfilled a campaign promise — the establishment of a St. Louis Commission on Reparations.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, in his 2022 Democratic primary RE-EECTION campaign Philadelphia’s white DA Larry Krasner, a man notorious for “soft on crime” policies, received his strongest voter support from the most overwhelmingly black wards of the city. He was running against a “person of color” endorsed by the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Society.
And of course we’re all familiar with the recent 2023 mayoral election in Chicago, a crime-ridden city with terrible schools, where the winner was a former teachers’ union organizer who defeated the candidate endorsed by — get ready for it — the Fraternal Order of Police.
Here’s what CNN Politics had to say about it. “Sizable runoff wins in majority-Black precincts allowed Brandon Johnson to erase a 60,000-plus vote deficit from the February general election…wins in precincts that incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot led in February…Johnson swept majority-Black precincts, where he won 80% of the votes.”
Some folks can get on TV and cry all they want, but the fact is that there is not a single successful black political movement preaching for the school reforms that work, the kind of policing Rudy brought to NY or criticizing black culture. Being some black face on “Hannity” doesn’t cut it, either.
Even Heather Macdonald on the Andrew Klavan show is finally getting fed-up with black people. “I’ve observed inner-city classrooms and they are absolute frightening zones of insubordination and chaos.” “But we’re all supposed to believe that there are no behavioral differences.” “Nobody dares look at heritability.” “The race hustle, which is what’s going on…has to stop by the hustlers themselves.”
True, But what works for blacks seeking black votes is demanding more and more and more — from you and your children, because they think they deserve what you “stole” — and demanding less and less from themselves.
Instead of thinking up Democratic epithets to throw around, you’d best realize that fact before it’s too late for your kids. And demand your politicians and pundits do so, too.
Well, you are a wordy piece of work aren't you. My main point is [and always was] -- and MacDonald and everyone else that can read statistics agrees --- blacks are the victims by a large majority of gun violence and crime. They don't like it any more than you do.......if someone shoots their kid in some collateral damage gang banger shootout. They want more police and ask for more police.
It does not directly translate to a smart vote. Got me there. Although I never claimed they voted GOP.....or some other metric that implies "crime fighting".
You are....with all due respect.....suffering from a severe case of imply that these blacks mist simply "ask" for it by living in such bad neighborhoods.
The numbers show they are the largest class of victims.....and their Politicians don't give a crap. MacDonald and everyone else has said this .....repeatedly!!!! Not earth-shattering...........
“Classism,” how quaint!
True or false:
1. Blacks in America have agency.
2. If they do not like the conditions in which they live they can change them through their own efforts, both personally and collectively.
3. Blacks elect their leaders.
4. Many cities are now governed by blacks elected by blacks.
Please name a city in America that has improved since blacks gained political control over it.
So why are they victims when they don’t help themselves, and when they keep electing the same politicians who in your words “don’t give a crap?”
Would you accept such self-destructive behavior from your children — or is that “Adultism?”
I don’t, and I won’t accept it from the black community either. I’m done with their complaining and demanding. It’s time for them to either make it in America or STFU.
Where there are Africans, there is Africa.
We need a news network that will not only report on crimes committed by Blacks against whites, but will also investigate whether criminals are recipients of Section 8 Housing. People should have a right to know what will await them when Democrats build another housing project in their neighborhood.
I never have that problem. Where they are I am not. Vigilance.
We must focus on assuring that all victims of black crime are ALL black. Not mostly black, but All black.
Thank you for the connections and follow up stories re:crime Ann. Depressing. Big Tech. Big Media. Silencing of Speech. Retreat into Denial. All equally depressing stories of crime. Tough read today.
I've had people tell me these things don't happen... so whenever I see the videos on social media, I share them.
Yes. Yes. Yes
What is the motive of the media?