(I paraphrase)

why do we do all that? the history of slavery and Jim Crow!

so, basically, the whole country has to forever pay for the sins of the Democrat party!

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Not to mention that no one alive today, even Democrats, should be paying people who were never themselves enslaved.

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listening to the working mother commentary reminded me of a job I had, years ago... until they had to lay off a lot of people.

There were something like 10 of us working out of that office. I was one of the most billable employees they had (I think, at the time, there were 3 of us that were billable ALL the time).

but when the cuts came, I was one of those that got the boot (and the other two, as well).

I was BAFFLED. until I saw who the others were. by the time I got down to my car I'd realized that all the single people had been laid off.

of course. the office manager was trying to protect the people with families.

that's all I've ever thought about it.... until today!

looking back, I remember that the office was shut down a few months later. now, I realize... they laid off the most productive staff they had and kept the ones who had to be home by a certain time every day.

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I was out of town on a business trip when the DC Sniper was caught. the hotel only had CNN, so all I heard about him was he had been in the US military, and there was speculation about him being disgruntled for some reason.

imagine my shock, when I finally got home and had access to OTHER news, to learn that he had, many years before, converted to Islam, was going by a completely different name, and was waging jihad!!

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Some general comments on various things on the Richochet monologue.

Re: Incentivizing Marriage

I'd like it if more conservative smart people started having more children than the dummies. Our future is exactly what's portrayed in the movie Idiocracy if we don't. We're increasingly becoming a country of dumb and dumber being told when to blow their noses by dictatorial elites who adopt African children for accessories.

Russia is smart. They recognize their replacement rate isn't there but they're not dumb enough to import the Third World like Europe and America has been doing. People don't need incentives to have sex. Cinema, advertisement, print, and television, provide more than enough to help the hormones. Sex sells and more sex sells more. But the incentive to have nuclear two-parent households isn't there. Russia is encouraging its single men and women to have marriages, from which children will naturally come.

Many young men in our American culture are steering clear of selfish, greedy, women whose primary criterion for a man is the size of his wallet. This may not be the case of men and women in flyover country, but it certainly is for those living in the large urban centers. Young men are running away from marriage. They love sex with no responsibility afterward. Friends with benefits is in; marriage with children is out. Lots of liberal women are happy to oblige them, too, because their morals have gone into the toilet. Having a kid is a drag, a burden, and gets in the way of Friday night out with the girls. Unless you're into having 3 or more baby daddies and collecting welfare, being a single mom isn't the humorous life a film like Juno portrays. But, if a man is unfortunate enough to live in a country that enforces child support, and especially if he's white, he's on the hook for supporting a woman and child born out of wedlock for 18 years after a night of hoo-ha.

The church and synagogue in America have allowed the country to slip into this horrible, amoral, immoral state of human relationships. Hollywood certainly has contributed plenty to the selfish mindset, but I place the majority of the blame on those entrusted with instilling the importance of morals and community into the "young skulls full of mush" as Rush Limbaugh, of blessed memory, referred to children and young adults.

The left lionizes and promotes single motherhood, DEI, and LGBT (who cannot have children naturally and must adopt to have "families"), and the stats show that the people having the most children are from the uneducated lower classes and minorities. It's like a real-life version of the film, Idiocracy. Democrats are just like the people of Idiocracy who insisted soda pop is what we need to water gardens, because "Brawndo has electrolytes. It's what plants crave!"

Oh sure, some of the wealthy are still having kids. A lot of kids out of wedlock and two-parent households. The children of the Mick Jaggers, Beatles, etc., are not conservative or Christian. Elon Musk has a bunch of kids. I wonder how they'll all turn out without a father actively raising them. George Whitfield was the illegitimate son of a barmaid, and he turned out wonderfully, but he's the exception and not the norm.

The Democrat Party is the anti-Human and anti-merit Party. They support promoting the incompetence of promoting people based on race not achievement (this is the heart and soul of DEI, which is Affirmative Action on steroids) the immoral debauchery, anti-children, and anti-family ideology of LGBT, liberal women, and child-mutualization of transgenderism.

When the right justly mocks DEI as "Didn't Earn it" and "Don't Expect Intelligence," calling the ideology out for its identity politics over meritocracy, the left acts insulted, even though they're the ones who invented the term. They can't allow DEI to be equated with idiocy, incompetence, and racism, which it does.

Democrats in Hollywood in their utter ideological schizophrenia promoting their "message" show you 98lb. women on the silver screen taking on guys and monsters as big or larger than Arnold Schwarzenegger, and then insist 5'5 women vainly trying to holster a gun can shield 6'3 Donald Trump from bullets, and then insist it's not unfair when average-size biological men knock the blocks off women in boxing matches at this year's Olympic Games in France, claiming they have "a right to practice Sport without discrimination." They denigrate and humiliate women in real life at the same time they're idolizing them in the make-believe world of cinema.

In response to the innocent murder of three cute little white girls in the UK, their new Prime Minister has decided he's going to launch a new surveillance society aimed at making sure angry Brits don't have the ability to emot and react to such atrocities. The UK is the model of what's coming to all American cities near you if DEI gets as firm a foothold in this country as it has in Europe and the Commonwealth, and believe me, this ideology is well on its way to achieving even great DEI lunacy, especially if Kamala Harris, Queen of DEI, becomes president. If the men of England ever find that stiff upper lip they'll return to sanity and depose those who are destroying their culture so they can virtue signal.

Biden/Harris just imported 10-12 million illegals, mostly from the Latin Third World, although plenty of Africans have slipped in, as well as thousands of nationals from India, China and over 100 countries. Lots of children, too! Many of those kids will end up trafficked, unfortunately. All of them are now public wards of the State and on the public dole, along with the adults. New York is handing out EBT cards with thousands on them and "free" housing.

I sincerely hope the voters of New York and Chicago and Phoenix and other cities where Biden's bussed and flown in the illegals remember what Biden-Harris did to their towns in November and ignore the media trying to turn Harris into the Mona Lisa.

In general, I liked Trump's responses to the ABC journalist who attacked him going out the gate at the Black Journalists gathering. I could almost see these women being told to stop the interview because they weren't getting a rise out of Trump and were instead being dressed down for their rude behavior. They cut the interview short. Trump was right to say the abortion issue was correct to be sent back to the States.

I agree with you, Ann, the left has been given marching orders to destroy Vance. In a day or so Josh Shapiro, the uber-liberal (dare I say communist?) Governor of Pennsylvania will be trotted out as Harris' running mate. The Democrats are putting a lot of effort into winning Pennsylvania. I think Trump should try hard to win the state. Maybe a commercial showing all the drugged-out people on Fentanyl might help?

For Trump, Vance is his bid to put Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio into his side of the electoral college ledger November 5th. He needs at least three of those states, plus Nevada and Arizona or Georgia. Georgia has a corrupt machine running the vote count, so Georgia is going to be close. Especially when the Democrats plan on counting ballots for a week or two after Election Day. I'm one of those who think they have put their apparatus in place and then just "find" the necessary votes to give them their little eek of a "win."

Of one thing I am certain: If Kamala Harris and the gaslighting media promoting her manage to win, kiss America goodbye. She may well attempt to confiscate firearms like Australia has done. Another 20-30 million illegals will pour in to get welfare. The Supreme Court could be packed. World War III is a very real likelihood with Ukraine or with Iran, or even with China if China decides to go for Taiwan. And on top of it all, DEI will continue to destroy merit, LGBT will continue to destroy the nuclear family and morals, and we will see more crickets and locusts in our food.

I don't know about you, but I would be praying hard right now.

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Clowns like Harris want to turn the USA in to Europe. It’s happening slowly …our freedoms will be gone in an instant. I can heard the true believers muttering,” how did this happen.”

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Aug 2Edited

Great podcast, especially the segment about stabby old England, where the lefty pols are angry not with the stabber but with those upset by the horrific murders.

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cursing in the bloopers at the end of the audio version of "Adios America"...

yes!!! try driving down the highway and listening to that for the first time! I was laughing so hard it was hard to drive!

but I LOVE hearing Ann go on an obscenity laced tirade! I wish she'd do it more often!!

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Please notice when talking about the Taylor Swift terrosist plot and the recent stabbing of three little girls it was by a “17 year old boy” per the New York Times.

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I normally listen to podcasts at 2X speed. Yours, I slow down to 1.5X

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I'm shocked! Just Shocked that Ann has not seen the opera Fire Shut Up My Bones about Charles Blow at The Metropolitan Opera!

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Thank you Ann for delving into the immigration problems here and abroad. (UK) It is scarily amazing how the barbarians who murder others move freely around the world with such lax border protection.

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I like to imagine that when they record these podcasts, they turn on the microphone and Ann just goes on a 45-minute tirade about each topic... then somebody has to go through and edit it down.

I figure that's a TOUGH job because of all the great commentary, and YOU have to figure out how to make it fit the time restrictions.

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Tariq Nasheed is immensely entertaining as an obviously-closeted Black Supremacist. Nothing Alex Jones has ever said is as bonkers as the stuff that he comes up with on a regular basis.

Nasheed is of the "Beethoven was Black!" mold, where everything that has ever been invented was by black people and it was all stolen by evil whitey. It doesn't quite explain why sub-Saharan Africa didn't have the wheel until the late 1800's, but those minor details don't really concern Tariq so much.

His latent homosexuality had him create a fictitious slave-era practice called 'Buck Breaking' where allegedly slave owners would sodomize male slaves to break their spirit. He made documentaries about this. It comes off as wishful thinking.

But by far his funniest chapter is his rivalry with Tommy Sotomayor, who is outspoken in his criticism of black 'culture' and especially the behaviour of black females.. Out of this Nasheed created a YouTube show called 'The Crispy Show' where he mocks Sotomayor with a puppet and it is genuinely hilarious.

Tariq Nasheed is an absolute delight.

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Never heard of this guy. I’ll have to check him out. Hope he’s half as nuts as you say. Thanks

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