Even though Kamala is now pretending to be as black as Malcolm X, she is still a part of this recent trend that all the White nations must elect Indian leaders, or PM's, or make them CEO's... There is some bizarre racial dynamic going on, whereby the new "POC's" are "Indians Preferred, all others need not apply".
They're not blacks, they're not Hispanics, they're not Africans or Middle Eastern Muslims; They're Indians, and somehow, they are in the modern racial POC Olympics, and came out on top?
It's pretty bizarre if you ask me.
Maybe it's because they aren't descendants of former slaves, they aren't 80 IQ criminals, they aren't trying to retake America with La Raza, they aren't former Commies (generally speaking). They're just "POC enough", but not too much?
Maybe because they photo as POC's, but speak like whites, mostly?
It's a definite trend, but I've never seen anyone explain it to any degree of making real sense.
I have noticed same thing and have also noticed it doesn’t get talked about. I think India is sending us their brightest people, their Brahmins class, who quickly rise here and adopt the elite value system. We are importing an overclass. Unlike East Asians who are also sending us their best they are very politically active and seem to me more clannish than East Asians. They are very friendly and engaging but when you look at their Facebook pages you will notice pictures of them only with other Indians. They also seem less attached to the country with frequent trips home. Just my observations.
True, Indians are just a racist as anyone. Corporations like Apple have had to amend their internal discrimination policies to include Caste discrimination. Something the USA has never had. The expectation that you can be successful regardless of your birth has always been here.
I find it laughable that anyone takes advice on race relations from South Asians, the people who perfected the caste system and invented the class known as “Untouchables.”
And BTW why doesn’t India take in more Syrians and Somalis? Diversity is strength.
As a 5th Generation San Franciscan (and someone who has actually met Kamala Harris) I learned a long time ago that Democrats don't like Americans. Oh they like Black people and they are definitely Americans but they like immigrants, not Americans. And the absolutely LOVE illegal immigrants who are the future of their party. Hopefully Americans will figure this out.
First, regarding Trump reaching out to his base: I think his Caucasian base is larger than it was in 2020. They’re tired of being called racists, and more tired of DEI incompetents in charge of so many things. Flying now requires taking out extra life insurance and cities across the country are now Wild West reenactments.
Now that Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk are on board, Trump’s base is sure to widen and deepen as more disaffected Democrats and Independents get on the “Unity Government” Trump Train. The more people from all ethnic backgrounds, and the more voters of whatever demographic he can bring on board, the better.
Second, can you imagine the howls of “racism!” from the media that would pierce the air like wolves crying under the full moon if Trump dared to say he’s “reaching out to white voters”? Maybe the reason Trump doesn’t say “white unemployment is down" is because the Woke LGBTBLM overlords would automatically become unhinged Karens if he did. Maybe he just doesn’t think about saying something like that since he knows the country is still majority-white?
Come to think of it, when was the last time you ever heard white politicians appeal to white voters? Can you think of any presidential candidate who directly did so? I don’t recall any president in my lifetime doing so. I defy you to produce a single instance. Whites aren’t focused on their “whiteness” like their anti-white racist (or guilt-ridden white) counterparts
Thirdly, Trump/Vance support among black men has grown and I think (or hope!) in this cycle more of them will actually show up and vote. I’ll upset some by jokingly offering the stereotype that if polls were next to pot stores maybe more of them would vote? The only catch will be making sure they vote before they buy weed! At least, that's the gist of what I get off the song, "Because I got high."
If you watch YouTube videos there’s a lot more blacks voicing agreement with Trump this time around. This isn't because Trump’s been pandering to them about how much he did for them, although to his credit he has, in fact, done more for them than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Black men are impressed with Trump’s machismo. Now that he's been indicted and convicted, they believe he represents them. Getting nearly assassinated from a shot in the face and coming up yelling, FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! has had an even greater effect on men of all colors.
I only wish prominent blacks like Snoop Dog, Dave Chappelle, Denzel Washington and Ice Cube had the courage of their convictions to publicly endorse Trump! All of them have to know Kamala is a walking word-salad disaster who does not represent them (or anyone else) well.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on them. After all, it's tough being a black millionaire in a white society that loves and adores them. I would be proud to see any of them step out of their Mansions like Mike Tyson has and endorse him. Kanye West endorsed Trump but then got himself in hot water with comments he's made about the Jewish people so he's shot himself in the foot socially but since he's a billionaire it doesn't matter to him, but Trump seems wise enough to keep a safe distance from "Ye" or whatever his next new name will be.
As far as demographics, women of all demographics still tend to like Kamala because they’ve been programmed from birth, and especially is this the case among the modern-day Moloch worshippers. Even among them, however, some are finally waking up and coming around, with people like Candace Owens, Amber Rose, and “Diamond and Silk” who’ve publicly endorsed Trump having an ability to penetrate the thick wall of leftist ideology they live behind. The only demographic Trump still won’t get a lot of support from are liberal white and black women who enjoy using abortion as birth control who are too stupid to realize that Trump didn’t and won't ban abortion or, if they realize it, are just miffed into temper tantrums that abortion isn’t the “law of the land” as national policy, now that the issue has been sent back to the states.
The other group who won’t vote Trump are these “true believer” evangelical conservative men and women who have the ridiculous all-or-nothing mentality on abortion, who think if it isn’t banned nationally then it’s better to elect a communist okay with killing babies in the third trimester rather than elect a man who’s allowed the states to settle the issue. That demographic might blow it for the rest of the country with their absolutist ideology. They’re willing to sacrifice the entire war to win a battle that will make them feel better about themselves.
Fourthly, most in the white lower and Middle Class know the Woke crowd hates them. They get it. They don’t need to be called out by ethnicity. They stayed home in 2020 for other reasons, not because he didn’t mention them by name in his appeals. They were angry he signed every spending bill put before him on the Resolute Desk. They were upset he didn’t “lock her up” or “drain the swamp.” They were unhappy with his cabinet and staff choices. They were unhappy he went into the presidency with a lot of naiveté as to what to expect. They were unhappy with how much he was willing to compromise. One of the head scratchers for me is why no one, Bannon, or anyone, didn't tell Trump he could ignore judges in Hawaii or elsewhere blocking his wall because it is a national security issue.
Lastly, Trump has NOT abandoned the white working class. Far from it. They’re the ones primarily turning out at his rallies. The media mention the lack of POC at his rallies all the time since they’re anti-white racists. I know Trump not saying “white unemployment is down” upsets you. But as I suggested above, I think it’s a deliberate strategy to steer clear of accusations of “white supremacy” from the anti-white Woke. He knows the country is still 61-65% white. He knows his base is the white lower and Middle Class. But if he mentioned white unemployment being down, the left would immediately pounce and say (falsely) “See!? Trump is a racist because he said mentioned white unemployment is down!” You know the GOP can’t stand the thought of being called racist! Anti-white racism is now a permanent plank of the new Woke Marxism.
You mentioned how the DNC Convention was “like a NAACP award.” That’s because the woke worship blacks as their useful pets. You missed nothing avoiding Kamala’s speech. That was just more of her usual empty platitudes and Marxist slogans. I will say one of the highlights for me was hearing how oppressed the $3 billion woman Oprah is! I felt so sorry she wasn't able to buy all that burned Maui property for pennies on the dollar.
Ann, you know the DNC perpetually lives in the 1950s (or 1850s) and wants America to live in that time machine with them too, because they have to keep division, hate, envy, and jealousy alive, since keeping everyone looking at the past and thinking we're still living there allows these cultural Marxists to keep people from looking at their rent, food, and fuel bills in the present.
Democrats never mention the fact that black out-of-wedlock single-parent household rates have jumped enormously after the “Great Society” of LBJ put black women in love with the welfare State and allowed black men to roam the landscape unresponsible for the children they create. Charlie Kirk brings up this fact often when speaking with college students. You still haven't interviewed him yet. I wonder why. Race warfare is the Woke Marxist specialty! The DNC hates white people who won’t worship blacks like they do. Their worship is really just skin deep, however. They actually hate black people as much as they hate white people, unless they're woke and rich, and what they really hate is anything that represents traditional, Biblical values.
The Woke Marxists hate women, masculinity, the traditional family, heterosexuality and children, except for the children of illegals. Those are the only children useful to them, for trafficking, slave labor, and as props to influence public opinion in their favor. Maybe the rumors about adrenochrome are true?
The Woke love everything antithetical to normal human society: homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and especially transgenderism. Transgenderism is now the four-star General in their army against traditional society and moral values.
But as I said at the beginning, Trump is trying to build a Unity Party with Independents and Democrats, with blacks, whites, brown, yellow and red, like Ronald Reagan did. Except his "It's a Small World" isn't "It's a Woke World." We called them “Reagan Democrats” in the 1980s. Trump realizes that’s the only way he will have enough of a margin to win and even then, it’s going to be close because of all the cheating.
Trump realizes that while the Democrats are pitting blacks against whites our division is about class and ideology, and not color. The Republican Party has become the party of the urban and rural poor and Middle Class, whereas the Democrats are the Party of the elite and wealthy, and the dependent class of urban and rural poor who live on the crumbs the government hands out. They are the party of the government nanny state that wants to be worshipped as god. They seek nothing less than total control and surveillance of every second in our lives. They are the Party that despises the Middle Class and wants to destroy it, so a two-tiered society of wealthy elite and poor Third World serfs remain to serve them. They are the Party of death, the death of the unborn and exploitation of children, and denigration and demoralizing of women.
If Harris wins America gets a cigarette and a blindfold.
Ann, have you ever seen this? A debate between Bush and Reagan in 1980 on immigration. Both answers are ridiculous but Reagan's was even more laughable. "Let them go back and forth!" No wonder this guy gave us amnesty that begat every amnesty since which aided in turning our country into what it is now. One wonders if he had a crystal ball if he would've felt differently at the time. https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok?si=uGhaHi7Rgf003MWZ
Reagan was a typical NeoCon, strong on foreign policy, but liberal in domestic agenda. As governor of California, Reagan legalized abortions, signed two week waiting period on purchase of handguns and abolished mandatory confinement of mentally insane. That's how California got the army of homeless people. As president, Reagan signed the ban on sale of machine guns and gave amnesty to 3 million of illegal aliens. In addition, two out of three of his SCOTUS appointees were RINOs. If Reagan was around today, we would be called a pinko commie and rightfully so.
The vibrants swarming into our country are indeed poverty-stricken; but more ominously, they are poverty-producing. Their genetics are a nonstarter for the perpetuation of Western civilization. Picture a society run by twelve-year-old whites.
Uncontrolled immigration has destroyed much of Europe. Harris and her band of morons will not be happy till the US is over run. Sadly..courtesy of fofo coffee drinks, gender neutral professors and extra large portions of Wussiness what men are left will be working double time to keep America alive.
Thank you Ann. For this important update of healthcare and medical news. Post Convention. Folks oughta check to see if their “premiums” reflect color now……..they may become confused……or agree, have been brain washed. Obamacare knows no bounds, right?….wrong? ….maybe?….Stand up for USA whatever state one lives in. Sooner rather than later. CCP always tries to stay one step ahead. At the very least vote on Election Day……It matters.
Trump really needs to try to stay on message at his rallies and especially at the upcoming debate, by stating his accomplishments and Kamala's policy failures. I am glad that Tulsi Gabbard is helping him, she may be someone that he respects and listen too because she destroyed Kamala at the Democratic debate.
Hard for you kid to back Trump—a flawed person—but much the right move as perhaps an existential election for the Republic given the Marxists on the other side. Worth a column on Donald G Harris and his pride in the hiding Phantom Kamela.
I’ll take a shot at that and accept your premise that they are both Democrats.
Trump is a 1980-style NYC Democrat, which is preferable to Kamala, a 21st century San Francisco Democrat.
I’m sure you would also vote for Rudy Giuliani, Democratic Party committeeman in the 1960s, over Chesa Boudin, the son of leftists, to be mayor of your town or its district attorney.
Talmadge, that is because of the crucial difference between the two parties, which is that while the Democratic donors and the Democratic base are united on goals and policy, the Republican donors and the Republican base are at odds on goals and policies.
Conservatives voters will not get a conservative party until the people who fund the party are conservative, and not libertarian, business-friendly or “fiscally conservative and socially moderate” aka, neoliberal.
It can be done, but the first step is surrendering the source of so much wealth and liberal ideology — the American Empire.
Of course there are competing factions within the Democratic base which serve to give the illusion of disunity in the party. Fox News commentators and talk radio conservatives love to point them out and call it “chaos.”
But come on. When the Democratic donors told their female hirelings supposedly running the universities to crack down on the Gaza campus protests, the encampments were quickly eliminated.
When The Squad got a little too big for its britches, huge sums of donor money crushed a couple of them and replaced them with more “conventional” progressives.
And when some fringe groups demanded a prime speaking spot at the DNC for the representative of Gaza women and children, they were totally ignored.
And the base of the Democratic Party didn’t raise a peep.
Even though Kamala is now pretending to be as black as Malcolm X, she is still a part of this recent trend that all the White nations must elect Indian leaders, or PM's, or make them CEO's... There is some bizarre racial dynamic going on, whereby the new "POC's" are "Indians Preferred, all others need not apply".
They're not blacks, they're not Hispanics, they're not Africans or Middle Eastern Muslims; They're Indians, and somehow, they are in the modern racial POC Olympics, and came out on top?
It's pretty bizarre if you ask me.
Maybe it's because they aren't descendants of former slaves, they aren't 80 IQ criminals, they aren't trying to retake America with La Raza, they aren't former Commies (generally speaking). They're just "POC enough", but not too much?
Maybe because they photo as POC's, but speak like whites, mostly?
It's a definite trend, but I've never seen anyone explain it to any degree of making real sense.
I have noticed same thing and have also noticed it doesn’t get talked about. I think India is sending us their brightest people, their Brahmins class, who quickly rise here and adopt the elite value system. We are importing an overclass. Unlike East Asians who are also sending us their best they are very politically active and seem to me more clannish than East Asians. They are very friendly and engaging but when you look at their Facebook pages you will notice pictures of them only with other Indians. They also seem less attached to the country with frequent trips home. Just my observations.
True, Indians are just a racist as anyone. Corporations like Apple have had to amend their internal discrimination policies to include Caste discrimination. Something the USA has never had. The expectation that you can be successful regardless of your birth has always been here.
I find it laughable that anyone takes advice on race relations from South Asians, the people who perfected the caste system and invented the class known as “Untouchables.”
And BTW why doesn’t India take in more Syrians and Somalis? Diversity is strength.
As a 5th Generation San Franciscan (and someone who has actually met Kamala Harris) I learned a long time ago that Democrats don't like Americans. Oh they like Black people and they are definitely Americans but they like immigrants, not Americans. And the absolutely LOVE illegal immigrants who are the future of their party. Hopefully Americans will figure this out.
First, regarding Trump reaching out to his base: I think his Caucasian base is larger than it was in 2020. They’re tired of being called racists, and more tired of DEI incompetents in charge of so many things. Flying now requires taking out extra life insurance and cities across the country are now Wild West reenactments.
Now that Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk are on board, Trump’s base is sure to widen and deepen as more disaffected Democrats and Independents get on the “Unity Government” Trump Train. The more people from all ethnic backgrounds, and the more voters of whatever demographic he can bring on board, the better.
Second, can you imagine the howls of “racism!” from the media that would pierce the air like wolves crying under the full moon if Trump dared to say he’s “reaching out to white voters”? Maybe the reason Trump doesn’t say “white unemployment is down" is because the Woke LGBTBLM overlords would automatically become unhinged Karens if he did. Maybe he just doesn’t think about saying something like that since he knows the country is still majority-white?
Come to think of it, when was the last time you ever heard white politicians appeal to white voters? Can you think of any presidential candidate who directly did so? I don’t recall any president in my lifetime doing so. I defy you to produce a single instance. Whites aren’t focused on their “whiteness” like their anti-white racist (or guilt-ridden white) counterparts
Thirdly, Trump/Vance support among black men has grown and I think (or hope!) in this cycle more of them will actually show up and vote. I’ll upset some by jokingly offering the stereotype that if polls were next to pot stores maybe more of them would vote? The only catch will be making sure they vote before they buy weed! At least, that's the gist of what I get off the song, "Because I got high."
If you watch YouTube videos there’s a lot more blacks voicing agreement with Trump this time around. This isn't because Trump’s been pandering to them about how much he did for them, although to his credit he has, in fact, done more for them than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Black men are impressed with Trump’s machismo. Now that he's been indicted and convicted, they believe he represents them. Getting nearly assassinated from a shot in the face and coming up yelling, FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! has had an even greater effect on men of all colors.
I only wish prominent blacks like Snoop Dog, Dave Chappelle, Denzel Washington and Ice Cube had the courage of their convictions to publicly endorse Trump! All of them have to know Kamala is a walking word-salad disaster who does not represent them (or anyone else) well.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on them. After all, it's tough being a black millionaire in a white society that loves and adores them. I would be proud to see any of them step out of their Mansions like Mike Tyson has and endorse him. Kanye West endorsed Trump but then got himself in hot water with comments he's made about the Jewish people so he's shot himself in the foot socially but since he's a billionaire it doesn't matter to him, but Trump seems wise enough to keep a safe distance from "Ye" or whatever his next new name will be.
As far as demographics, women of all demographics still tend to like Kamala because they’ve been programmed from birth, and especially is this the case among the modern-day Moloch worshippers. Even among them, however, some are finally waking up and coming around, with people like Candace Owens, Amber Rose, and “Diamond and Silk” who’ve publicly endorsed Trump having an ability to penetrate the thick wall of leftist ideology they live behind. The only demographic Trump still won’t get a lot of support from are liberal white and black women who enjoy using abortion as birth control who are too stupid to realize that Trump didn’t and won't ban abortion or, if they realize it, are just miffed into temper tantrums that abortion isn’t the “law of the land” as national policy, now that the issue has been sent back to the states.
The other group who won’t vote Trump are these “true believer” evangelical conservative men and women who have the ridiculous all-or-nothing mentality on abortion, who think if it isn’t banned nationally then it’s better to elect a communist okay with killing babies in the third trimester rather than elect a man who’s allowed the states to settle the issue. That demographic might blow it for the rest of the country with their absolutist ideology. They’re willing to sacrifice the entire war to win a battle that will make them feel better about themselves.
Fourthly, most in the white lower and Middle Class know the Woke crowd hates them. They get it. They don’t need to be called out by ethnicity. They stayed home in 2020 for other reasons, not because he didn’t mention them by name in his appeals. They were angry he signed every spending bill put before him on the Resolute Desk. They were upset he didn’t “lock her up” or “drain the swamp.” They were unhappy with his cabinet and staff choices. They were unhappy he went into the presidency with a lot of naiveté as to what to expect. They were unhappy with how much he was willing to compromise. One of the head scratchers for me is why no one, Bannon, or anyone, didn't tell Trump he could ignore judges in Hawaii or elsewhere blocking his wall because it is a national security issue.
Lastly, Trump has NOT abandoned the white working class. Far from it. They’re the ones primarily turning out at his rallies. The media mention the lack of POC at his rallies all the time since they’re anti-white racists. I know Trump not saying “white unemployment is down” upsets you. But as I suggested above, I think it’s a deliberate strategy to steer clear of accusations of “white supremacy” from the anti-white Woke. He knows the country is still 61-65% white. He knows his base is the white lower and Middle Class. But if he mentioned white unemployment being down, the left would immediately pounce and say (falsely) “See!? Trump is a racist because he said mentioned white unemployment is down!” You know the GOP can’t stand the thought of being called racist! Anti-white racism is now a permanent plank of the new Woke Marxism.
You mentioned how the DNC Convention was “like a NAACP award.” That’s because the woke worship blacks as their useful pets. You missed nothing avoiding Kamala’s speech. That was just more of her usual empty platitudes and Marxist slogans. I will say one of the highlights for me was hearing how oppressed the $3 billion woman Oprah is! I felt so sorry she wasn't able to buy all that burned Maui property for pennies on the dollar.
Ann, you know the DNC perpetually lives in the 1950s (or 1850s) and wants America to live in that time machine with them too, because they have to keep division, hate, envy, and jealousy alive, since keeping everyone looking at the past and thinking we're still living there allows these cultural Marxists to keep people from looking at their rent, food, and fuel bills in the present.
Democrats never mention the fact that black out-of-wedlock single-parent household rates have jumped enormously after the “Great Society” of LBJ put black women in love with the welfare State and allowed black men to roam the landscape unresponsible for the children they create. Charlie Kirk brings up this fact often when speaking with college students. You still haven't interviewed him yet. I wonder why. Race warfare is the Woke Marxist specialty! The DNC hates white people who won’t worship blacks like they do. Their worship is really just skin deep, however. They actually hate black people as much as they hate white people, unless they're woke and rich, and what they really hate is anything that represents traditional, Biblical values.
The Woke Marxists hate women, masculinity, the traditional family, heterosexuality and children, except for the children of illegals. Those are the only children useful to them, for trafficking, slave labor, and as props to influence public opinion in their favor. Maybe the rumors about adrenochrome are true?
The Woke love everything antithetical to normal human society: homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and especially transgenderism. Transgenderism is now the four-star General in their army against traditional society and moral values.
But as I said at the beginning, Trump is trying to build a Unity Party with Independents and Democrats, with blacks, whites, brown, yellow and red, like Ronald Reagan did. Except his "It's a Small World" isn't "It's a Woke World." We called them “Reagan Democrats” in the 1980s. Trump realizes that’s the only way he will have enough of a margin to win and even then, it’s going to be close because of all the cheating.
Trump realizes that while the Democrats are pitting blacks against whites our division is about class and ideology, and not color. The Republican Party has become the party of the urban and rural poor and Middle Class, whereas the Democrats are the Party of the elite and wealthy, and the dependent class of urban and rural poor who live on the crumbs the government hands out. They are the party of the government nanny state that wants to be worshipped as god. They seek nothing less than total control and surveillance of every second in our lives. They are the Party that despises the Middle Class and wants to destroy it, so a two-tiered society of wealthy elite and poor Third World serfs remain to serve them. They are the Party of death, the death of the unborn and exploitation of children, and denigration and demoralizing of women.
If Harris wins America gets a cigarette and a blindfold.
Ann, have you ever seen this? A debate between Bush and Reagan in 1980 on immigration. Both answers are ridiculous but Reagan's was even more laughable. "Let them go back and forth!" No wonder this guy gave us amnesty that begat every amnesty since which aided in turning our country into what it is now. One wonders if he had a crystal ball if he would've felt differently at the time. https://youtu.be/YsmgPp_nlok?si=uGhaHi7Rgf003MWZ
Reagan was a typical NeoCon, strong on foreign policy, but liberal in domestic agenda. As governor of California, Reagan legalized abortions, signed two week waiting period on purchase of handguns and abolished mandatory confinement of mentally insane. That's how California got the army of homeless people. As president, Reagan signed the ban on sale of machine guns and gave amnesty to 3 million of illegal aliens. In addition, two out of three of his SCOTUS appointees were RINOs. If Reagan was around today, we would be called a pinko commie and rightfully so.
I believe Ann herself has said that Reagan gave us 2 great disasters: Amnesty and Sandra Day O'Connor. I would add HW to that list.
The vibrants swarming into our country are indeed poverty-stricken; but more ominously, they are poverty-producing. Their genetics are a nonstarter for the perpetuation of Western civilization. Picture a society run by twelve-year-old whites.
Uncontrolled immigration has destroyed much of Europe. Harris and her band of morons will not be happy till the US is over run. Sadly..courtesy of fofo coffee drinks, gender neutral professors and extra large portions of Wussiness what men are left will be working double time to keep America alive.
Thank you Ann. For this important update of healthcare and medical news. Post Convention. Folks oughta check to see if their “premiums” reflect color now……..they may become confused……or agree, have been brain washed. Obamacare knows no bounds, right?….wrong? ….maybe?….Stand up for USA whatever state one lives in. Sooner rather than later. CCP always tries to stay one step ahead. At the very least vote on Election Day……It matters.
Trump really needs to try to stay on message at his rallies and especially at the upcoming debate, by stating his accomplishments and Kamala's policy failures. I am glad that Tulsi Gabbard is helping him, she may be someone that he respects and listen too because she destroyed Kamala at the Democratic debate.
Can't believe Ann missed this regarding declining testosterone levels in the U.S. One possible reason has been identified as fewer smokers
Hard for you kid to back Trump—a flawed person—but much the right move as perhaps an existential election for the Republic given the Marxists on the other side. Worth a column on Donald G Harris and his pride in the hiding Phantom Kamela.
My question for Ann Coulter, what's the difference in voting for Harris or Trump, since they are both Democrats?
• How can any white man vote for the Democrats? (Answer: Low Testosterone)
I’ll take a shot at that and accept your premise that they are both Democrats.
Trump is a 1980-style NYC Democrat, which is preferable to Kamala, a 21st century San Francisco Democrat.
I’m sure you would also vote for Rudy Giuliani, Democratic Party committeeman in the 1960s, over Chesa Boudin, the son of leftists, to be mayor of your town or its district attorney.
And Lord knows we can't have nice things, like an actual real Conservative Republican to vote for in a General Presidential Election.
Talmadge, that is because of the crucial difference between the two parties, which is that while the Democratic donors and the Democratic base are united on goals and policy, the Republican donors and the Republican base are at odds on goals and policies.
Conservatives voters will not get a conservative party until the people who fund the party are conservative, and not libertarian, business-friendly or “fiscally conservative and socially moderate” aka, neoliberal.
It can be done, but the first step is surrendering the source of so much wealth and liberal ideology — the American Empire.
Of course there are competing factions within the Democratic base which serve to give the illusion of disunity in the party. Fox News commentators and talk radio conservatives love to point them out and call it “chaos.”
But come on. When the Democratic donors told their female hirelings supposedly running the universities to crack down on the Gaza campus protests, the encampments were quickly eliminated.
When The Squad got a little too big for its britches, huge sums of donor money crushed a couple of them and replaced them with more “conventional” progressives.
And when some fringe groups demanded a prime speaking spot at the DNC for the representative of Gaza women and children, they were totally ignored.
And the base of the Democratic Party didn’t raise a peep.
That’s unity.