But apparently, the only person who can refer to Haley's heels is her -- when she's telling us what a badass she is. As she’s said a million times: “I don't put up with bullies, and when you kick back, it hurts them more if you're wearing heels."

I'm not a GOP political strategist, but someone needs to tell these women that run, that the best way to be a female candidate, is to be a good candidate, that only happens to be female. Trying to weaponize it, or use it as a shield, just highlights the idea that they think they deserve something, because they are a woman.

I don't remember everything about Margaret Thatcher, but I don't ever remember thinking about her as "a woman", everything we thought about her was because she was tough, hard nosed, exceedingly direct at times, and could hold her own in any room with anyone on the planet.

She didn't need to remind anyone that she was a woman, we all knew it, but none of us cared, because with her, it didn't make one damn bit of difference!

THAT'S the way to be a "tough" female candidate- Never say one word about it, and let everyone else say it, and look stupid for doing so.

Oh, also, Nikki Haley is a flippin' idiot, and is no Margaret Thatcher, not even close, but since MT is essentially the Western Paradigm for a strong female politician, I think it's worth the unworthy comparison, just the same.

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When referencing Lady Thatcher, the name Gordon Reece should always be remembered. Reece was Thatcher’s political strategist and, early on in her career, he recognized that she did not have a calming voice and subsequently she studied under internationally recognized voice coach Kate Fleming for 4+ years in addition to many other “packaging” changes. Thatcher never changed her message but by repackaging her presentation many more people listened and were stirred into action.

My point is that Lady Thatcher was a true professional who was not above the very mundane grind that is the discipline of lasting “star” quality...she self-actualized through the worth of her accomplishments.

In contrast, DeSantis never transitioned from the Florida stage to the national audience...much to my disappointment and regret for the future of our Republic.

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If anything the female leaders deemphasized being a woman because they didn’t want to play into prejudices

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Ann, it was simple. I call it the entertainment effect. Too many people want presentation, presentation, presentation. Drama. This is what Trump delivers. They do not look beyond the facade. I too wanted DeSantis, but deep down knew he would not, could not, prevail. Most folks I know want Trump...they see what he says, do not look at the history, only see words that reflect how and what they feel. It is unfortunate that this is ewhere the American public has sunk to, intelligence wise. They do not want to dig thru the facade, only want to hear what they want to hear. I fear this narcissistic appeal will lead us to significantly bad leadership in the not too distant future.

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"I fear this narcissistic appeal will lead us to significantly bad leadership in the not too distant future."--The "not too distant future" extending back to Poppy Bush, B. J. Clinton, Shrub Bush, Barry Soetoro, and Barack OBiden, not to mention non-President Republicans like McCain, McConnell, Romney, and Haley. The U.S., like The West as a whole, has been electing Kervorkians for a long, long time.

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“ I fear this narcissistic appeal will lead us to significantly bad leadership in the not too distant future.”

Are you foreshadowing a MOOchell presidency?

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No specific individual. Merely looking at history. Sooner or later a narcissistic individual will run for office. Speak empty words. Install a dictatorship. Of course , 1934 Germany stands out. But so do other events…1917 Russia, not a democratic action, but a slick speaker hooking enough support to topple a government. Words mean things, but only if the speaker is held to prove and account for them.Actions ultimately speak loudest.

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Agree re DeSantis and the 6 week abortion ban. Poison to a majority of women.

The lawfare against him is unjust. I think people think they are defending Trump as much as supporting him. However, he did some good things but failed on the big stuff. GOP voters were stupid enough to let the Dems pick their candidate out of misplaced loyalty. For example, Look at how he rails against Kayleigh McEnany who was an outstanding press secretary and went to war for him every day. Trump is a scumbag unworthy of his supporters loyalty.

The presidency is gone for 2024. Please Ann, some ideas on how we can keep this fool from slamming the GOP into an iceberg so we don't lose the House, Senate and the state elections.

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"mingled with the fringe"?

It was Cole, wasn't it?

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From the syntax it was clearly Cole.

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I need to start making steak bets with Ann....

"hey, Ann! I bet you a steak dinner that the sky will be green tomorrow, when the sun rises!"

DAMN.... now I have to take Ann to dinner!

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Medicinal as always muh lady. Unpopular opinion here, perhaps, but what are the chances you will find renewed patience to make an effort to steer him in the right direction again? I'm not talking about anything resembling ass-kissing, just .. maybe a spoonful of sugar (or some McD's) helps the medicine go down. If we can convince him to put behind bitterness from the last election, briefly and graciously own to what wasn't accomplished last term and vow to hire better people this round to get it done and undo democrat inflatulation. I'd have preferred DeSantis 100x over, but here we are, and Trump is not the worst president we've had, especially considering the merciless unprecedented personal attacks. I still have to believe there is a good human in there. I believe he loves the country. We have to pray for God to reign in his stubborn pride. I want to believe it can be done. I don't *think* I'm retarded (though my brother may have disagreed once upon a time). Ann- he needs you now more than ever- help him help us. Show him the honey (kindness/support), help the medicine go down, convince him we can still get some s* done if he can refrain from hiring his kids and some bunch of rinos.

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The polling is pretty clear here - the great bulk of the GOP electorate had, and still has, positive feelings about DeSantis. They never stopped thinking of him as a good governor and (probably) a good presidential candidate. The great disjunction came when the indictments started to get handed down against Trump. There was an immediate clear jump in Trump's approval at that point which has stayed about level the entire time. The base just decided they could not tolerate having their erstwhile leader taken down by what they saw as bad-faith lawfare, and since the one thing uniting the GOP base is reactionary antipathy for the Democrats, left, and urban white-collar types, this was immediately the most powerful force in the party. "The Left wants to put Donald in jail, ergo we have to do the exact opposite of that just to rub it in their faces."

It's not any more complicated than that.

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I know you really liked DeSantis, I really liked Ramaswamy. I sent him money. But the idea that the Assembled Idiots were going to pick anyone but Orangeman and the Vegetable was merely a pipe dream. Mencken was right, democracy is based on the theory that the common people know what they want, and they deserve to get it, good and hard.

So we're faced with 2 rather painful options: hold your nose and vote for the Don and put up with another 4 years of unfulfilled promises, bravado, decisions devoid of economic perspective, and a lack of introspection typical of a narcissist; or the Apocalypse.

If Biden comes out of this with another 81 million "votes", people will not buy it and there will be a war. If Trump wins, the democrats will try to make the St. George Floyd riots look like a half-hearted Lollapalooza. Either way, you have the ancient Chinese curse:

May you live in interesting times.

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"If Biden comes out of this with another 81 million "votes", people will not buy it and there will be a war. If Trump wins, the democrats will try to make the St. George Floyd riots look like a half-hearted Lollapalooza"

Hey now! Don't threaten me with a good time!

So, either way, this bitch is gonna burn!

You're not wrong.

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By the way, it's not either-or, as you say. (Your "2 rather painful options".) We are overdue for an Apocalypse in any case. :)

I dislike Trump, but the Trump Derangement Syndrome - which we would definitely see if he does win - will keep us mightily entertained for quite some time. Not that I want to see violent riots, I don't, I was just hoping we'd just see a bunch of college students flinging themselves about, bawling and howling, like North Koreans do after their Dear Leader dies. Why, it would be all worth it!

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The bawling and howling will proceed several blue cities being burnt to the ground by people who worry about "food deserts". Since Biden will still be in charge of the palace guard in November, I anticipate a few "Brightwood post Rodney King" moments. At some point, I'm sure illegal aliens will align themselves with the resistance and perhaps we can Gaza the crap out of them.

Of course, it would be fun to watch Joy Reid's head explode on live TV (like Scanners).

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I think that’s optimistic: Americans have become too complacent, too self-centered, too secure, too FAT, and just too stupid to fight back. Fighting back is for skinny people with half a working brain, which unfortunately seems like most Americans are missing.

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I used to think Americans were the frog in a pot of water being slowly brought to a boil. I am starting to hedge that impression, because I've run into a LOT of guys getting ready for the shit. Buying guns, finishing their BOB, setting up rendezvous points, stashing cash - I'd like to think they're jumping the gun. They telling me I'm too optimistic.

So, no matter what, I'm optimistic

PS FAT people own a lot of guns.

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What does finishing their bob mean?

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If Democrats wanted Trump to be the nominee, they wouldn't be spending huge sums on Nikki Haley. DeSantis could have had the vice presidency for the asking had he just endorsed Trump and stayed out. 70% of the people voting for Haley in New Hampshire were Democrats. The same applies to Iowa.

Displeasure for Biden has spread now to the black and Hispanic communities. This doesn't bode well for Biden. He's currently polling in the low 30s and the Democrats know he is very weak for the General Election. No wonder Obama is now asking him to get out.

The word of the invasion at the border has finally begun to pass through the wall of censorship put up by the legacy media, mainly because of podcasts and new media getting the word out, and average people who aren't political junkies are seeing the results of Biden's open border invasion with their own eyes. Airports, hotels, and schools, being filled with tens of thousands of illegals are hard to hide from the general population for very long.

The bogus lawsuits against Trump continue to strengthen him with the rank and file of citizens and expand his base.

Haley played herself. Despite the support she's received from anti-MAGA billionaires, her policies suck. Raising the retirement age to 75 (or 77, whatever), taking away the anonymity of commenters on sites using comment boards like Disqus, continuing Biden's open border invasion, approving the endless money to Ukraine, and endless wars of the military contractor complex, approval of CBDC, and the climate change green weenie destruction of America's energy engine, and approval of the DEI anti-white racism, are all losing policies with the patriots, the ones Hilary, Biden, Obama, and McCain refer to as chumps, clingers, deplorables, dregs, and hobbits (that's you, Ma and Pa Kettle).

We now have Governor Abbott in Texas taking a stand against the Supreme Court's stupid (and probably compromised) decision to side with Biden and say it's alright for the Border Patrol to cut down barbed wire and allow the illegals to continue their unrestrained invasion of the country's largesse and land. How this works out is anyone's guess, but several states have pledged support for Abbot's actions. The possibility of this escalating becomes more possible every day. All it took for the policies to change on busses was for one lady refuse sitting at the back.

Like him or not, Trump loves the American flag. He loves the rank and file. He loves the patriots of the working class, and honors the military now understaffed because of the DEI assault by Biden, who continues to screech 'white supremacy' as the greatest threat to America. He loves them a lot more than anyone in the WEF establishment of the Uniparty that has a "D" and "R" after their names. He isn't a snob or an elitist. He isn't a socialist. Is he perfect? No. Is he the brightest bulb in the pack? No. Did he allow himself to be manipulated in his first administration? Yes. Did he make a BIG mistake in having his daughter and son-in-law around so much? Yes.

Trump has made mistakes. But I genuinely believe he's learned from them. He didn't realize how deep and wide the Swamp truly was. He's wised up.

The border and the invasion at the southern border have gotten to the minds of the average American now and have become the numero uno issue of this election. It's more important to people than inflation. Trump is capitalizing on this issue as he did in 2016 and he can deliver a decisive victory to the working Middle and lower class being affected horribly by the invasion and undeterred crime in November if we can just realize that we must unite around someone who is still far better for the average American's future than the vision of those slaves to Davos, Klaus Schwab, Soros, and the elites who want to take away private ownership of property, end free speech, the 2nd Amendment, private financial transactions, and the value and privileges of American citizenship.

As the recording just released revealing the attempt to bribe Kari Lake away from her Senate run has shown, the MAGA agenda and everyone promoting it is greatly hated by the globalists who want the DEI LGBT Woke ideology to replace the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the American ethos.

Kari Lake should be the next person you interview, Ann.

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Wow, 43 comments and nobody gets it. America First Vs. RINOs and the RINOs lost. Ann, I like my steak medium rare and hope you have a good recipe. The old GOP of yesterday is gone and y'all can get on board or keep whining. All of you who think DJT will lose do not see the forest for the trees. The voters that can bring home the victory are not the suburban white women but the men in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Detroit, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Atlanta. It's the BORDER stupid.

Stay Strong Patriots !!

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Is DeSantis a "RINO" or "Kayleigh McEnany". I don't know if he'll lose or win but the truth remains Trump is a great campaigner but an ineffective leader.

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The people and $ behind Ron were the RINOs and he finally figured out it wasn't going to work. The pick between two draft dodgers sucks but "it is what it is".

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The "RINO" money hasn't stopped DeSantis from enacting any conservative policies in Florida and Trump would take the same money if offered. I voted for Trump twice. I will never do so under my own authority again!

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As Republicans demonstrate yet again, they are the stupid party. Yes, the Democrats are the evil party, but apparently you can’t fix stupid.

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So much for "never back down," "I will never let you down," and "I'm in this for the long haul." But I still love Ann Coulter's hopeful interview with Ron DeSantis!

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Oh no - he's the political Rick Astley!

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I think this whole thing is overthought. People want revenge for the last 3 plus years. Who will deliver revenge? DeSantis? Nikki? Trump? More Biden? They have a belief in magic. Once revenge is served everything will magically be better. Oy vey!

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Why didn't he hold out until New Hampshire?

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Because, with all of the Democrats voting for Haley, he would have ended up in a distant third, probably in the single digits, and it would have looked even worse when he dropped out.

All in all, he should have just waited until '28, but hindsight is always 20/20.

On the bright side, other than running a brutally bad campaign, he didn't hurt himself much at all as a state and national politician.

If Trump wins (I don't think there is anyway the system lets that happen), he could end-up in his Admin, earn back some major, national clout, and be truly ready for '28, having learned some very valuable lessons from this failed run.

I still like him, think he's great, and has a future. Had he humiliated himself, he would be forever done right now, he didn't, so he's not.

He made the right choice at the right time.

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This thinking is exactly the reason why we have Trump: as if the USA can wait until 2028. The reason DeSantis was running was obvious: we are at the point of no return. MILLIONS of illegals, every politician milking the system for money, rampant crime and ubiquitous drug use, hugely imbalanced trade, the undermining of every educational and governmental institute…do you honestly think we can wait for Trump to try to shoot his shot, lose the election and then expect people to vote unanimously for a Republican in 2028? Geez, I’m betting being a Christian and Republican will be illegal by then, if we aren’t a Chinese colony already!

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"This thinking is exactly the reason why we have Trump"

Which part? This part-

"If Trump wins (I don't think there is anyway the system lets that happen)"?

Or the idea that DeSantis can "run" in '28?

Because if you are right, and I am right, '28 won't be an election, it's be year 3-4 of the Second Civil War, in which case, no election will matter.

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Most likely, Trump made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

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Ann, LGBTQ indoctrination in public schools can be a driving issue for those 20% of population who have kids in schools. How many of those otherwise liberal soccer-moms want to see their 8-year old boys exposed to graphic depiction of homosexual oral sex? Hell, this could be the issue that can unite White, Asian and even Latino voters against the Democrat party. That's why DeSantis won in purple Florida by almost 20 point margin.

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Been waiting for this column! But really, what’s with the rhinestone cowboy boots? Who advised the Italian from coastal Florida to dress up as a Mexican vaquero, and how can we ensure their future unemployment in the Republican Party?

My second thought regards the state of our right-wing youth. I’m 25. Most of my genuinely intelligent right-wing friends (Lawyers! Software engineers! PhD candidates!) have been absolutely brain-rotted by the “deep state” fears the Trump campaign exacerbated from 2015 on. Not saying that such forces don’t exist, but it’s become the main talking point for would-be smart right-wing voters. They, much like the liddle peeple, are more interested in pissing off the boogeyman “””deep state””” than actually winning elections and enacting positive legislation.

I don’t have a SINGLE friend who was pro-DeSantis. Most were for Vivek, because they hadn’t heard of him before (this is good, for some reason), and he has no prior political experience (also a good thing, for some reason), and he had no shot at winning (empirical PROOF that he isn’t part of the “””Deep State.”””” Yay!!!!!!!!!).

DeSantis, on the other hand, has a prestigious legal degree, a high level experience of experience in the military, and successfully governs one of the largest states in the nation. These are all “bad,” because they prove he works with the “””Deep State.”””

Actual text from one of my friends who graduated Phi Betta Kappa concerning DeSantis: “I’m suspicious of anyone who isn’t an underdog or anyone who is liked by many people. Because when they’re liked and promoted I’m like... you’re in the deep state, I just know it.”

So, ironically, the more proof exists that candidate is QUALIFIED for a position and might actually WIN an election (popularity, intelligence, experience), the more that “proves” said candidate CANNOT BE TRUSTED!

The left doesn’t have this problem. And for that reason, they’ll probably keep winning elections. When it comes addressing “reality,” conservatives win in areas concerning illegal immigration, the economy, and the existence of biological sex. But when it comes to politics, so many have detached. They’re doomers who don’t vote because “why bother,” or they spend all their time chasing unelectable fringe candidates because they haven’t been “bought off by Soros.”

How does Trump fit into this? In their mind, the country’s going to hell in a handbasket, their favorite candidates have no shot at winning, and well, at least Trump is funny. He’s just “a comedian” who pisses off the left, and the “deep state,” and the “media” (of course, the media prospers and will continue to prosper en masse from coverage of his continued insanity, but no one mentions that). I fear Neil Postman was right in his prophetic publication “Amusing Ourselves to Death.” Our fellow countrymen have chosen entertainment over competence, and a variety show over national prosperity.

Rant over. Ann, please continue to cover the election the election. Yours is the only commentary I enjoy!

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Wow, another one like me. I, too, was astounded at how many of my intelligent right-wing friends were pro Trump for the reasons you listed! Unbelievable. Rather, it was their unbelief: the more they saw evidence of a good governor who would do things, the less they believed. Sounds very familiar. The republicans in charge now, both politicians and the idiot entertainers (I wouldn’t call them savants) are a bunch of Pharisees.

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I hear very, very little discussion concerning the educated right-wing’s interest in Trump, but it exists—and not in small numbers—based on my own experience which, granted, might mean very little. Someone should do a deep-dive... maybe I should start my own Substack... ha! The sane youth need to band together. In the words of Tobias Funke, there are dozens of us! DOZENS!

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