Okay, “Then, just for good measure, Cheney shot a Texas friend in the face.” Has to be the funniest line I’ve read in ages. Thanks, Ann!

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Didn't the guy end up apologizing to Cheney for getting in the way of his shotgun blast?

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I haven’t guffawed like that in a bit. Hysterical column, Ann!

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I love reading Ann the way I loved watching Clint Eastwood blast criminals, with hilarity. I was rolling on the floor while everyone else was oohing and awing.

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There are “Trump traits”, I try to ignore, usually by counting to 1 million, given our options he is my choice. I’m with you

on JD Vance & hopefully he will later be elected to the Presidency. Presidents and VPs need to be vicious when necessary, I think the Hillbilly from OH could easily remove a threat. I’m also a fan of Gov Noem, not sure if it’s her good looks or the fact she has the eyes of a Killer. Perhaps I’m just a sucker for a pretty face. 😎

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May 22·edited May 22

Noem is dogged by certain affairs.

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Blaha yeah. My multi-generation farmer friends put animals down regularly and it sucks. If the average city- slicker knew what it takes to raise veal, they would not order it from the menu. 😎

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Well, that's just it. The average city-slicker _does not_ know these things. One needs to deal with the electorate as one find it, not how one wishes it were.

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I agree - putting down the animals is not a big deal. But she is a "she." Hate to be sexist, but Noem is better suited as a beauty queen than vice president or President if required to step in - in fact, she was crowned South Dakota Snow Queen. So let her be Snow Queen. We need someone with intellectual prowess. (She didn't realize the impact killing a dog would have on her readers, apparently.) She is the Governor of South Dakota. Not many people there - not a hard place to govern. Noem keeps showing up offering jobs to anyone who will come. I don't think she has served in the military. I have respect for farmers - they are in my family as well. But we have far better options than Noem.

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"When Bush chose him, Cheney resigned from Halliburton, sold his house in Texas and moved back to Wyoming. Then, just for good measure, Cheney shot a Texas friend in the face."

Another great Ann Coulter punchline. But if Trump remains despised for failing to build the wall, I don't know how Rubio gets a pass for his decades promoting "immigration reform" and foreign wars. But I did see an even smellier VP suggestion earlier today--a letter to the editor of the WSJ recommending Pence, the Wooden Indian of Warp Speed (a DARPA program begun years before Trump) and the guy who torpedoed Mike Flynn for his Deep State handlers.

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Hillbilly who? I'd like to see J.D. Vance's entire voting record. I don't know enough about him to be as confident as you are in Vance. I do know that Vance, along with Kari Lake, Tim Scott, and a few others, are now pilot fish around Trump hoping to be chosen for VP.

Meanwhile, the person I believed, and still believe, is the perfect choice for Trump, has not been hanging out with Trump like a rock group groupie. This person has been 100% loyal to Trump since 2016, has articulated Trump's America-First agenda very well to the media, has a great record to run on, and has not been, as I said above, slavishly hanging on Trump's coattails drooling at the chance to be president after the Deep State impeaches Trump or otherwise cancels out Trump's agenda in a second term.

As far as I'm concerned, all the people who've been hanging on Trump like Gorilla Glue don't deserve to be Vice President. That's a big no, as far as I'm concerned, to Lake, Scott, Vance, Rubio, and anyone else whose faces I've seen of late near Trump's. I'd prefer someone I am reasonably confident still loves the Constitution and Bill of Rights and isn't on the Deep State take, someone like Rand Paul or Ron Paul his father. Both of them would be very useful in a second Trump administration.

I don't know if you've been following the interviews Tucker Carlson's been giving to different people but from listening to some of these people it seems like a "rise of the right" in this nation appears to be a very remote possibility. The DEI Deep State seems to have everything in place to execute its "final solution" for those pesky MAGA people, especially those rural Americans suffering from white rage, privilege, and supremacy. Speaking of Carlson, when are you going to go on Tucker's show, Ann?

By the way, I notice you've changed your interview style for the better after watching your sit-down with Scott Adams.

I'm curious what your source is for 1/3 of Mexico being in America now. I don't doubt this but was curious about your source(s). But it's not just Mexico, as you're well aware, who've decided to make the world's largest welfare state their home. Central and South America's nationals have decided to come as well, and Africa and China, not willing to be left out, are also now making their way here in droves. Soon, we'll have the perfect diversity DEI dreams of: No more white people! The elites will have plenty of landscapers, maids, and nannies, thank heaven! Of course, none of them are going to work for Third World wages.

I'm still waiting to hear you invite Charlie Kirk on. Megyn Kelly would be a good interview, too. Then there's Bill Maher, who just went on Kelly's show. You've been friends with Bill for years. Let him come on your podcast and commiserate with you on all grievances you both have with Trump. How about having Monica Crowley on?

I'll tell you one thing: If Biden's ghost voters (aka, the millions he's let in from the Third World) and get to vote because they "feel like citizens" when they vote (per Title XVIII of the U.S. Criminal Code at the bottom - and interview Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote for details), then it won't matter if 81 million real American citizens turn up to vote. The militant leftists of DEI and their climate change and trans cult creatures will complete their destruction of America.

Fortunately for you, Ann, you can move to Iceland, or anywhere else you like and still do your podcast, since you're in the 1%. I know how much you love New York but think of all the money you'd save living overseas or Florida!

This is our last chance. Trump isn't perfect but he's what we have. I'm praying he beats all these ridiculous legal cases. But I know, from listening to J. Michael Waller's discussion with Tucker Carlson, the Deep State plans to embroil Trump in endless legal mud so he can't get anything done if he wins.

I pray the Lord forgives us for our many transgressions. I view the invasion as a judgment against America. We need a revival. And we need every, last vote, if we're going to defeat the left, and then our side needs to organize instead of being like a herd of cats because we have to put policies in place that prevent our nation going broke, becoming a dictatorship, being sucked into a world war or all three at once.

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Great post! (my "like" button isn't working)

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“Vance’s one flaw is his slavish loyalty to Trump, but I feel Trump is magnanimous enough to overlook this shortcoming.”

Haw, Haw, Haw!

Classic Coulter.

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May 22·edited May 22

JD Vance would be fine but I like Elise Stefanik. She's a great speaker & debater & would ANNIHILATE Kampala in a debate! She's also a woman which is a plus these days. And she's loyal to Trump!

Ann, as an Indian American I TOTALLY agree with you about not voting for an Indian. My dad came here LEGALLY as a Ph.D student at Mizzou in the 1950s. Not only was the campus 98% white but the Senate was 100% white & the House was 97% white.

If you lived in ANY Asian or African nation ONLY Asians & Africans run those nations(Maybe a few token white legislators in S.Africa). But countries run much better when those who FOUNDED the country RUN the country!

To any liberal who claims this is "racist" just remember that an overwhelmingly white Congress passed both the Civil rights act & that HORRIBLE 1965 immigration bill. Because of that America has over 100 MILLION minorities, by FAR the most on earth!!

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I love a good Coulter-used word like "razzamatazz."

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Plus Vance married an Injun and converted to Catholicism, so Trump can market him as a repentant hillbilly.

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Ann, we need JD in the Senate. He is one of only 15 real conservatives in the Senate. Trump needs to pick Mike Pompeo or if he really wants to upset the Left, he should pick Lee Zeldin a Jew that was a member of the Freedom Caucus, and he would be Governor of New York right now if all the Republicans and conservatives hadn't moved to Florida.

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I loved Cheney but that's one of the greatest Coulter lines; right up there with the line in Guilty about single mothers tripping and falling onto a turkey baster full of semen.

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Stefanik is a stone cold liberal pretended to be a RINO. She’s been auditioning for this position. Total hypocrite, but, then again, so is Trump.

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Stefanik has, by comparison, done an excellent job of dragging the elitists out of their Ivory Towers and again, by comparison, a great job of slamming the brakes on the US franchise of the Arab Spring.

If the rest of the GOP could get over their asinine fear of Islamophobia, they might start representing Americans again…and then there is the border….

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But even JD Vance was a huge Trump critic in 2015 & 2016.

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Yes, but he is way more conservative. My concern is that he will compromise himself in order to be the dutiful rube.

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May 22·edited May 22

Everything I've seen about Stefanik is America FIRST. She even said "CLOSE the border" earlier this year!

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Again, she reversed course under McCarthy. Her voting record and conservative rating was in the toilet prior to. She latched onto Trump for the ride. Didn’t say she is stupid, just that she is a complete phony.

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I understand your thesis, but, the gamble may destroy Vance. However, the slavish loyalty,” as you point out, is no different than Cruz. Vance was once critical of Trump, as was Cruz, creating an automatic distrust for me that they punked out. Sorry, that is a character flaw I can no longer overlook.

Can you do anything about the barrage of texts I’m getting from Team Trump? It’s making me hate him more, if that was possible.

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Biden & Co. do the same thing to Democrats. Somehow they got a hold of my email so I get tons of emails from them too. I haven't unsubscribed because I want to know what they're up to.

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I delete and report as junk without reading. I hate even having to waste my time doing that.

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I’m one of the 200 who thinks JD is smart!

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Hey, Ann you cast a lot of " Who's to blame" for Trumps defeat how about you and your pedo friends at the Lincoln Project. Your ex boyfriend was one of the founders. The Rinos Republicans and Trump haters such a s yourself defeated Trump. If you let Trump alone and he won this Country would never be in this condition and in about 7 months you would never have to worry about Trump again, Meanwhile this country is history, th we y is noway to get rid of 12millon Biden illegals and 25 millon already here!

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J.D. Vance is a decent choice, but that's more of a reflection on the lack of office-holding Republicans with a low cringe factor than an endorsement of his talent or ability.

Greg Abbott maybe? Seems like he's carved out a niche for himself that ought to be acceptable to MAGA and non-MAGA Republicans....

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I would hope the selection will be someone capable of being a conservative president since he/she is likely to have the inside track in 2028. Republicans do not have a great track record in picking VP candidates that were good presidential material. Vance would be the best of those being talked about. Burgam wouldn’t be since he is not very conservative but the might not stop Trump since he likes him because he is a businessman.

Then again, Trump is not a true conservative but was a good and pragmatic president.

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