Ann, I love your Substack postings so much!

I confess that I only had vague memories of Gawker because most 'media news' doesn't really interest me...I tend to mentally write them all off as hopelessly corrupt and awful and not worth my time or energy... but your interview with Peter was captivating! I agree that the story really ought to be made into a movie. It would be so much more interesting and entertaining than so much of the unwatchable, Woke bilgewater that attempts to pass itself off as 'cinema' these days.

A big part of what made this Substack presentation so captivating was simply in the relaxed and honest manner in which it was presented. Here you had one of the most brilliant and successful people on the planet just sitting down with a friend...who happens to have one of the sharpest minds on the planet... for a 45 minute chat, and you can tell that he was unburdening himself of a great and delightful secret that he had been keeping for so very long. Just letting the man speak without a host's interruptions (or commercial interruptions) for that amount of time caused me to be drawn into the story. It was obvious at the outset that he was bringing forth something significant, and dealing with such revelations in the context of quick TV soundbites and heavy editing doesn't have anywhere near the impact as this honest, natural and relaxed presentation did.

Thank You so very much, both of you, for spending the time doing this and for bringing it to us. I will absolutely be eagerly waiting for Part Two!

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Ann m’Lady, you’re the cat’s meow. Magnificent interview indeed.

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Not everyday you land an interview with one of the most interesting and influential people in America. Peter was good as well.

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Hands down your best interview yet, Ann. Thank you, for all of this.

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Very refreshing form of an interview to hear from someone (Peter) not quite known as a political commentator.

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I almost didn’t listen, and I’m really glad I did. Has nothing to do with Thiel. I like him. I only peripherally remember the Gawker story, but getting justice for the average Joe is almost always a fantasy. Would this not be a good business model for Thiel - setting up young lawyers to help with $50K to 300K recompense for deserving people? Cases that no lawyer would even touch because of the expense, and not necessarily the “risk.” These small unceremonious cases are life changing for some. Could be a real estate case, a bad business contract, a false arrest or some other abuse of municipal power that doesn’t have the catchy racial overtones. Life serves up bad breaks all the time, but how many could be ameliorated with good works by entrepreneurial lawyers who normally can’t afford to fight the system? Thiel spoke about encountering the New York roadblock. Well, that happens everywhere with courthouse dynamics between judges and lawyers and outside interests.

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Gawker truly was a cultural cancer. The perfect vessel for Leftist evil to percolate and grow.

Sadly, it is just one of many like-minded media outlets. And there is only one Peter Thiel.

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Use Marijuana and the weaker hemp derived substances for chronic issues, like migraine headaches, and it'll be associated with old sick people.😊💘🤍

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Thank you Ann and Peter!! My faith in people with genuine integrity skyrocketed with this conversation. Grateful for Peter in bringing Gawker down. Looking very forward to Part Two.

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Hi there, Roberta Kaplan!

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The book version of this story must take its place alongside The Smartest Guys in the Room (Enron) and Bad Blood (Theranos).

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AC….cool interview, “ Evil Geniuses”, are even cooler. Glad he smoked Gawker before that came after me…. Well I’m probably not on their radar 😎

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Can't wait for part 5....

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