The Media is the evil enemy. They spin and give cover to Democrats. Local prints and tv accounts fail to adequately describe perpetrators, if at all, as in this morning’s New York Post’s (increasingly less conservative, presumably because the staff writers are increasingly younger) article about the bike rapist. And if it’s an illegal alien offender, it takes seven days to two weeks to reveal the immigration status. The media is forced to do this or even a majority of Democrats might turn on the Party’s open borders platform.

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The linked story about the mother defending the rapist raises more questions than it answers. What was the rapist's relationship to the mother and daughter? How did he have access to her? Is he the mother's boyfriend? A relative? If mom didn't report his crime, who did? When she claimed "everything" they are saying against him is a lie, does that include the report that he impregnated the 10 year-old? He admitted it. Was the mother asked about that? Whoever did this reporting did a pathetic job.

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Of all Ann's books, Adios America left the largest impression on me due to its in-depth discussion of this topic...These crimes seem to be beyond most Americans' imaginations. I wonder if that contributes to the lack of press coverage-- the fact that people just can't believe it, or are so appalled that they immediately push it out of their brains.?

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

That's "Annie on the Spot." BTW, is this a run-up to a new book?

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Thank you for your follow up and information about this important matter Ann.

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Well done, Ann. Pretty damned depressing knowing this crap will quite likely continue. There are a few noted figures sounding the alarms, your voice first and foremost. Thank you.

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I expect there to be state congressional leaders that would recognize the threat of these crimes and begin to take action - but I expect too much

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NOTHING is for the children in this third world hell hole!

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The legacy media is a worthless waste of electricity and time. unless you're a Leftist or a head injury patient (but I repeat myself) in which case you see nothing wrong at all, they're doing a wonderful job, and anyone who says otherwise is a 'hater', a 'conspiracy theorist', an 'uneducated hillbilly' or something similar...or far worse.

Just as thoughtful parents are forced to homeschool if they want to truly protect their children from physical and intellectual harm, so also thoughtful and inquisitive people must eschew the vast, arid and toxic landscape of 'mainstream' media and spend considerable time digging through a variety of "upstart troublemakers in pajamas" sources in order to find the truth about what's going on in the world. And then when you have the truth...or even have questions about it... and you wish to discuss it with other thoughtful people, you're banned from Twitter and other social media.

Western Civilization is truly in a Dark Age now, where speaking the truth is forbidden, violent lifelong criminals are feted as heroes and intellectual giants, and innocent children are openly groomed to be the sexual playthings of the most vile, craven and mentally-ill perverts imaginable. Just as the French Resistance of WW2 will be forever remembered as heroically holding the line against an evil leviathan, so also the honorable families, the decent people and the Patriots of the West are actively forming alliances and banding together to fight for everything that is good and true in the world.

And just as France, in one of her darkest times, had a lone woman who loved God and loved her country rise up and speak with a clear voice about what needed to be done, suffering the horrific slings and arrows of her time unafraid, so also we have Ann Coulter who bravely risks everything to speak the truth unafraid and clearly, just as Joan, the Maid of Orleans did. History has a tendency to repeat itself because Evil takes many forms but make no mistake, we stand at a crossroads. There is a chance of Evil triumphing and when America is gone, there will be no true bastion of freedom to escape to anymore.

We are being warned and told what needs to be done. All we have to do is listen...and act.

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

When I was a kid, all of the immigrants, or descendants of immigrants I knew -- Italians, Irish, and Jews -- were doctors, scientists, and engineers. All were direct descendants of Europeans. That matters. You're not going to get much from mestizo peasants from south of the border. Obviously. their own countries couldn't be happier to get rid of them.

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bUt DiVeRsItY’s A sTrEngTh!

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I suppose these days we should be grateful that they can at least all agree on what a 'man' actually IS. (Since many people seem to have difficulty agreeing on what a 'woman' is...)

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