They don't publish it for accuracy they publish it to incite their Marxist flash mobs. They know none of the brain dead democrats are going to click on the links, they are headline readers only.

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I am sure Alex Newhouse has never had such notoriety and likely will never unless Karmela Harris appoints him as white supremacy suppression czar

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The NYTs continues to slide into an abyss, perhaps the staff should double up on Prozac and focus on lost dogs and music reviews.

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Maybe we should all fly the Flag upsidedown throughout "pride" month.

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I fly two flags on my property and am preparing to sink a pole to replace the one in the front that’s mounted to the building. I’ll fly the new front flag upside down in solidarity with the Justice (I’m not a Trump supporter, btw), but will wait until after Memorial Day.

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As they say at The New York Times, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!"

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Thank you Ann for being a part of a handful of what is left of responsible media persons.

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It's about getting the headline now versus (maybe) having to issue a (small) correction (much) later.

"We regret the error".

The same idea applies to all of Trump's trials now. The ability to refer to him as a "convicted" whatever for the next few months is priceless. The damage will be done long before the inevitable reversals come, by which point, who cares?

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The NYT et al are a pestilence and the Alex Newhouses of the world are insignificant flecks of bacteria…a “researcher” in deed…who isn’t a researcher in some fashion just to get through life…it is as bullshit a term as an “expert”…most real experts are looked upon as crazies until after the fact that they were correct as the horde of “experts” go 🙉🙊🙈 as they fade back into their own mediocre insignificance.

Of course, my research always contained an “equal” sign and one’s theorem needed a defendable proof. It’s a real bitch when you transpose that methodology from STEM to social sciences where it totally explodes the heads of the “I think”, “I feel” faux victim crowd.

But I’m a nice guy…I’ll offer to buy Alex Newhouse drinks and let him wow me with his brilliance…I promise to keep the throttle under 30% and not actually drive him to swallow his tongue..as tempting as that may be.

Someday this Republic will take a thorough bath.

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Any person who has been in any military training would know about the upside down flag being a call for aid or rescue. I am assuming Alex Bowman, PhD candidate and Leftist agitator, has no more affiliation with any branch of our military, except to hope for our defeat!

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What's Alito's purpose to hang the flag upside down?

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Once again, Ann, just decimates the opposition. It's not even funny anymore the way she destroys them.

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Yes, the NYT is emitting a I wushing sound! And it stinks too. Did you hear it? Smell it? It's the sound and stench of the main stream media going down the toilet.

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