"Poor Trump! Through no fault of his own, he was surrounded by nitwits like this."

hahahahahaha!! it was so INFURIATING watching Trump put people who hate him into crucial positions in his administration when it was obvious they were against his agenda.

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Ann you crack me up!

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In Trump and Kushner, we do not trust!

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I remember when it was normal procedure for incoming Presidents to do a thorough housecleaning as they entered Office, firing 'everybody' of importance installed by an opposition-Party President. It was accepted by all and was simply the way things were done.

Until Trump. Apparently he felt that he would ingratiate himself to the Press and the Washington establishment by retaining so many Democrat Party hacks; and then he exponentially magnifies the error by placing Jared essentially in charge of it all. Just like belligerent Nations that exploit any gestures of kindness and friendliness from America and use them as cudgels against us, so also the Left viewed this not as an opportunity to work together with Republicans, as Trump had hoped, but as a sign of weakness to be exploited and to bring down the Trump administration. Everyone who has been paying even cursory attention to American politics knew full well that this would be precisely what would happen, but Trump walked into the trap like the deer who is transfixed by your headlights and walks right out into the middle of the road in front of you.

The Trump Presidency was a needlessly-squandered opportunity for real change, where elementary mistakes were made that caused so many hopes of decent, Patriotic Americans to be dashed to bits on the rocky shore. Instead of Sirens casting their spells upon the Captain it was the Captain himself who brought the ship onto the rocks, transfixed as he was by his own lack of understanding of the shoreline...and his unwillingness to get a qualified crew.

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Thank you for sharing this important story Ann and especially shedding light on the plight of education and our University system (point #6 in Highlights section) in the U.S.A.

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