"Blackmail Excellence"! Finally, a truly inspired idea!

I hope they can find a qualified, black gay female to run it (maybe also a recent immigrant from Haiti); That would be hilarious!

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This is an offshoot of the self esteem movement. You see the reason why blacks fill our jails & can’t seem to learn basic skills is that whites heap ridicule on them. They don’t have enough self esteem. All the blacks I know are boiling over with self esteem. They are so full of esteem for themselves they believe they have the right to kill anybody who looks at them the wrong way. This is often the reason given for why they killed somebody.

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True, but it's also just another DEI grift, so they can hire some black guy, any black guy they want, because this BS "job" requires zero qualifications, and pay him some money, send him to some events, and throw him on TV every now and then, to offer cover for the dysfunctional city and city government, blah blah blah.

It might as well be an "honorary degree". Now you'd think that any self-respecting black guy, wouldn't want a job that is so obviously a "black guy job", but there is always some self-righteous schmuck that will do anything for a buck (and maybe some good football tickets)

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I hear Jamal Bowman and Nathan Wade are available.

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We are bankrupt we are not going bankrupt we are already bankrupt. We are already running almost 2 trillion in deficits that the government admits to. We can’t afford this anymore. What’s going to happen when we tell them they have to work for “chump” change. They will become violent. We have to be ready for that.

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That's phony self esteem that covers up for a lack of self-worth.

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I find it both amusing and sad (and also feel unsafe) knowing how much black Americans have done to earn their bad reputation and prove true every bad stereotype in the last 16 years since Obama. They definitely have excelled in crime, rioting, defacing monuments, mass shootings, airport brawls, restaurant brawls, street brawls, park brawls, brawls within protests, school cafeteria brawls, student-vs-teacher brawls, punching black comedians hosting the Oscars, and (white) elder abuse. Are those on the list for black male excellence? Oh, forgot fatherlessness and incarceration rates, and with the recent movement to stop “black bodies” from going to jail they still are the most incarcerated race. So EXCELLENT! Next up: showcasing Black Male Excellence in government. Cities include: Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Jackson, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington D.C. Excuse me while I look over my shoulder twice.

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There is no fixing this someday you will look over your shoulder & see a pistol hopefully not a muzzle flash. There is no fixing this just get as far away as possible

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Correct, it's not on the white population to fix this issue.

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I like it, Stacey. Sensible, conservative white folks did nothing to damage black people or black culture. Wokesters—white and black leftists—having been destroying black lives with DEI-type ideas (quotation marks around the “I” word there) for over half a century. Our response to it all should be: let the Wokesters and those gullible enough to do what they say urinate, defecate, medicate, mutilate, regulate and spend themselves into OBLIVION. In their own areas. In THEIR cities. Let’s see to it that they stay the hell out of small town Mayberry, NC, like America. If you see one of them, tar and feather him. If he comes back with friends, get the horses and draw and quarter them in the town square. Do a Machiavelli; use extreme force to send a message. Do it quickly and efficiently; clean up afterwards, and let the folks spread the word: woke not welcome here. Bad ideas have bad consequences and are not welcome here.

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Thanks Paul, I appreciate you acknowledging this WOKEISM has been going on for decades....nothing new. It was on my college campus and I'm over 50. I never see these folks in small towns though, it's always in the big cities. I just try to not get despondent.

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Bongino said: failure is a gift. So are bad times. We learn from both. Covid revealed the Left and its intentions to us. These are people who are ashamed of America, hate it, and want to destroy. The best (and easiest and safest) way to deal with them is not to deal with him. If you live in CA move to FL. Let the creeps in SF urinate, defecate, medicate, mutilate, regulate and spend SF (or as Micheal Savage would call it: San Fransicko) into oblivion. I’ll be watching the news and following the city’s descent into Little Shop of Horrors status from sedate, bucolic, blood-red Franklinville, NY. If, after hearing that a castrated male was beaten to death by three angry lesbians because he identified as a male lesbian tilt your head toward Western New York: the mirthless laugh you hear will be coming from me.

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Jul 1Edited

". . . airport brawls, restaurant brawls, street brawls, park brawls, . . . "--Let's be fair to males. Most times when you click on a brawl video, there's plenty of young black women involved. In a recent fast-food restaurant brawl, a disagreement between the woman at the pickup window and an unruly, unhappy customer, the pickup woman retrieved a pistol and fired through the window. When the customer drove off, the woman ran outside and fired at the customer's car.

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A great example of modern racism. Angry stupid lib whites and angry stupid lib blacks -- all crying racism together. What a coalition! Stupid angry whites who feel guilty and need to virtue signal their compassion while, in their heart, they think they are superior (racist). And stupid angry blacks who buy into their victimhood and use it as an excuse for anger and avoiding personal responsibility, and their own racism toward whites.

Do these two angry groups think excellence is based on the color of one's skin? That only blacks need to be helped? It's the culture, stupid.

I must ask every lib (the modern racist), why are Jamaicans known for working multiple jobs, Indians known to love math (yes, even the blackest), and why would the Nilotic people of Africa, one of the darkest peoples in black Africa, be among the most successful? And why is it that black America before the 1960s (before modern racism), despite all the old-style racism, had far more intact families and were trending better.

IMHO, as old-style racism trended down, a new angry class of people emerged who learned how to fan the flames of racism using indoctrination -- to justify their angers. These angry people created a new kind of racism, modern racism. And that is what we have today.

Just a simple little old theory by an obviously maladjusted red neck. LOL.

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The Office created wants to create recommendations to help black men in select areas. So recommend: 1) don't commit crimes,2) become educated through at least high school, 3) don't embrace violence as a solution to your issues, 4) get a job, 5) don't be a father who leaves the mother and your children, 6) don't do drugs and join gangs. Disband the Office.

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Making the system work for those who don't.

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I love your combination of facts and humor at the same time! Thank you!❤️😊

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So we can add this to the hundreds of other advantages blacks have that white people pay for and expect the same result.

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To keep the budget from further excess, perhaps they'll close the Office of White Male Toxicity.

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Ann is certainly a brilliant and insightful satirist! She gives me laughter as well as knowledge.

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Another psyop for the black community. Wow, complete shocker from mayor adams, he and James are doing the same tactic that never works (more government programs) how about trying to teach people how to gain employment, it all goes back to a positive male role model in the household to teach children growing up such usefull lessons.

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Love the woman in the mask. I'd wear a mask too if I was presenting with this group. Also, what's up with the woman(?) wearing the orange Devo hat in the back?

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"The idea that," Quoting President Joe Biden with this phrase he used very often in the last debate, "The idea that," NYC's Office of Black Male Excellence wouldn't be considered racist is absolutely ridiculous and very racist. But then White Liberals can't be racists, can they?

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Thank you Ann for the update on this issue. I am confused. Is this another diversity, equity and inclusion movement, plea? What happened to the old/ other DEI movement? I can’t quite feel the excellence.

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Folks like Ben Carson MD need not apply, of course.

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Ann is without a doubt a brilliant and classic satirist. Her comments give me insight and laughter!

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