If we wanted a female president, we'd elect Lindsey Graham!

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That's an insult to women. Graham isn't worthy of the title, "Birthing Person".

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Tough as nails!

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Ann Coulter

You know what would be fun to watch?

A debate between Nikki and Lindsey, to finally decide "Who Is the Bigger War Monger?"

Nikki- I think we should attack and bomb Iran.

Lindsey- Oh yeah, well I think we should nuke Tehran, and then invade!

Nikki- That's nothing, I'd like to send our troops into Ukraine, so they can liberate it.

Lindsey- I'll go a step further, and invade Russia, this winter, so we can topple Putin!

Nikki- Well, of course, but I'd also invade Syria and Yemen!

Lindsey- Shit, I'd nuke Yemen, use chemical and bio weapons in Syria, Nuke Iran, invade Russia, and send 50,000 troops to the North Korean border!

Nikki- Hell, I'd do all of that on day ONE of my administration! But, I'd also build a permanent naval base in Taiwan, station 100,000 troops there, and dare China to "do something about it"!

Lindsey- Well, I'd send 200,000 troops to Taiwan, invade North Korea, build 5 more carrier battle groups, and station them in the Taiwan Strait, in preparations to invade China, right after we finish in Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Yemen, Russia, and North Korea!

Nikki- Of course I agree with all of that, but what about the Mexican drug cartels, huh!?

I think it could go on forever.

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No need to have the debate now--you nailed it in advance, word for word!

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Since we have a Supreme Court Justice that can’t even define what a woman is, why is it even an issue? Why don’t we try electing the candidate with the best qualities and character for the task?

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We quite simply need to secure our gd borders. Not complicated at all. It’s of little consequence to me whether we have a man, a woman or a gd orangutan in the White House. Just stop the flood of third world parasites. Nuff said.

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True. Did I also mention Haley is for open borders?

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Incredible Ann tweet: "Hillary in a dress"

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Just as when a candidate runs on their race, when they run on their gender it means they have nothing else to offer other than more divisiveness, pettiness, corruption and infantilism.

Sadly, many voters appear to be enthralled by this.

When Hillary was running, how many times did you ask a Dem acquaintance why they supported The Angel Of Death, only for them to respond with something like "We need a woman for a change! Men have gotten us into such a mess!" And when you ask the followup question of "What has she accomplished that makes you feel she'd do a good job?" they immediately became nervous and wanted to change the subject, or responded with a personal insult against you for having the temerity to ask such a question?

When Obama was running, an early concern of the LeftMedia was that too many black voters would view him as an 'inauthentic' black because of his white mother, and so they went to The Ultimate Arbiter On All Things Racial, Al Sharpton for a ruling on the matter. His reply? "Yes, he's black enough."

Hollywood brought out their big guns to help normalize the idea of voting for the race instead of the person:

"'I voted for Obama because he's black': Extraordinary outburst from Samuel L. Jackson"


Unfortunately, vast segments of the voting population have been brainwashed into truly believing that the most important thing about a person is their race or gender.

Despite hearing MLK's "I have a dream" speech on an endless loop throughout our lives, the idea of valuing a person's character is quickly forgotten whenever it might interfere with the acquisition of political power.

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Jan 6Liked by Ann Coulter

If the first and highest achievement used as a background introduction or to establish credibility is "The first women to ________" (fill in the blank), then move on to the next candidate.

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Completely agree. It's a huge turn-off, especially as identity and perceived victimhood are repeatedly used as a shield against any criticism.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Ann Coulter

Thank you Ann. Agree: Disclaimer: I am female, a woman, no longer a girl. (Because I am too old to be called one). Their (Nikki, Hillary) is quite the opposite of why they claim. I opine their strategy was/is a short term, short hand view of pandering with a “dash” of discrimination sprinkled in (like confetti)….It is actually time for America to elect a good President.

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Hilarious compilation, wonderful coda. But in defense of Hillary, she's never been accused of climbing into the backseat of an Escalade to have sex with a man.

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Not that alleged affairs in a variety of places ever ruled out FDR, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Ford, GHW Bush, Bill Clinton, and the darling MAGA Donald J. Trump etc. from holding office.

Haley is a better dresser than HR Clinton.

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No, and it is a shame that you can’t ask Janet Reno for the rest of that backseat speculation.

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How about with a woman?

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And if we call a woman out for running on her womanhood, we are sexist. Kinda of like the racism thing. Written by a woman

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Sex isn't even an issue. Are you a tool of the globalists? Some sort of neocon? Are you looking to get a lot of us killed, either by commission or omission? Can you get the FBI, CIA, and IRS off our ass and deweaponized? Let's start now.

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You rarely wear heels because of your height.

Nikki wears them as ammo.

Hillary couldn’t wear them because she is a fall hazard.

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I listened to these supposedly “powerful” women whine and expect special girly kid-glove treatment and then I close my eyes and smile just imagining the day when they get to the afterworld (Hell in Hillary’s case) and are sent to The Right Honourable Baroness Thatcher for judgement day.

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You go, girl!

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You can also spell Nikki as S-O-R-O-S.

She is the new queen of the globalists, gratefully receiving their tainted largesse.

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There was a time when I believed that Nikki Haley and Mike Pence were the most solid people we had.

I was also wrong about Crystal Pepsi and the Spin Doctors.

Humility is the most important lesson God teaches us. That’s why he chooses to teach it over and over.

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Is it good for the Jews?

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