Nikki = Republican Kamala

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True enough, the girl is no smarter than a baked potato. But we’ve learned that’s no showstopper on the way to the presidency.

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She has 1 more neuron than Joe Biden. Therefore a total of 1.

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She followed with “...but enough about Trump, let’s talk about attacking Iran, something I’m very passionate about”

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Is Haley stupid or just a an obfuscating liar secure in the knowledge that the real morons or liars are the “journalists” whose stupidity/lies will always keep the public from the bullshit anointed by the left’s agenda as truth?

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It's a conundrum!

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To the point, almost every major problem in our republic can be laid at the door of a completely dysfunctional, unworldly. underdeveloped, moronic and undeservedly arrogant "free" (laughable) press.

Ann, a long time ago you urged people to enroll in journalism school and "go into the belly of the beast" I believe were your words. Despite your best efforts, it seems that: (1) mostly narcissistic subpar assholes entered the trade and (2) "journalism" school ceased teaching journalism.

You and the Founding Fathers tried but who could foresee labor unions controlling the K-12 education of America; who could foresee the rot of the corporate media; who could foresee the control of our "leaders" and, hence, their agendas in a few hands of organized labor bosses and the donor class elites....

If there were applicants who did not have their intellect and critical thought propagandized out of them by adulthood and, if, there still existed "journalism" schools that still taught journalism then there might actually be journalists who realized their job was to understand the concept of 2+2=4 and report facts...not the talking points handed to them by those who they are reporting about.

Imagine a republic where journalists mined for truth...where journalists would depants the liars, idiots and charlatans who are daily screwing Americans and America.

A truly free, honest and functioning press would compel the solutions to many of the republic's problems.

The creatures we all spend so much time bitching about could not exist for long in the sunshine of such a creature.

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She bonafide stupid!

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Does the acceptance of a pardon constitute an admission of guilt if no confession is involved? I would tend to think not.

She's in good company with Trump, who repeatedly misstated law on numerous occasions.

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Is she dumber than Sarah Palin?

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how dumb she is; she could still score much higher than Biden on an IQ test. The important thing is that she has Zionist support and financial backing. And that's all that matters in America. The tail continues to wag the dog.

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If she uses more hand jesters folks probably won’t notice. Not 😎

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Hand gestures...damn if she doesn’t continuously wag her index finger during her mime of a third world dictator...or is it a bin Laden standup routine?

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It's the reverse parenthesis/serving a platter hand gesture that irritates the crap out of me. so fake and consultant-trained. I can't post a picture, but here are a few still pics of the backward parens/serving a platter hand gesture -



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Thanks for the heads-up on Haley’s serving platter mime.

Here is a link to the bin Laden wag from the NYPost... https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/02/NYPICHPDPICT000007003968-1.jpg?quality=75&strip=all

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Not to beat a dead horse (or goat) but it finally crystalized...

Haley is the female embodiment of Babu Bhatt from Seinfeld.

A few Babu pics:



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3 years ago today Ashli Babbitt was murdered by the government of her beloved country.

3 years ago today Rosanne Boyland was murdered by the government of her beloved country.

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Was listening to Andrew Klavan interview Alan Dershowitz. Despite Alan’s aversion to the leftward drift of the Democratic Party, he would still vote for Biden over Trump. He then stated he would consider voting for Haley over Biden.

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Yes, Democrats love Haley. The uni-party strikes again.

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Isn’t it interesting that Andrew Klavan will host an interview with a man who voted twice for Barack Obama, voted for Hillary Clinton and voted for Biden, but will never host an interview with Jared Taylor, who has voted Republican his whole life?

Like so many, Klavan is a “Big Tent” conservative; however, the entrance door to the tent is on the left side, while the door on the right is locked and bolted.

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And yet Megyn Kelly actually believes the one poll supposedly showing Haley beating Biden by 11 points. That's impossible for the simple reason that the base loathes Haley and she wants to raise the retirement age to like 80 which won't endear her to any voting bloc.

The media boosting Haley with fulsome media coverage and fake polls blows Ann's theory away about the Dems hoping & wanting Trump will get the nomination. They would like Haley since they know she has absolutely no chance against even Carmelo Harris. Nimrata is about as unlikable and is just the Indian version of Hillary Clinton.

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Haleys the back-up. I think I wrote about this in a recent column, though I may have cut for space. The fact that the media/dems think they NEED a back-up gives me hope that they aren't so confident that they've tricked GOPs into voting for Trump.

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Actually, Ann, I was always confused about Ford's pardon of Nixon. It was my understanding that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. So I could never understand how one could be pardoned without being convicted. It's as if you are being pardoned for something that never happened.

I love your work, and I love everything about you, but if you could explain this to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Sure, a pardon can be issued for unspecified crimes before there's even an investigation of such crimes -- as with Ford's pardon of Nixon. Being under investigation is not pleasant. Very useful in the case of political prosecutions against conservatives.

Carter didn't even name the vietnam draft dodgers he pardoned. They hadn't been indicted; they were all in canada. just a blanket pardon his first day in office.

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She has two neurons connected by a spirochete and if you gave her penicillin she would go into a coma

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She's awful. Republican version of Hillary (as Ann has said).

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Please…as if intelligence, knowledge of US History, the US Constitution and basic common sense were requirements for the American people to vote for a Presidential candidate. Bill Maher pretty much said Newsome could beat DeSantis because he is good looking and not short.

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This nickie person is owned by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin those favoring endless war ( the military industrial complex) I’m guided by the magnificent Coulter that trump will not be the nominee but Desantis emerges and blows these hideous democrats out of the water ps I agree with Ann if trump is the nominee Biden wins in a landslide greater than Johnson v Goldwater

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Better join me in praying for that outcome! If only voters were required to know a teeny tiny bit about the candidates, D would win.

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