My main problem with Nikki Haley is that she is just another shill for U.S. hegemony, which means endless wars. Disgusted to see (R)'s McCaul and Issa trailing feeble Joe Biden in Kiev for sloppy seconds. The last thing we need is Biden as Commander in Chief in a war with Russia or China. Technically, we are already in one. I realize that people have short attention spans, but does anyone at all remember what went down in Afghanistan? Biden, Austin and Milley are the three stooges of warfighting.

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It never ceases to amaze me, the lack of self-awareness some folks have. I once heard an Indian (family immigrated when she was a child) woman talk about how bigoted America is towards "black and brown" people. Oh, you mean, like a caste system? Gee, I wonder what other nations have caste systems? How nice of you to come to America and lecture us about the evils of caste systems, Indian lady!

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It's crazy how Ann was getting attacked even by conservatives for saying something perfectly valid about Nikki Haley. Even someone in Steve Bannon's War Room, Grace Chong, called her a racist for it (and she has the nerve to call herself MAGA).

Haley's the one taking down our history while grifting off the fact that she's Indian, which no one would have known until she weaponized it for identity politics. Ann calls her out for it but she's the racist. Right wingers are in a serious problem if there are this many snowflakes.

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Thank you, Ann, for always bestowing honor on the greatest of human achievements...The USA.

Unlike any other country, the pedigree of the USA is not a guillotine, despotic cannibal or monarch but the genius and sanctity of the Constitution which has made everything else possible.

And by Constitution, I mean as originally intended and written by the Founders...not as some fantasy of vacuous liberal eunuchs.

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Excellent article Ann. What Nikki Haley lacks is guts. At the first sight of trouble she is willing to fold and suck up to the Left. So far Haley is on the record of praising BLM and claiming that illegal aliens are bigger patriots than American citizens. That's why she is not a presidential material in my book.

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I only have one disagreement with your tirade, we are more than halfway past being a backward, Third-World Hellhole! Just look at the scores of the children today they are the future. We are devolving not evolving! Yikes!

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Whenever there's a kerfluffle involving something Ann has supposedly said it inevitably turns out that what she actually said is completely different...and oftentimes the precise opposite...of what the legacy media asserts her statements to have been.

There is an entire media industry...led by Media Matters...devoted to taking "right wing" (known as 'mainstream' in more rational times) public figures out of context and twisting their meaning into something completely different from what was obviously intended at the time. Rush Limbaugh (RIP) used to talk about this frequently...about how the sad little Media Matters drones "monitor" his broadcasts and parse every sentence for an opportunity to twist it into something different from what he actually said. Media Matters is able to thrive because they prey upon and exploit the very things that are the result of American Greatness...Americans are by nature hyper-industrious and productive people. We are VERY busy working HARD over long hours and raising our families.

With academia having essentially collapsed and eagerly embracing a Dark Age of political indoctrination masquerading as education, parents have even less free time available to them because they now have to homeschool their children if they are to have a good education.

And so they literally don't have the time available to check and re-check every single corrupted data point spewed forth by the legacy media...a Press that exists not to tell the truth and properly inform the public but to further their own far-Left agenda.

And so Media Matters finds its niche, banking on the fact that most Americans simply don't have the time to discover that what they're doing is a lie.

With Rush Limbaugh sadly gone, the evil eye of Sauron fixes itself upon Ann Coulter, and the mindless Orcs eagerly do Sauron's bidding.

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Yes, I call this the "in other words ..." trick. They come up with a completely different statement, in the same ballpark as what you said, after carefully removing all humor, all punch, all meaning, and justify the re-write by saying (or implying) "in other words, she said." If it's all the same to you, how about you USE MY WORDS.

That's why when Chris Matthews was attacking me once for something I said about Hillary in one of my books, I asked him to read exactly what I said. READ IT, then I'll explain it, Chris. I knew if he actually read MY words, everyone would laugh and he'd look like a dope for his refusal to get a joke.

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Thank you Ann so very much for your reply! :-) Indeed, the legacy media has had no defense against you other than intentionally misquoting you, shouting you down as a guest and finally banning you altogether. They have no coherent argument that stands up to what you say and so they're reduced to lies, rudeness and infantile name-calling.

I remember that interview with Matthews! He was one of the worst as far as constantly interrupting you, and I vividly remember your steadfast resolve in holding him to what you ACTUALLY said. Sadly, I've been unable to find a clip of that particular Matthews interview online.. They probably eagerly scrubbed it, knowing that it cast one of their star idiots in a bad light.

I've always found it "interesting" that the networks were usually VERY careful to get quotations of their guests correctly presented...for most of their guests except for you. You would always stand out as the one guest where they felt comfortable in dropping all pretense at journalistic integrity, such was the devastating solidity of your arguments.

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You've expressed quite well what it means to be an American. I have the same reservations as you about Nikki Haley. Now I'm wondering about the newest declared Republican candidate for President, Vivek Ramaswamy. Just how Americanized is this person, a first generation Indian American? Does he understand the deep Christian roots on which American was founded? Since he is a Hindu, can he possibly understand the foundation on which America was built? How would it be possible for him to return us to a culture he does not understand? How tolerate is he toward other faiths? I'm sure none of the major news organizations, not even FOX would dare ask these questions. You're the rare individual who is unafraid to tell the truth--however, unpleasant that might be.

Thanks. I love your columns. And I love that you're on "Unsafe." Keep up the good work and maybe write another book.

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He's a Hindu with little regard for Christian values. If he's not like Dennis Prager who is not Christian but has respect and appreciation for Christianity then I don't want him. Also why aren't they going back to their parents countries to improve life over there. Oprah is American and opened a school in Africa, Vivek can't go to India and start a clean water project? Triage -- stop the bleeding wounds in their heritage countries and be respectful citizens over here before lecturing us.

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Actually, you have no idea what his respect for "Christian" values amounts to. Have you read anything he's written, or is this some knee-jerk alt-right reaction to anyone who doesn't look like Johnny Quest? He's lived his entire life in this country, why does he have to move back to India? America has always benefited from immigrants and their innovation. You, on the other hand, would have deported Nikola Tesla. I worry about your Christian values.

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We're a nation of immigrants and I happen to believe they understand the American Hustle better than a lot of native born people. And while I don't hold out a lot of hope for his election, from his statements he is far better qualified to be President than any of the Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers on the Right whom I'm looking at now. Sixty-three years ago stiff-necked "Christians" worried that Jack Kennedy would take orders from the Pope, but we did fine, at least until they shot him. I don't worry about Vivek's tolerance, I worry about yours. Ramaswamy checks all my boxes and I don't give a rat's ass if he's first generation. If he backs the repeal of the Jones Act, I'll vote for him even if he doesn't run.

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If Brandeis was alive today he would be cancelled for saying those words about immigrants. He would have to atone by mumbling and babbling about white supremacy and white privilege and making a large donation to BLM.

Oddly Tucker Carlson referred to Haley as a "white woman" last night when Haley herself said she wasn't.

Haley hails from a nation in India with a rigid caste system and where members of lower racial castes are treated worse than black American slaves ever were. She had no right judging the American Confederacy or removing its symbols from the state house both because of where she's from and relatively recent immigrants don't tell Americans what cultural symbols are acceptable.

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Ann, your remarks about the arrogant attitudes of some second-generation immigrants like Nikki Haley are in perfect alignment with the final words that the great Jared Taylor directed at Anna Nawaz during his appearance on the ABC News program “Uncomfortable” in 2017.

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1640 arrival as a teenager. That’s my surname. No one is going to lecture me on this or rewrite history. I’ll respect your history you respect mine. Not undo it one iota.

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Another Great One!!


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Bravo Ann!

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AIong with cows and rats, India is the No. 1 country in the world for open defecation, with over 344 million people without regular access to toilets in the country, according to 2017 statistics from the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

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Your points are well made. But for all the issues you state - including Niki's disregard for the heritage of southerners - they are the very same reasons our antiwhite establishment supports her run.

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Western Civilization is suicidal, and Ann is her best friend saying, "snap out of it. Look at all you have and all you've got to live for.

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Western Civilization is suicidal only because the helm of its institutions was hijacked by left-wingers who put it on the suicide path.

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Yes, but it is. The question is how to stop it.

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