Why didn't DeSantis keep doing it? Why aren't we sending planes and buses to Malibu, Aspen, suburban DC, Portland and Seattle every day forever? Why did it stop???

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I lived year round in Martha's Vineyard. There are tons of houses on that island that sit completely empty until May. They EASILY could have housed those immigrants. The fact that they wouldn't even do so for a couple of days without whining about it speaks volumes.

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Texas is being invaded.

If Texas goes down to the Democrats, the Republic may subjected to eternal Democratic Party rule.

“Eternal” being a euphemism.

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Soon there will be no country to rule the country will shatter along demographic, ideological, racial & regional lines. California is now little more than an extension of Mexico now.

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Exactly their intention. If Biden gets his bumbling ass pushed back into another term - wellll I’m sorry folks - adios America! without Texas staying red the democrats will have their one party rule for this nation in perpetuity. And to all the liberal lurkers here - you do know this doesn’t mean YOUR democratic candidate, right? It means who THEY want as the democrat to be elected for innumerable terms, getting away with whatever grift, insider trading, quid pro quo, bribery, and straight up criminality - somehow that sounds familiar. Hmm.

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Love it!

Next time, they should drop about 490 illegals on MV, with another 4,900 right behind them, and keep doing that until the entire island is unlivable!

In fact, maybe it can be the "new and improved" Ellis Island, and we can "capsize the island" with all those extra illegals, because that's also a very "Democrat" thing.

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What a terrible thing to do to such a beautiful island...but then again the current residents are a terrible thing to do to such a naturally diverse paradise...perhaps the best solution is to relocate the immigrants and the residents to South Boston or Lowell and let them taste reality while allowing the indigenous natural creatures of Martha’s Vineyard to return to, and rebuild and prosper in their natural habitat.

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Mr DeSantis should be commended for shipping the illegals to MV. It exposed the hypocrisy of the elites who live there (not in my backyard). When Ron gets back to business after he drops out of the 2024 contest maybe he could ship some more to Natucket, MV and Boston.

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Bullseye. I bet the demographic there hasn’t change much from the demographic portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s 1975 Jaws. BTW I’ll write in Ron D’s name on my ballot on 11/5/24. I’m in California yay!

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I wrote in Thomas Massie in 2020. It wasn’t brave because Trump had no chance in my State, which he lost by 20 points. But, I’ll ditto you.

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it would be fun to see the Kathleen Kennedy version of Jaws

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Thus affirming Dostoevsky's maxim that those who love mankind in the abstract hate humans in the flesh.

This reads like something from HP Lovecraft. The blueblood get of Puritan stock awaken one dread morn to squat, swarthy, yammering hordes . . .

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Our country is being taken from us. The Biden administration is giving it away to the world. Were finished and I’m heartbroken

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The rich woke liberals are going to make Trump president again by being breath-takingly entitled and stupid.

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If entering the US is a felony, I thought convicted felons were not allowed to vote

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I guess it's just like not a 'felony' felony, but a 'not a felony' felony. Our legal system is awesome.

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God please help us. Haley or Desantis must win

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I agree, but I'm also nervous that Haley won't deliver on a real solution to the immigration crisis. She needs to convince voters she will, and I'm not sure how she does that given her past statements on the issue.

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of course, we also have to worry about how many future Muslim terrorists has wandered across the border into our country...

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Thank you Ann for post Halloween and pre--Dia de Los Muertos nightmare on U.S. Streets.Happening right in front of our faces and deep into all of our pockets. Agree: It is an invasion. How are our leaders addressing the vulnerabilities to US citizens?

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Love your wit, wisdom, and wake-up way of challenging the glorified sympathies/absurdities of the left. Nobody - in either side - does it more effectively, creatively, and honestly. Thank you.

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What will wake this administration up ? Perhaps nothing. It seems intentional now to open the border up. But the American people do not want this. How can they do this without a cost to them?? I keep wondering

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Your best line is having the Vineyard take charge of our deportations.

The defining issue for the survival of our Republic. You’ve rightly identified it as the reason Trump won and why he should never run for office again.

He even has the nerve to taunt us, calling us suckers for believing Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

Trust me, Ann, I despise him more than you. I dread his remaining in, sucking votes out of the primary and getting slaughtered in the General. This is not hysteria. This is 270 votes which he has zero chance of earning.

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Oh come on, he can win at least 80 haha. If he truly cared about the country he would let someone else who can actually win the general take over.

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