There won't be "a next time". Power will be consolidated and changes made (starting with mass amnesty) to make the USA the mirror image of California. The fact that the race is this close (even if Trump were a few points ahead) given what we have experienced in the last 4 years tells it all. We are on a path to national suicide with the only supposed opposition coming from the likes of Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, ad nauseam. Hard to accept but it is happening right before our eyes.

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True. The proof is that even after Biden’s mental state was revealed for all to see during his debate with Trump, had Biden remained the nominee he still would have easily won California, along with several other deep blue states.

Even against DeSantis.

As Ann said in an interview when promoting “Adios, America:”

Republicans are going to increasingly wake up on election days, see the results and shake their heads ruefully while saying, “You know, I really thought we were going to win that one.”

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Gee, I wonder if allowing millions of future Democratic voters was the best policy for the GOP to embrace

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You’re describing 2016. That was the Flight 93 election. We rushed the cockpit and we succeeded in breaking through - and the plane went down anyway.

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This shouldn't be a nail biter. She owns everything Biden did and didn't. Biden/Harris opened the border. Biden/Harris/Walz opened the doors to the jails and destroyed once great cities. Biden/Harris/Walz are the reason the world is at war and America is weakened by a military more interested in diversity than unleashing destruction on our enemies and defending our citizens. Biden/Harris/Walz want males to shower with females, beat them in sports, and beat the crap out of them in the boxing ring. Biden/Harris/Walz shut down businesses and locked people up for trying open up their businesses during COVID but allowed those very same businesses to burn during the George Floyd riots. Biden/Harris/Walz lied about Biden's dementia. Harris/Walz are running to complete the Biden/Harris destruction of this once great nation.

This should not be that hard.

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But it is and will now forever be.

See my reply to RL Pines above.

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Spot on Ann but I hope he wins

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Always fun and well written Ann Coulter…!

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If he loses, you don’t REALLY think he’ll run again in 2028, do you?

I think he’ll be worn out by then, but… Trump has proven that he’s nothing if not full of surprises.

We’ll see.

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Don JR will run

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The Donnie is polling less than five points up in FL where Ron by 20 in 2022. Biden was the only candidate Trump could defeat and Trump is the only candidate Kammy can defeat.

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He'll keep sliding in the polls the more he insists on talking about Kamala's race and the stolen election etc etc etc. Any topic other than immigration and inflation. It's a tired circus side show at this point.

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Indeed. There is substantial voter fatigue with Trump's egocentric bully tactics. Folks ultimately want to know how a candidate plans to make their lives better.

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And Kamala, in comparison, is seen as a better choice just by hiding out.

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Trump shoulda picked desantis for VP

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I know Trump might not be the strongest candidate, but the fact that this race is even close is an indictment of the American people, whatever is even meant by the American people. If Daffy Duck were the Republican nominee it shouldn’t be close. The left is insane and destroying the country. The nation is being invaded, we are butchering our children over dubious sexual theories, our cities have been burned and destroyed over a drug addict by a movement that both Democrats supported, they want to now stack the court and just you wait, they will make DC and PR states,yet the election is close. I am not sure even a better candidate could win given our current demographics and the media. And to prove my point, Walz apparently has higher approval than the great JD Vance

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Greg Hood said in his most recent podcast that “When Chinese historians write ‘The Decline and Fall of America’ the 1986 Reagan amnesty will be called the turning point.”

As mentioned above, Joe Biden, as dangerously out-of-it as he was revealed to be during the debate, has never trailed in the California polls. He would’ve won that state and several others in November.

Even against DeSantis.

No more 49 state landslides for us in the New America that was created by our leaders in our name.

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This is a very accurate description of what I see happening in this once great country that I have yet read. John Adams famously said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Sadly a great majority of the American people are no longer either moral or religious. The consequences of this we see unfolding before our very eyes.

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Great article Ann, I think that Trump needs to stop with the adolescent attacks on Kamala and focus more on a joke she has been as a prosecutor. She locked up many black and hispanic people for ridiculous charges and increased more charges on them, she even held evidence that could have exonerated death row inmates, which is pure evil. As the so-called border czar immigration has gotten 10 times worse under her leadership. She's scared to do interviews. Trump needs to focus more on these topics. If Trump loses this election, the Republican Party will have to more on from Trump.

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The die-hards will never move on. They eagerly await everything he says so they can blindly agree with it.

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"Next time, vote for DeSantis, idiots."

Just because you got paid to be a professional DeSantis shill, didn't make him a rock star candidate!

He ran a shit campaign, but that's our fault?

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If you voted for Trump in the primary, yes.

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Yes, no forgiveness for those idiot primary voters who thought Trump was our best.

Also Ann, thoughts on the Bret Baier / Nikki Haley interview? I know you aren't a fan of hers (to say the least), and I am a hesitant one, but I thought she made some great points that the Trump campaign doesn't seem to be understanding at the moment.

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On my best day, I can’t stand and don’t trust Haley but she did just speak a mouthful of common sense…I only hope that Trump wants to win more than listen to his own chest-pounding echos.

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She also called Harris becoming the candidate (and eventual winner) a while ago.

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YES! Anybody, please. DeSantis hasn't been great for those of us in Southern Florida (outrageous insurance costs, crappy schools, out-of-touch abortion law, and a LOT of corruption), please please can we bring back conservatism without the BS culture wars? I know most of y'all probably aren't conservatives, but at least the ideas are based in common sense and freedom.

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Most of us aren't conservatives? That is quite a hot take. Here. On Ann Coulter's Substack.

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One of Ann's top concerns is immigration. That may be the Republican viewpoint, but it isn't a classic conservative viewpoint (see Hayek and Friedman, even Sowell and Buckley). I would not define Trump as a conservative, and DeSantis focuses too much on cultural issues and performance.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14

That may be true hictorically, but the worlds in which all those guys lived are much different than what we are dealing with now. None of them could have imagined unvetted and non-strategic immigration would not only become the norm but also the perceived moral high ground. It's beyond absurd.

Trump is a right-leaning populist, but definitely more conservative than not. And I can't disagree that DeSantis focuses too much on social issues, but that works for him in Florida. Or maybe it only does because he's so wildly successful on all issues, I dunno. I'm not entirely sure what south FL's issues are and how much of that blame goes to the governor but the before and after metrics for FL in regards to DeSantis are stellar overall.

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Imagine asking William Buckley what the odds were for a bakery being sued for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a single-sex couple getting married…he would have treated you to an all-expense paid stay at Silver Hill.

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Stacey, three of your “classic conservatives” are not conservatives at all. Hayek, Friedman and Sowell would all describe themselves as libertarians.

They think just like the GOP donors today and their house organ, the Wall Street Journal, whose longtime editor, Robert Bartley, proposed the following 5-word constitutional amendment many times:

There Shall Be Open Borders.

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The Rs civil war is between the Chamber of Commerce branch and the Build a Wall branch. Murdoch's WSJ and Fox News LOVE cheap labor and do not be fooled by what they say but look at what they do. Like hiring Paul Ryan the guy with Mitch who dragged their feet on the border wall and any other America First policies that DJT tried (half heartedly) to get done. The RINOs here in Wisconsin are going to let the Green Party to be kicked off the ballot again and are going to sit back with folded arms and watch the train wreck in Nov. I have 7 Trillion Budget reasons that they won't let Trump win, even if he's in the White House. Hi Ann : )

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It’s much for fundamental than that.

The practical difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the base and the donors are united in the former and are opposed (Chamber of Commerce vs Build the Wall) in the latter. The result for conservatives is that our money and our votes are going in two different directions, which is not true for Democrats.

When the Democrats want to unseat the titular leader of their party that unity of base and donors empowers the party chieftains (Pelosi and Schumer) to orchestrate a virtual coup and get their way. The same was not true for the GOP in either 2016 or this year: they never united around a single non-Trump candidate either time, even though everyone on the non-Trump side understood that was their only chance of prevailing.

The difficulty over the next few years will be persuading wealthy conservatives that their best interests will be served not by funding another think tank or foundation, but by supporting the policy prescriptions of America First — saying no to globalism and saying yes to White America, the only real hope for continued American success and influence — and for the survival of Western Civilization itself.

We created it. It is by us, for us and nobody else can be us.

That task won’t be easy, not after 60 years of “We Are the World,” “Imagine” and “Ebony and Ivory.” But there is no other way.

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I am a Bartley fan, I absorbed his writing and his writing style -- I think Peggy Noonan described it as 'elegant' -- .....ON ECONOMICS. No one could write a more concise editorial or op ed about how central bank operations created money in the morning and extinguished the money in the afternoon. He was the perfect person (along with Jude Wanniski, who was an even more fervent proponent of supply side economics) to take the ideas of Robert Mundell, Art Laffer, Paul Craig Roberts, Herb Stein, Jack Kemp JB Say, Adam Smith et al, and make the ideas understandable in the lay press. Indeed, Bartley said that one of his proudest achievements was getting onto an airplane and seeing businessmen immediately open their Wall Street Journal to the editorial page.

Having said that, he had a tremendous blind spot (or soft spot...?) for illegal immigrants, even going as far in his book, The Seven Fat Years, to laud an illegal immigrant who was trying to start up a software business and during a meeting with someone he hoped would lend him money, 'accidentally' left his notebook opened when he went to the men's room to that the other man could see a full schedule of meetings with other potential investors (the implication in Bartley's story is that there were no other meetings or investors; Bartley clearly admired the illegals' chutzpah).

I don't think Bartley ever envisioned what has become an invasion on par with the Mariel (sp?) Boatlift. I wonder how he would today refute Friedman's assertion that 'you cannot have open borders and a welfare state' (and I don't think Friedman included in his calculation chain migration or anchor babies).

Deporting every single post 1970 third world arrival and their progeny would go a long way to ensuring no Democrat ever got close to the Republican candidate on a State-wide or national ballot.

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You can take a pill if you want an abortion. Anywhere. Never forget most abortions are black kids and that's what the left wants but will never admit.

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Not here in California, they're mostly white, and they all have multiple abortions, using it as birth control.

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The left wants Black girls to have abortions? I think the left wants Blacks to have as many babies as possible so they can vote for Democrats.

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It is Trump’s election to lose just as it was DeSantis’s nomination to lose, which he managed to do with an idiotic and totally unnecessary death-by-abortion legislation.

When Trump was handed a gimme with Biden as his opponent but…No, Trump et al couldn’t shut up and even pretend to cower until after the Democrat convention…No, Trump had to bully and pile on the best idiot he could ever hope to run against up to and including taking the obvious bait and accepting that ridiculous setup of a debate…didn’t anybody notice that NBC was just a tad to civil to Trump?

Asymmetrical thought has never been a Republican strong point let alone a Trump trait.

Even a wolf can figure out that stumbling upon a 10lb porterhouse in the middle of a famine is probably not a free lunch.

Please President Trump, speak to the American people and forget about babbling to the mirror.

And as far as 2028 and Ron DeSantis goes, maybe an all out effort to find a graceful transition from that unnecessary abortion political death wish might be a good pre-season idea as well as taking a page from the Iron Lady playbook and getting yourself a voice coach to fine tune things far enough in advance that a statesman-like delivery seems normal and natural…not a sore-thumb affectation for the rancid media to poke fun at.

Sanity is fighting for America’s survival against amoral idiots who are all graduates of Oprah College and the University of The View.

This is asymmetrical warfare and there is nothing normal or honest about it or its useful idiots.

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Hi Ann,

Where, exactly, is your proposal in the piece? I’ve read it three times now. Is your proposal that we all hold our noses and vote Trump? The alternative is Thelma and Louise because there will be no “next time” if Harris/Walz win. Their victory brings the end of America. I can easily see Harris signing America’s surrender papers to China on an American aircraft carrier if that happens.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. My sincere, humble, proposal to you out of love for you and this country we both love so much is that you swallow your pride, apologize to Donald Trump, and get in a position where you can bypass his inner circle to give him sound advice directly again. This campaign can be won, and I believe you can play a larger role in saving America.

Many voices besides you have been saying that Trump/Vance needs to continually mention Harris’s unwillingness to give unscripted interviews to the press and talk up her terrible policy record. She should be made angry enough to come out of the spider hole the media has her in and talk. That’s the only way the general population of normies will ever see her for the counterfeit currency she is.

Using an unverifiable, unfalsifiable, what-if scenario about who could more easily beat Harris isn’t a proposal. It’s a lament. DeSantis joins the other horses of McCain, Romney, and Christie you bet on at the boulevard of broken dreams. None of them beat the Media/Democrat cabal, either.

That the Marxist Media would paint the incompetent, nasty, racist, Marxist Kamala Harris as the “joyful” Margaret Thatcher should have been taken for granted. You/we know they have their marching orders. The media works like locusts in lock step. That’s why they all parrot the same talking points every week. They’re pre-programmed to ignore truth and flood the zone with lies. Our founders, wise as they were, never foresaw how evil, manipulative, and Marxist, the media would become. Gaslighting has been the media’s trademark now for decades.

Using Kamala’s own words against her should be a top priority with Trump-Vance speeches, rallies, and media interviews.

Hiding Harris is the media’s new 2024 version for 2022’s Basement Biden strategy. Democrats hate her but hate Trump more.

But I agree with you, Ann, that Team Trump seems asleep at the switch. When is Vance going to mention that Harris won't allow her lower staffers to look her in the eyes or that her staff attrition rate is 92% because she's the queen of mean? To be fair, though, how does anyone get a message to Trump or Vance past the army of his inner circle? MAGA people can’t get close to the inner sanctum of his campaign. All the rank and file can do is leave a little message with their donation and I'm sure someone with Trump's ear is right on top of looking for good advice, right? Eyeroll. I’m sure that a few (Charlie Kirk, Megyn Kelly, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and Tim Pool) probably have access to the Ticket. But why they aren’t having Trump on their programs regularly is a curiosity, though.

You should be on that list.

People like the venerable Victor Davis Hanson, concerned our nation will soon be handed over to hateful, nincompoop DEI Marxists, has been crying out on their own and other podcasts and television appearances, for Trump/Vance to focus all their rhetorical firepower on Harris’ horrible record and hiding rather than the name-calling. To repeat, discussing Harris’s horrendous domestic and foreign policy positions should dominate the GOP ticket’s commercials, campaign rally speeches, and television appearances.

Trump has a lot of support from large-platform podcasters. Tim Pool, Scott Adams, Megyn Kelly, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and now Elon Musk, with others, are all echoing similar advice to Trump, urging the Trump-Vance Ticket to attack Harris’ hiding while talking up her abysmally poor record as attorney general in California and as Biden’s vice president. At least a few of those mentioned above should have a round-table conference call.

Is Team Trump listening to any of the above-mentioned? For that matter, what in the heck is Michael Whatley and Lara Trump doing? All I can do is offer a suggestion to the campaign, but I doubt any of them are reaching anyone with Trump’s ear.

As you know, the Trump-Musk conversation was heard by over a billion people. According to something I read, 70% of those who listened were in the 25-35 demographic. That’s good, because a lot of normies from that group haven’t heard Trump talk much about anything, since the media is as good at keeping Trump in the lock box trunk as they are in hiding Harris.

Trump thrives in the townhall interview environment better than the one-on-one interview format. One-on-one Trump can wander around mentally and slip into stump speech mode. Musk didn’t keep control of the interview and for that reason the conversation wasn’t well organized. To be sure, Mr. Musk offered some great comments and Trump did get to discuss all the signature campaign issues of illegal immigration, the economy, and crime, but Mr. President was allowed to lapse into campaign rally mode. Lara should have urged her father-in-law to deliver a prepared speech. A prepared speech could have made a much bigger impact that the free-for-all, meandering discussion that ensued. I didn't hear much discussion about foreign policy, either. The Israel-Iran and Russia-Ukraine topics were barely touched on.

That the media is going to feed the public a steady diet of crap sandwiches for the next 80+ days while presenting Harris as “joyful” and attacking Trump falsely about everything was a given. Why would we think for a second that wouldn’t be the strategy, had a DeSantis, Ramaswamy, or anyone else, been the nominee?

Ann, I believe you are an incredible asset to this Republic. I am surprised you haven’t written a new book outlining why the LGBT-DEI agenda is so detrimental to the future of Western civilization, because that's the DNC agenda. But for heaven’s sake, you could get yourself in a position where you have Trump’s ear again! The good people I’ve referred to in this post have his ear to some extent, but I don’t know if any of them are making headway.

There’s far too much at stake here. Harris will quite literally be the end of this nation. You can and are doing your part to help save this country from going over the cliff. I just think you could do more because you're in a position to do so. Offer some serious proposals to the GOP to go along with the insightful citations of headlines demonstrating the strategy being taken by the DNC to install Kommie Kamala. Go on Kelly's show. Go on Hanson's, Shapiro's, Levin's, Kirk's, Beck's, Prager's, Pool's and Savage's - all the people who have Trump's ear. Make the "Grand Rounds" like the good Dr. Coulter. You have plenty of good advice to cure the Trump campaign of what ails it.

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"Our founders, wise as they were, never foresaw how evil, manipulative, and Marxist, the media would become."

I think John Adams covered that when he said 'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'

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On target as usual Ann. Count me as one of those voters who will cast a Trump vote when I’m tempted to write-in DeSantis. But that’s it!!

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The TDS is amazing at this point. If DeSantis is relying on you for guidance of any kind he is truly fucked. Cannot believe you are still shilling for the Ds but really not unexpected.

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Why is 'Dinesh's Stupid Movie" still at the very top of the choices after the comments? First, it wasn't a stupid movie. TTV made excellent technical points. Every critique I've read of the movie "pretends" to misunderstand cell phone tower triangulation, when it was the phone's own GPS that was reporting its position, which they clearly explain. More rot like that.

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