Sep 20, 2023Liked by Ann Coulter

Brilliant, Ann.

Please, Republicans, pick up the thousand dollar bills lying in the street instead of researching Hunter Biden entertainment receipts.

You have a country to win.

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they can't.

That's Trump's issue.

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Trump talked a lot about the Biden border disaster in a recent speech (wasn't looking for it, but Infowars played excerpts). So again, he's saying the right thing, though still bragging about "500 miles" of wall (and "Warp Speed," a DOD/Fauci program from long before Covid). On the other hand, a recent e-mail from Desantis listed a dozen or more accomplishments (many regarding "social" issues/woke-ism) without a word on immigration. Is he perhaps reined in by Turd Blossom and the donors?

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Sure about that? I got a DeSantis email 3 days ago with a whole section on it:


The Biden Border Crisis has wreaked havoc across the United States and has put Americans in danger. But Governor DeSantis did not stand idly by while the federal government abandoned its lawful duties to protect our country, instead he:

* Mandated immigration status verification through E-Verify for public and private employers.

* Made knowingly transporting illegal immigrant minors a felony.

* Made using a fake ID to gain employment a felony.

* Required hospitals to report healthcare costs for illegal aliens.

* Gave Florida more money to send more illegal immigrants to more “sanctuary” jurisdictions such as Martha’s Vineyard."

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You're right. Today's message lists 19 accomplishments, and the Biden-to-E-verify portion of the above was there. Unfortunately the main topic of today's e-mail was DeSantis' military service--that after 9/11 he joined the Navy, became a JAG officer, and went to Afghanistan. I'm afraid Lindsey Graham has deballed JAG's appeal (if there was any), and most of us want fewer foolish foreign military entanglements rather than more. DeSantis needs to pick up that $1000 bill, shed any linkage to RINO Jeb's invasion-is-love BS.

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Hm. I got a DeSantis email today, main topic: immigration. I'm sick of the globalist neo"con" world-nanny crap too. Maybe wishful thinking but there's at least one indication he may have wised up to it as well. I recall he talked about cutting aid to Ukraine. I give him great credit for being idealistic & patriotic after 911, surely nothing to be ashamed of, but I'm skeptical of flag-humping ex-military officers and I couldn't give a F about Jag Off this or that. I cut him some slack there, since he earned it and it gets votes from glazy-eyed chumps who worship the military. It's not why I support him, even a bit of a turn off. I've seen no credible evidence DeSantis toes any part of the ¡JEB! agenda. Just ridiculous smear by the Trump camp.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Ann Coulter

Want to change the voting rules in blue states to eliminate months-long elections?

Win those states in 2024. There’s no other way.

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After 2016 I thought we had maybe turned a corner related to actually caring about and delivering on issues that mattered to a majority of Americans. This was approximately 75% of the excitement for Trump, at least for me. Now we have to watch security camera footage of Boebert smoking a vape (what are you, 15 and white trash?) and groping her Dem date. And, well...yeah that all tracks. We need to stop supporting these morons just because of the R after their name. Americans don't agree on a whole lot, but we do agree on getting immigration under control. And NO ONE is out there hammering this point home, except for DeSantis who could win if he could just prioritize the issues he talks about.

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Inflation has gotten out of control.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

New Mexico shares a 179.5-mile long boundary with the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Sonora.

In a sane nation, the Governor of New Mexico would deploy the National Guard in order to seal the border.

179.5 miles could be easily secured with 10,000 troops; that would be 56 soldiers per mile.

Surely, that should be more than enough to be able to actually completely stop the invasion!

State police and sheriff deputies should also contribute; militias ought to be used as well!

The border could be sealed in record time; all it takes is political will!

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Phony-tough morally-crippled RINO Greg Abbott could also halt the invasion, invoke his Art 1 §10 war & treaty powers the US Constitution's Framers provided should the federales neglect-subvert their Art IV §4 duty to prevent invasion & ensure a Republican form of government. He won't even enforce his fake deals with Mexican governors, preferring to pleasure his "cheap labor", 1-way "free trade", business-class BFFs and reward a few invaders with free rides to where they want to go anyway. Rs like Ann Coulter give him a pass since he's "Republican".

Greg Abbott: All Kabuki, No Cattle.

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Great column, using mainstream, Blue-state sources. But there's even more from truth-telling sources, including highly organized migrant camps in Panama (visited and most likely funded by Mayorkas) and a huge new migrant city (Abbottville) under construction north of Houston.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

How come the Democrats won 40 House seats promising to impeach Trump but the Republicans will lose a lot of seats if they impeach Biden? Biden should be impeached but not for Hunter's business dealings. He and his administration are guilty of high treason in refusing to enforce the nation's immigration laws, in inducing millions from around the world to illegally cross our border and break our immigration laws and in making his own immigration laws by fiat.

But the GOP has said little about this other than to beat their chests on FOX and Newsmax. Expect them to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like they always do. And expect Trump to run on the 2020 election, DACA amnesty for the "beautiful children" and a platinum plan for the privileged Brahmins. Expect DeSantis and Nimrata Haley to run on more funding and a bigger border wall for Israel as well as war with Russia. And expect Vivek to tell the GOP base whatever they want to hear at the moment.

Sam Francis definitely nailed the GOP as the stupid party. We are screwed.

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Excellent, but missed something:

The *fundamental driver* of the *recent* massive *acceleration* in *homelessness* is mass immigration jacking up population & "housing" costs. Legal or illegal makes no difference. And most homeless being citizens is irrelevant, since immigrants are not generally the ones with drug-alcohol-mental issues, will stack up & hot bunk 5-10 in a 1-bdr apt, are given racist priority to work in places like Los Angeles, and will work "cheap" until they can afford more space, breed, and drive "housing" costs even higher.

Drugs, alcohol & mental illness are *of course* factors, but we've had those for decades and many with those issues could still afford "housing". Many state mental hospitals closed in the 1980s, so that's hardly new. Demmunist/LoLibertarian drug policy is a factor, but not a new one. Giant hedge & mutual funds should be banned from buying "housing", but that's not a new factor either. Those factors worsened over the decades but there was clearly no recent sudden 250% increase in them.

*However*, immigration & invasion *did* accelerate bigly in he last 5yrs or so, such that citizens with drug-alcohol-mental issues who used to be able to squeak by can no longer afford "housing". They're all factors, but if you hike the population 10% a year, it *will* jack up *housing* cost and toss people on the edge out in the street.

La! QED 😄

P.S. Most "Rs" (for "cheap labor") have colluded with Ds for decades to subvert our borders & immigration controls and hike legal immigration from its already nationally-suicidal levels.

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P.P.S. It's typical for MTG, Boebert & "Republicans" in general to tiger-talk go-nowhere impeachments & submit phony-tough go-nowhere bills when out of power & unable to pass squat. And they're out of power now, even with a house majority.

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"The *fundamental driver* of the *recent* massive *acceleration* in *homelessness* is mass immigration jacking up population & "housing" costs."

Another is zoning in environmentalist whacko strongholds where urban sprawl is hated and so development is thwarted or halted, reducing the supply of housing.

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Actually, Cali's run by eco-commies, but the state overrode local zoning for "ADUs" and are otherwise rapidly developing & densifying private land to make room for immigrants. Yet "housing" cost has exploded anyway due to deluge immigration.

There's only so much land. Zoning or not, sprawl or not, jack up population and you jack up the cost of private land & "housing". Mathematical, economic inevitability. Supply & demand.

Why would we want to sprawl & develop all the private land anyway? Because we can? To make developers & realtors happy? Postage-stamp Kaufman & Broad slap-up tract homes everywhere there were beautiful open fields? Nationwide gridlock? The urbanization that destroys liberty, privacy, dignity? Small towns transformed into big towns? Big towns turned into big cities? Big cities turned into mega-cities that run all the states? For reasons that should be fairly obvious, big cities are virtually *always* run by corrupt left leaning control freaks, not just because they attract them, but because they *create* them. The higher the density, the more people control each other, and the more they depend on government.

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It’s ludicrous and self-destructive to populate a country with borderline creatures who are barely cognizant of soap let alone the Constitution.

With immigration-anarchy and the intentional censure of assimilation, the future looks like the a shithole of disparate tribal city-states brought to you by “diverse multiculturalism”.

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Remember the surprising election results from the Rio Grande counties in Texas in 2022?

Well, those victories can be SCALED UP if we’re smart.

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Amen Amen

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Cheap labor fattens the margins of GOP megadonors. The Republican position on Third World immigration really is this simple. Sure, the Country Club may feign outrage and promise action to win an election, but once in office they will keep the floodgates open.

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Sage advice.

Here’s how it plays out-

The GOP threatens a government shut down if Biden doesn’t seal the border.

The press lambasts the GOP, Biden agrees to “fix the boarder crisis”, and the GOP has won, hooray!!

Then, Biden just keeps allowing illegals to flood in, claiming it’s all under control, just like they have been doing.

The GOP takes another “L” in the press, and gets NOTHING for it.

That’s called lose-lose!

They should close the government and defund one agency per week, until they get something substantial, like a Biden resignation!

Go nuclear option, we’re losing the whole fucking country anyway!

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Focusing on illegal immigration would be a winning strategy. Of course, the real power brokers don't want to close the border, so if the GOP focused on that, we'd no doubt get lots of empty theater without anything meaningfully changing. That could mean electoral victory, but not an end to illegal immigration. I'll believe the GOP is serious about ending illegal immigration when them make a good-faith effort to actually do it. Too many of them know not to bite the hands that feed them (or pull their puppet strings).

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Like phony-tough Greg Abbott, who could stop the invasion by invoking his Article 1 §10 war & treaty powers but won't even enforce his show-deals with Mexican governors, pleasuring his business-class, "cheap labor", 1-way "free trade" BFFs. Meanwhile, he uses public money to reward a few invaders by voluntarily bussing them to where they want to go anyway.

All Kabuki, No Cattle.

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Thank you Ann for today’s astute party invitation to discuss real and important issues. Agree: With the sub heading of the headline of the stupid party. Sadly. Yes. Right now the Republicans want to be popular. And are suffering from “if you cannot beat ‘em, join ‘em”. (Disclaimer: I graduated high school a long, long time ago. And can seriously step up my fashion look) Lauren and Marjorie are experiencing desperate attempts at a new me too movement. In my personal opinion, they really both care very little about the migrant crisis and the gross injustices of it. Why is it everyone (some newscasters, politicians)trying to make their point look like they are going out in fully coiffed hair and makeup “clubbing”. Not helping their point. Agree: Gov’t spending is Republican’s climate change.


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Both parties want the illegals. Maverick Trump MIGHT build a wall.

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Should FL and TX be sending illegal aliens to swing states rather than blue states? Particularly swing states with Dem governors?

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Good question

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