In their weekend story about the case on their website Fox News ran a picture of Jordan Neely at age 15. (Neely died at 30.)

That’s right, Fox News.

The NY Times was so proud.

Why, he could have been Emmitt Till.

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If Tucker was still around...............he'd have Penny's lawyer on tonight.

Fox has been in my rear view mirror for months. Except Tucker.

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Two observations: Ann writes: “Weird that New Yorkers would feel like city officials are releasing insane people onto the streets and refusing to remove them, even when they commit violent crime, after violent crime.”

First: Could this be deliberate? Will someone, anyone, have the well-developed sense of moral outrage to call out specific city officials for conducting what is CLEARLY a deliberate terror campaign against their own citizens, a campaign designed to cow normal people into passivity and conformity?

Second: Poinzy makes an excellent point, which is that the solution to the current crisis was implemented within living memory, so there is no excuse for inaction except cowardice -- an assumed cowardice that works to facilitate the actual policy. (See observation #1)

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"Will someone, anyone, have the well-developed sense of moral outrage to call out specific city officials for conducting what is CLEARLY a deliberate terror campaign against their own citizens, a campaign designed to cow normal people into passivity and conformity?"

Now you see the genius of putting monkeys (aka POCs) into positions of authority; you can't call them out because now you're a racist. Tim Pool took apart that POC POS Gadde from Twitter on the Rogan podcast, the only reason she was in that position was because of her color or stench.

Obama, Hank Johnson, Clyburn, Waters, Lemon, Bragg, Mayor Adams, the new prick in Chicago, Garnder, Robin Roberts, etc times a million....... as Eddie Murphy put it, 'give a N a rope he wanna be a cowboy.'

The West is F***ed because these people are steering the bus into the canyon and there isn't a thing law abiding people can do about it because reparations.

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Another excellent and essential column Ann, thank you so much!

Given that a former Marine would be thoroughly trained in the art of killing and could have easily snapped Neely's neck if he had wanted to, it should be easy to argue that the death was accidental, particularly since he was struggling so violently that TWO other people needed to assist in holding Neely down.

The problem is, this will be a NYC jury and their main concerns will be:

~Penny is White

~Penny is male

~Penny is a 'trained killer'

~Penny is a 'vigilante' who makes the weak of mind and body look bad.

~Penny is 'probably' not a liberal, and is therefore instantly guilty regardless of any evidence.

~Neely is black and is therefore innocent.

~Neely knew how to 'moonwalk' and therefore was of incalculable benefit to Society.

I'm guessing that Penny's jury will make the O.J. Simpson jury seem like brilliant scholars by comparison.

This is just one in the very long list of reasons why sane and productive people are fleeing NYC as rapidly as they possibly can.

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Although unmentioned in Ann’s column, Mayor Eric Adams’ statement about the case was despicable.

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NYC was a nice place to work when Giuliani was mayor. Glad I don't work there now.

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Ann Coulter - great work yet again. This is so obviously wrong....it has to be a plot.

Impeach Bragg for dereliction of duty. Why can't it be done. Because they have infiltrated our ranks [George Soros, China, Obama's Democrats, who knows.....I don't care]. If we can't win this argument.....we don't deserve this country.

Step up you pussies and fight for the subways of New York. Let's start there.

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This cannot go on forever. There will be a backlash, and it will be ugly, and when it comes, the BLM Marxcissist morons who are cheering on this crime wave will be too retarded to connect the dots and recognize their own role in sowing the whirlwind that they will inevitably reap.

Also, if you're not a communist, you should get out of NYC ASAP, or you will find yourself living through a live-action remake of "Escape from New York."

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"There will be a backlash, and it will be ugly"

Good. I just hope it is thorough and merciless, something along the lines of 'just wait till the people who want to be left alone get involved.' Who TF wants to live in a police state? It will be fun to watch night after night of countless funerals of totalitarians, turned in an instant into Caucescu.

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I like, does Ann??

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Ann: Trump 2024??

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I care about New Yorkers exactly as much as they care about the rest of the nation.

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Explain very slowly why I should care about New Yorkers.

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Will the people open New York ever wake up and vote Republican? They could get this city cleaned up with their votes, but they won’t do it. Democrats are in imbedded like ticks in the skin of New York. They are sucking the life out of the city. I do not want New York to fail. I want New York to regain Its glory as the major metropolis in the western world, and the home of finance and art and technology.

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It seems like every time something like this happens, conservatives are quick to praise the guy and liberals are quick to demonize him. But every time this happens...it's in a city that has been ruined by leftist politics.

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To be fair, it's hard not to be on this guy's side given the facts. Still a complicated situation unless we let everyone preemptively protect people at risk of killing the probably-but-not-yet attacker.

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It turns out the whole thing is a CIA prank. We've been had. http://mileswmathis.com/penny.pdf

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Big US cities already toyed with judicial liberalism back in the 1960s-1970s, as result we got a record amount of crime and millions of people voted with their feet and moved for the suburbs. This is how we got urban blight. Today left-wingers push the same failed policies. What is this if not a deliberate attempt of ethnic cleansing?

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Bragg is black. Neely is black. Bragg is getting revenge. We should think twice before we put these people in power because, not being in Africa, and living a lifestyle that is beyond their wildest dreams, will never be enough.

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