BTW, I’m so happy to listen to a conservative podcast where the two people on it don’t agree on everything and really argue.

That’s what I don’t like about TAC, American Mind, Tucker, Daily Wire Backstage and others. They won’t have Ann on because she’ll argue. They definitely won’t have The Great Jared Taylor on for the same reason.


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I found the differences between Coulter and Hanson's opinion utterly fascinating and informative.

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We need confrontational debates wherein conservatives defend traditional American values and attack progressive ideology. Two conservatives who independently come to their own positions by thorough research makes us all wiser. I especially liked VDH’s info about Reagan. He did so many things right but in one (small at the time) way his generosity was taken advantage of by the left. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Jan 4Liked by Ann Coulter

An intelligent, reasoned and civil debate--informative and provocative. And so very, very rare...

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My two favorites together at last! Weird because I've been following both for ages and never heard one mention the other.

VDH is a genius except for not being able to see racial differences. He's the type that's fine with a brown USA as long as everyone follows the rule's etc. No, thanks Victor.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Ann Coulter

I am always impressed by Ann's supreme intelligence; her interviews are some of the best in the world!

Thank Jove for Ann and her astounding genius!


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Jan 5Liked by Ann Coulter

Follow up: if you believe in prayer, do pray.

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Jan 4Liked by Ann Coulter

Thank you for an articulate conversation that has saved me a visit to my shrink. Very happy I joined.

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This was a tremendous exchange of views, especially the polite disagreements.

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Just curious. Are you as severely conservative as Mitt Romney?

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My screen name pokes fun at fake severe conservative Mitt. When Ann signed my books, she got the joke!

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I know that’s what you were getting at. Funny.

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The Culture of Critique by Professor Kevin MacDonald explains so much of this and we are all basically on the same page. But we can't talk about this aspect, the most important aspect because they will call us names.

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Thus leaving us to shake feckless fists at "liberals," "progressives" and other meaningless categories.

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So true Greg, these nameless liberals when actually our true enemies have names and are out in the open about their hatred towards us. The scream that we are racists and white supremacists while they go about destroying the greatest country ever on the face of the Earth. I for one do not call for violence against them, I do call for unity in fighting them and exposing them.

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This was the first time I have heard Ann address the outcome of the Cornell disruption of her talk. She indicated the students received basically a meaningless black mark in their records. (I was in attendance at this fiasco. Thanks again for signing my books, Ann. )

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Great stuff. VDH is just a legend and great to see that he enjoys a little disagreement so that we can sharpen our positions.

High point of the interview was his description of "white rage". Shocking point that the military doesn't track the racial data on who dies.

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Good challenge on the wall and immigration. VDS is an intellectual giant, but his defense of Trump is lame and you can see he was visibly irritated. Reagan’s failed trade with O’Neil and Mitchell involve 2.3 million il legals, not 35 million at the time of Trump. The same money Trump used to start the 57 miles was available on Day 1, when DACA was supposed to end (not 9 months later without placing EO in the Fed Reg). Trump unequivocally screwed us on immigration, with which VDS also fails to cite the pressure and influence brought on by Jared and Ivanka, and he greased the skids for Biden’s criminality. Yes, Trump got a temp reprieve with RIM, but Obrador crapped on him over manufacturing, particularly with the auto assembly and parts industries, which were supposed to return to the states, as did the Cartels, including when they slaughtered 9 Mormon women and children in 2019. Not even a Terror Declaration, never mind a covert military response.

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Good summary of the Trump admin!

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I don't know if this is a perfect analogy, but I thought during the portion of the interview about how the barbarians just have to destroy things, whether it be statues or architecture or Israel, that that explains the WEF. Destruction for destruction's sake.

It occurs to me that the driving force behind the great reset and the desire of 'elites' to put everyone into 15 minute cities, put everyone in cars that can be centrally deactivated, essentially remove ALL choice, is that these billionaires RESENT the fact that modern western civilization (ie America) has provided for average people a lifestyle that once was reserved for millionaires or billionaires,

What is the point, or the advantage, of being a billionaire when average people in rural America can enjoy a relatively high standard of living, certainly a comfortable one as judged by the person living it?

How can an elite feel truly exceptional and special if an average family can live in a home with air conditioning and heat, a home with a garage for vehicles and storage space for the sorts of things average people accumulate and use in their daily life?

How elite can you feel if you look around and realize that an average family can (or could) go to a nearby airport and get on an airplane and go as far as their budget would allow, or that an average family could go to a fancy restaurant and order an expensive dinner of fancy foods that only used to be available to wealthy people?

I am sure everyone has heard the cliche about how poor Americans live better than Europeans kings lived.

There IS NO advantage or point in being a billionaire when average people can do things only billionaires used to be able to do, so..........

That system has to be destroyed, torn down whether in the light of day or cover of darkness.

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Yes, this explains airport security. The sole purpose is to torture Americans who don't have their own private planes.

<<What is the point, or the advantage, of being a billionaire when average people in rural America can enjoy a relatively high standard of living, certainly a comfortable one as judged by the person living it?>>

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You look like you’re in your early 30’S.

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My Kween, I wish you could let go of your legitimate resentments against Trump. He did some good, and he is the likely nominee. I wish it were otherwise, but it ain't. As Connie Corleone would say, "He's so sweet. can't you forgive Fredo?"

No? I didn't think so.

When angry Never Trumpers (like you and King Pedro) suggest staying home in disgust, what if enough disgruntled fussy Republicans DO stay home?

Cheer up, as they will never let Trump assume office. Not when possible jail, loss of power and trillions are at stake. This election will be decided in Congress by a bi-partisan committee that includes Republicans from the Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney wing. We are screwed.

At least people have started to realize the Good Lord has turned His back on us. We let in too much wickedness. He is probably watching over Hungary now.

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We're not "Never Trumpers" we're "Former Trumpers" because we're not retarded.

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I've been kicked off google groups apparently for giving facts.

After 30 years with them.

A few minutes ago I read, thanks to the field of cybernetics that the wall separating Mexico and the USA was scheduled to be completed by 2020 A.D.

The Ukraine iss cheduled to receive 60 billion

There was a cost of 12 billion to complete the southern border wall with Mexico.

Congress claimed we don't have the money.

He kept his promise.

We have a divided Congress...

Republican vs Democrat

What happened to Thomas Jefferson's Party of combining the two parties?

Chuck Schumer doesn't know by the way he speaks and acts that there is a Constitutional Republic called the United States "of America".

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Chuck Schumer doesn't know, by the way he speaks and acts, that there is a Constitutional Republiccalled the United States of America.

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Nobody was expected to know how to type in 1964. I was in high school.

My mother went to the seventh grade.

With both her parents deceased, she was sent to stay with Uncle Ben who ran a school for secretarial skills for girls in Floridsa He was a Brothe of the Roman Catholic Church And Uncle Ben had a girl friend. "Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience" to the Catholic Church.


Constitutional Republic in a Democracy sounds good.

In ancient Israel all the individuals of the 12 tribes were considered EQUAL..

We Americans have an ELECTORAL College!

Those not going to college have a military obligation

was the rule during Vietnam.

Otherwise we males would have to fight Fidel romano jew Castro in Cuba.

And take care of the secular communists allied with the Drug Cartels of Mexico.

Democracy v. Republic

Thomas Jefferson combined them.

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Do you have Lyn Nofziger’s political memoir in your library? I have an extra copy for you. You once wrote:

“Helms is now the second great American patriot I’ve always wanted to meet and never will, at least in this lifetime. The only other one is the magnificent Reagan aide Lyn Nofziger. (Wikipedia quote: “I sometimes lie awake at night trying to think of something funny that Richard Nixon said.”

He was my friend. 😘

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LOVED "The Godfather" reference!

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Third World inputs predict Third World outputs. Why even risk it? Moreover, the logical terminus of melting pot integration post-1965 is the extermination of the white race through mongrelization. Again, pass.

Hanson is great at articulating problems, but his solutions amount to putting the patient at ease with his looming demise. Civic nationalism is morphine today, Trojan horse tomorrow. Folks will play kumbaya so long as they're fed; but when it hits the fan, tribalism prevails. Hokey naturalization ceremonies do not change the in-group bias baked in our DNA.

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That's why I suggested in 'Adios, America!' that instead of invading and trying to turn other countries into democracies, we should just dunk all their citizens in the Rio Grande, which apparently does the trick (at least according to all Dems and 90% of GOPs).

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The Rio Grande solution would be far less cynical than the fiction we're currently made to indulge. As long as Ndugu has the right paperwork, he's just as American as you and me, by golly! Big smile.

Adios America may be the most important political commentary of the past decade. It certainly sounds the right alarms about the ruinous "them"; but perhaps more importantly, it eviscerates the self-immolating lies we tell ourselves. The white conservative middle class must realize that it has no friends in Washington when it comes to immigration. Even the 501(c)(3) churches have taken their 30 pieces.

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Great insight: “Hanson is great at articulating problems...”

When you read his columns see how many times he uses passive-aggressive rhetorical questions to describe serious malfeasance and hatred on the part of the Democrats and Left. Count the question marks. You’ll see it’s usually double figures. It’s his favorite device.

Then, after listing a dozen outrageous goings-on and events -- all of them familiar to anyone who reads or watches Fox News -- he ends every column with a general statement of foreboding. No prescriptions.

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Thank you Ann and Victor for this very important conversation. Disclaimer: Conservative person. I have deep regard and respect for both of you and your views. I have fortunately read both of your writings/books and always learn important, factual information. Over time, my family has felt the effects of what you both cited. Agree, wholeheartedly: Barrier politics has been and will continue to be the clear and present danger of our USA. Agree: Take a break with the overwhelmed immigration to date. Thank you both again.

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