MSNBC's hot new take on anti-CRT laws!
Schools are being FORCED to teach the "pro" side of the HOLOCAUST.
Did you know, that as part of anti-CRT laws in Red States, our teachers are being FORCED to teach BOTH SIDES OF THE HOLOCAUST?????
They don't want to, but these Red State laws are FORCING THEM TO DO IT.
Because let's cut the B.S. When you pass regulations against singling out white children for abuse in grade schools, you are basically mandating that those schools take the Nazi side of the Holocaust.
I mean, tell me how that's any different.
I don't know whether it explicitly states "take the Nazi side" in that Texas law, but it doesn't really have to, does it?
It's almost unbelievable. And when I say "unbelievable," I guess I mean that what MSNBC is saying should not be believed.
If any network were as Anti-Jewish or Anti-Black as MSNBC is Anti-White, they would lose all advertisers, all the journalists would be fired, and all people associated with the network would not get access to credit card service, AirBNB, Banks, PayPal, and be kicked off of all social media. Sure would be nice if someone could try some of these things against MSNBC. The Right needs the lefts organization at cancelling people.
MSNBC. What a colossal charade. What a colossal sham. Like the rest of the corporate/dominant media, the radical extension of the democrat party. Jesus.