If any network were as Anti-Jewish or Anti-Black as MSNBC is Anti-White, they would lose all advertisers, all the journalists would be fired, and all people associated with the network would not get access to credit card service, AirBNB, Banks, PayPal, and be kicked off of all social media. Sure would be nice if someone could try some of these things against MSNBC. The Right needs the lefts organization at cancelling people.

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Trouble is, the folks who run all of our conservative media have a conflict of interest with America First.

And the billionaires on our side would sooner die than threaten university administrators over anti-White bigotry on their campuses.

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Only Anti-Jewish bigotry like David Ackman did. I think even the Huntsman family with Jon Huntsman a Mormon family said this about University of Penn donations going forward. "The Huntsman family has halted donations to the University of Pennsylvania due to its response to Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel and the resulting war. It's the latest indication of the growing friction between elite colleges and their rich alumni over the conflict."

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"Rich alumni"

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MSNBC. What a colossal charade. What a colossal sham. Like the rest of the corporate/dominant media, the radical extension of the democrat party. Jesus.

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Amazing how far NBC has fallen - and continues to plummet.

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reading this reminds me of a conversation I had in 2020...

a friend from high school now works in "news" media. he's VERY leftist. for example, one time when I was talking with him last year and the conversation turned to politics, I mentioned Biden's obvious dementia, and he pretended like I was talking crazy stuff... "what dementia?? he stutters on camera sometimes!"

so, back in the day, I was talking to this same guy and he was ranting about the latest Trump "scandal".

you know the kind... the media tells a lie meant to get the public riled up, but it obviously doesn't hold water so the story disappears in a day or two... (I forget what the issue was)

and when I pointed out that nobody was asking Trump about it, my old friend forces a laugh and says "why do you want to ask Trump about it? do you think that, in WWII, we should have asked the Nazi what their side of the death camps was?"

yeah.... that's the attitude in the media, these days.

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I thought leftists were all in favor of killing the Jews now.

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Well, on the positive side, this opens up a brand new income stream for Nick Fuentes’ and Keith Woods videos.

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In a competition for most Anti White racist Black lady on TV, you have MSNBC's Joy Reid, The View's Sunny Hostin, and formerly at ESPN Jemele Hill. Stiff competition because Joy Reid is a Anti-White bigot at MSNBC every single night, but Jemele Hill and Sunny Hostin try to make even Caitlin Clark's popularity in basketball just because she is White. DL Hughley is unquestionably the most Anti White Black bigot who is off TV now, but between Joy Reid, Sunny Hostin, and Jemele Hill who wins??

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If my kid got kicked out of 109 schools . . .

Maybe the folks who gave us NASA and Oktoberfest deserve a second hearing.

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The videos "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper" by David Cole (1992) and "One-Third of the Holocaust" by Dean Irebodd (2008) are good places to start.

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Thank you Ann for the update of the woke news media. Clueless. Sadder because certain of them believe what they are spewing—continuous hate.

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Michael Steele is a bit of an embarrassment to all who know him.

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I keep wondering what happened to Michael Steele? He was a Republican that got heckled at a college for this young girl saying her mom died of cancer because Michael Steele opposed government healthcare. Now Steele is the wokest of the woke and the biggest dipshit ever. Full of contempt for White people and all Republicans. Was he phony all along? Opportunistic? Just the biggest clown of the clowns is Michael Steele and I would hope he feels it.

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Perhaps this is why Steele is no longer a Republican:


The Republican chairman, Michael Steele, promised on taking office that he would bring the party to corners of America it had not reached before. It is a fair bet that most Republicans did not expect these corners to include the Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage and S&M club in Los Angeles. It emerged today that the Republicans spent almost $2,000 last month on a visit to the club where topless women hang from nets on the ceiling and simulate sex in a glass case.

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Another guy who benefited from white Republicans’ “Mr. Chairman Syndrome.”

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Oh, I've been seeing this argument going around among armchair activists on the internet for about two years LOL. Another example of how the left likes Jews only when they can use them to score political points.

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I think the white girl on that panel should do a segment on the New Jersey Senator Bob "Gold Bars" Menendez bribery and corruption scandal. Oh wait, she's his daughter!

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That hostess looks like a cardboard cutout with a built in speaker programmed to say conservatives bad, liberals perfect & next to God.

And Symone Sanders?! Oh god, who's gonna tell her that the party is over?

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A picture's worth a thousand words. Just show pictures of the Holocaust that's all you need to get the message across.

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MSNBC delenda est!

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MSM bears a high transaction cost for truth. I stopped watching post Goldwater 1964.

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I'm blocked from Liking anyone's Comments but fine with Liking the main story. Anyone else?

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I am able to like comments.

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I'm blocked as well.

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A bug in the system Mary. I lost phone access to X/Twitter as sergzhy, about a year ago but occassionally jag an access to it.

Anne's excellent.

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Thank you Serge. Ann's amazing!

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