Mess-NBC knows that their primary viewer demographic (with the exception of Ann, their most loyal viewer, of course) responds well to schoolyard name-calling, guilt-tripping , obvious lies and apoplectic, infantile hysteria. Their network is built on providing that to Antifa, the sexually-cofused and to patients at Hospitals For The Criminally Insane. They've built a respected brand for those communities over the years and rightfully feel quite proud of themselves.

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Oct 23, 2022·edited Oct 23, 2022

Trump made the U.S. energy independent by cutting regulations that had long stifled energy producers in the U.S. Increased U.S. oil and gas production drove the price of oil lower on the world market. As a major global oil and gas producer, prosperity in Russia is tied centrally to the price of oil. Enter Joe Biden whose only rule is doing the opposite of whatever Trump did. Nothing the Biden Regime does is too petty, spiteful, childish or destructive as long as it reverses a former Trump policy. The Biden Regime's energy policy quickly reversed our newfound energy independence. It drove the price of oil and gas spiraling higher creating hyperinflation, not just in the U.S. but also globally. It was the single most insane government policy action ever taken in our lifetimes. It made Russia's economy flush with cash. More than enough to fund a 'minor incursion' into Ukraine which Biden explicitly endorsed. Biden said: "I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do." Does anyone ever stop the hero worship of Zelensky and vilification of Putin long enough to remember Hunter Biden's no-show, no talent job with Burisma? Or Joe bragging about extorting Ukraine over a Billion dollars in aid when a prosecutor in Ukraine got too close to exposing the Biden family grift? So rich for Biden to pump himself up that the U.S. economy is suffering a tad less than Europe and the world. A world that is suffering economically while human beings are dying in droves in Ukraine. Joe Biden did that.

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Friend of mine called this morning and was seeking advice on how to approach his CNN watching mother, who is obsessed with Trump and not the rising energy and food prices. I told him to cut the cable. Literally.

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'How I Turned MAGA From A Simple Political Movement Into A Nation,' part of Joe Biden's 'Stumbling Into History' series.

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The MSM collective is nothing if not a colossal propaganda machine, a fine fit if this were the Third Reich. They can screw themselves up one side and down the other.

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“And FYI, ingrate American voters, inflation is slightly HIGHER in Europe”

And FE(everybody’s)I...I don’t give a f__k what is happening in Europe(other than how it effects America’s strategic interests)...they are the Old World, the US is the New World...the constant comparison to European standards and condemnation for not measuring-up is a false flag intended to seduce America into the the folly of European long-term decline. Even Italy is finally waking up.

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Ann is right......again. Sort of....

Sane voters should be thanking those MSNBC hosts for making that lame argument. It should be a rallying cry - as it is such an insane line of reasoning. All the sane voters in this country can surely unite and vote out those who think like this.......precinct by precinct.....district by district.....state by state.

Two things wrong with that strategy....

1. they cheat.

2. they may not have to cheat......a lot of insane voters in this country who are already on their side.

Think about it....Joe Biden got a lot of real votes.....they weren't ALL fraudulent.

Excuse my negativity.....I live in Minnesota.

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Can we start a GoFundMe to hire somebody to watch MSNBC for Ann?

The thought of her watching with toothpicks propping her eyes open, Clockwork Orange style, chills me.

Nobody should have to do that.

Except maybe the illegal alien child we pay minimum wage to do it.

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We do have some intelligent democrats, unfortunately. They planned this way back when they stoked the Jan 6th protestors and encouraged them to enter the building (Ray Epps et al). This was a Nancy Pelosi trap, all designed so they could go on to scare the crap out of Americans into thinking Democracy was in peril, and turned into never ending theatre with the Jan 6th "hearings" -- what a bunch of B.S. How can any sane American buy this lie for a second. Yet millions of brainless democrats continue voting for more. The best way to defeat this lie is to NOT fall for the trap of violence. Let Antifa own violence. We own peaceful rallies, peaceful voting, and every time there is peaceful republicans speaking, rallying, and voting, it will only enrage Nancy's Antifa thugs all the more - then it will be crystal clear to Americans who are the real threats to Democracy in this country.

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How weird is this for 40yrs I always thought Democratic principles were about different ideas, opinions, individual thought? Wow I have been wrong all this time.

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Dang, woman, I've never seen you this riled up!

Had to share this with a friend.....

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MSM and NFL football does it in a clever way. They imply this election is so very vital go out and vote. They don’t tell you which side to support but it’s a black man’s voice over and never in my lifetime has football gone this route. They are worried big time.

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One thing u need to give Trump credit for is how effectively he exposed the bias of the media. Now they have lost all credibility for most voters, so their influence in the policy discourse has plummeted. This also goes for influencing elections.

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There are no short cuts. When folks really choose to learn. They will learn. As a former NBC viewer, can agree with the slanted information dumping presentations. And unless we are presented with responsible and researched facts, we “don’t know what we don’t know” and lazily decide taking the easy “way out” is “the best “way to go”. That is why I stopped turning, tuning into NBC/watching the program for news. It was like a bad drug. So. I. Stopped. Thank you for sharing your perspective Ann.

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