Mental Health Interventions Make Mental Health Worse
But people who make money from mental health interventions disagree!
From The New York Times:
… [T]he researchers point to unexpected results in trials of school-based mental health interventions in the United Kingdom and Australia: Students who underwent training in the basics of mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy did not emerge healthier than peers who did not participate, and some were worse off, at least for a while.
And new research from the United States shows that among young people, “self-labeling” as having depression or anxiety is associated with poor coping skills, like avoidance or rumination. …
[R]esearch psychologists at the University of Oxford, Lucy Foulkes and Jack Andrews, coined the term “prevalence inflation” — driven by the reporting of mild or transient symptoms as mental health disorders — and suggested that awareness campaigns were contributing to it.
“It’s creating this message that teenagers are vulnerable, they’re likely to have problems …
This remains a minority view among specialists in adolescent mental health, who mostly agree that the far more urgent problem is lack of access to treatment.
I wonder if “specialists in adolescent mental health” would make more money if we provided more access to mental health treatment.
In the summer of 2022, the results of a landmark study on mindfulness training in British classrooms landed — like a lead balloon.
The trial, My Resilience in Adolescence, or MYRIAD, was ambitious, meticulous and expansive, following about 28,000 teenagers over eight years. It had been launched in a glow of optimism that the practice would pay off, improving the students’ mental health outcomes in later years.
Half of the teenagers were trained by their teachers to direct their attention to the present moment — breathing, physical sensations or everyday activities — in 10 lessons of 30 to 50 minutes apiece.
The results were disappointing. The authors reported “no support for our hypothesis” that mindfulness training would improve students’ mental health. In fact, students at highest risk for mental health problems did somewhat worse after receiving the training, the authors concluded.
Weirdly, obsessing over yourself and your problems does very little to improve mental health.
Researchers in the study speculated that the training programs “bring awareness to upsetting thoughts,” encouraging students to sit with darker feelings, but without providing solutions, especially for societal problems like racism or poverty. …
Sit quietly and concentrate on terrible things. You’ll feel much better.
Another explanation is that mindfulness training could encourage “co-rumination,” the kind of long, unresolved group discussion that churns up problems without finding solutions. …
Dr. Andrews led an evaluation of Climate Schools, an Australian intervention based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy…Here, too, he found negative effects. Students who had taken the course reported higher levels of depression and anxiety symptoms six months and 12 months later.
Co-rumination appears to be higher in girls, who tend to come into the program more distressed, as well as more attuned to their friends, he said. “It might be,” he said, “that they kind of get together and make things a little bit worse for each other.”
The entire field of psychiatry/psychology, and all things "mental health" related, have ALWAYS been a giant scam! It's origins are bullshit, and real medical doctors used to say as much, until they got co-opted into playing along with this junk science. They were the chiropractors of healthcare! And God help us, once Big Pharma got involved! It used to just be a relatively minor, stupid grift for the self-absorbed, now it's turned into a deadly practice of selling psycho-dope to everyone, until they die or kill themselves, or worse.
Freud was a Fraud!
Poor people don’t have time to ruminate as they are struggling just to feed their families. Rich, white liberals on the other hand, have plenty of time to sit and think about how unhappy they are and make political contributions to equally unstable liberal causes and campaigns so that they can foist their mental afflictions on the rest of us, which explains the latest trans hysteria. The question is, once they realize lopping off their private parts and forcing everyone to call them they/them doesn’t make them happy, what will be the next craze?