The entire field of psychiatry/psychology, and all things "mental health" related, have ALWAYS been a giant scam! It's origins are bullshit, and real medical doctors used to say as much, until they got co-opted into playing along with this junk science. They were the chiropractors of healthcare! And God help us, once Big Pharma got involved! It used to just be a relatively minor, stupid grift for the self-absorbed, now it's turned into a deadly practice of selling psycho-dope to everyone, until they die or kill themselves, or worse.

Freud was a Fraud!

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Do they even know how hypnosis works?

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Poor people don’t have time to ruminate as they are struggling just to feed their families. Rich, white liberals on the other hand, have plenty of time to sit and think about how unhappy they are and make political contributions to equally unstable liberal causes and campaigns so that they can foist their mental afflictions on the rest of us, which explains the latest trans hysteria. The question is, once they realize lopping off their private parts and forcing everyone to call them they/them doesn’t make them happy, what will be the next craze?

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Im guessing the issues many youth have is just part of being young, the whole developing brain thing. I had the same fears and anxiety as anyone else, luckily some Dr never pumped any brain full of chemicals. My mountaineer grandmother used to say ,”You come from good stock and you’re never going to end up in the nerve hospital…. Because no one in our family has enough brains to go nuts.” Well I guess you nailed that one Grandma😎.

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And then there is the real anxiety of youth...once you have successfully survived climbing down to the cave in the side of a cliff, how the F#*k are you going to get back up!!!

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By focusing instead on our cosmic irrelevance, we can become comically relevant. Free as jesters, we can make others laugh. In making others laugh, we feel better. Hence my life motto: if you can't laugh at yourself, I will.

No study from the University of Science is needed to tell us that co-rumination is a mostly female problem. Woe to the man who doesn't listen to a woman's torrent of troubles; but woe, woe, woe to the man who tries to solve any of them. Girls like to complain. Accept this mystery as part of their charm.

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I'm all for good mental health. That said, allowing the psuedo-science fields of Psycholgy and Psychiatry drain our national healthcare coffers, with nothing good to show for it, is quite objectionable.

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If there is such a great need for crazy people treatments and crazy people drugs and crazy people doctors, then why is it official policy that there is no need for crazy people institutions which will have more societal benefits within a week of reopening than all of the "therapy", Adderall and make you even fatter anti-depressants have had in the last half century??????

Of course, not being blessed with narcissism, I mostly fill my head with household chores and paying my taxes!!!

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I read a four-page essay just before reading this column by Ann Coulter. The essay, "Gender Ideology Is Destroying Academia. My Cancellation, Part I," was published at Free Black Thought by Tiffany Victoria Jones. If you enjoyed this column by one of my favorite scholars Ann Coulter, you will find the essay by Tiffany Victoria Jones borderline orgasmic.

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As a secular society we never think of the spiritual ramification of us collectively abandoning Godly principles. So as we demand God out of the public square as a result we are losing common grace. It was the exception not the rule when I was growing up that there were kids with all these mental health issues.

I have a big problem with mindfulness in schools. It is really a code word for introducing yoga in the schools which is worship of Hindu gods.(Ask any ex hindu who converted to Christianity and they will tell you its not exercise its worship of their gods). We are not suppose to talk about the true judeo/Christian God but we can bring in worship of pagan deities. Nature abhors a vacuum

I remember when a student was obsessing on his problems. I told the teacher to only allow 2 minutes for them to complain(Let them know upfront that they only have 2 minutes) show compassion and kindly cut them off. The teacher told me it completely changed the student and they stopped obsessing on their problems. Parents get your kids in a good fun youth group that teaches about the word of God. Fight the good fight of faith!

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My take on anyone who is perpetually indulging their narcissism with the services of any shrink is simply becoming even more selfish than they already are. I knew a woman who divorced her perfectly good husband thanks to one of these hacks, and her life spiraled downwards so fast after that - the kids didn’t want to live with her - he got married again, she didn’t, and now her bitter aging self only gets comfort in hating Trump as her main pastime.

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I wanna make whatever shrink dreamed up this take your service dog everywhere crap to clean up a plane after one blew its bowels all over the aisle, and be late by six hours because the flight has to be diverted to get sanitized.

Who but a whackadoo with a PhD (piled higher and deeper) could have dreamed up this service mutt crap.

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Agree. But knew a guy who had his leg amputated and said Zoloft saved his life. Reactive depression must be a different cat.

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Thank you Ann beyond measure and all who commented here on this topic. I went thru 29 years of self imposed patient hood at around 19 yrs old. Day programs, hospitalizations, and meds and meds. I don’t have a criminal record. I’ve always worked. When the local clinic closed due to lack of funding here I became “well”, in around 2002. The Dr said they were closing and that I could get meds from my medical physician. My psychiatrist then said why don’t I just try quitting? He said I’d been doing well for heck , 29 yrs now…. With a small dosage … but we have no more Drs. No funding. I panicked at first because all local psychiatrists wouldn’t take any new patients. I remember when young being hospitalized after not taking my meds. So now I tried cold turkey no meds as the Dr recommended and was off meds for the first time after some 28-29 years on non stop treatment. I remember a slight headache one night, and that’s all! That was 21 yrs ago or so. Since then I’ve not seen a single psychiatrist, psychologist, nor have I taken a single psych pill. A great weight indeed off my shoulders due to lack of state funding for this clinic. I’d been told several times by psychiatrists to accept lifetime psychiatric medication treatment. So nice to see myself in the mirror and not a pill each day.

I was a young confused naive man who went away to college, got pneumonia, came home, worked for 6 months in a warehouse, returned to community college and due to loneliness, and not liking life at that time , looked to therapy for answers. Perhaps a poor decision. I’ve had many Drs and was prescribed all types of the psychiatric meds. It’s trial and error and if they find one that works , it wears out sooner or later. . I’m in my late 60’s now and love God and country. Thanks Ann and to the regulars here who I’ve been reading for the last couple of years.

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Every shrink I know does nothing all day but pump their patients full of SSRIs, Adderall, and Prozac

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Speaking of mental health, should Ann convince Trump to make DeSantis his VP?

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Ann’s message of freezing both illegal, because it’s against the law, and legal immigration for a while is a sane move to say the least. We shouldn’t import more people than we birth ourselves which I hear is where we’re at now. What gain is here “for the People”? Negative. It’s not rocket science

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lol, I feel a relapse coming on, but that’s ok. I know she’s a Ron fan and wanted him as the Presidential nominee but I don’t know about her vp possibilities for him. Some say Ron might make Trump look not like Trump so it isn’t wise. I like Ron a lot . He served the country AND played college baseball. His results are good and I like his conservative, common sense speak. Trump has apologized for his repetitive Desanctimonios name somewhat but I doubt he’ll pick him. If Trump wins it will be interesting if his successful results continue…. or will China launch WW3 along with another univestigated global virus.

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Thank you Ann for addressing this very important issue. Yes. Agree. There is a point of saturation. Sadly, for some who may practice malpractice-ally, when faced with the very bold line, choose to ignore the best interest of the patient/person and the patience of the person. It crosses an insidious and questionable line. Generation Alpha kids now at risk.

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FYI. I became one of your paid subscribers because of another Substack I follow. They (Orthodox Observations) which just got deactivated because he also has a local dog boarding business and his bio talks about that. My whole sense that Substack is a live and let live site is now gone. Better not mention any of your books, they might see that as an unauthorized side business. I will read this article after I cool off.

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