Media unaware the WSJ is for open borders
"Last I checked, the WSJ is conservative!" NOT ON IMMIGRATION, NITWITS.
Media, you might agree with the Wall Street Journal that we should throw open the border and let in millions of third-worlders to provide cheap labor for the rich — “[a million] Zulus… would probably work harder than the English” (WSJ) — but please stop acting as if the Journal is so hard-ass on immigration that its support for the P.O.S. immigration “deal” under discussion PROVES it’s a fantastic deal for conservatives.
On immigration, the WSJ is indistinguishable from Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Ditto for Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who’s suddenly become the face of Republican support for a wide-open border.
Completely oblivious to the issue that won Donald Trump the presidency in 2016 Sen. Lankford was frantically working to pass an amnesty (but no wall funding) in 2018.
God forbid you give a crap about Americans, GOP.
Like every other amnesty Republicans have tried to sneak past the voters for the past two decades (McCain, Bush, Rubio, etc.), Lankford’s amnesty “deal” died a humiliating death due to public backlash.
But now he’s back at it, again — and guess what? He has the FULL support of the WSJ.
Yes, media, Lankford is a Southern Baptist minister, who opposes abortion and issues goopy statements like asking families to invite someone of a different ethnicity to their homes to “allow friendship to develop.”
But he’s still rotten on immigration.
Please stop saying, Last I checked Sen. Lankford is a conservative Republican!
The GOP is dangling $61 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel--in addition to the $4 billion annual shakedown--in exchange for $7 billion to secure our own nation from invasion and degradation. Their contempt for you has been expressed mathematically. Believe them.
Regarding Senator Lankford's suggestions about race relations, I have been meaning to invite my Italian neighbors for dinner. I really have.
The media thinks we only have 11 millions illegals in the USA still.