With midterms coming up, the Lefty gauleiters in the Press will be redoubling their efforts to twist every single story, every single item they print into a political statement on the inherent evils of Republicans and the purity, honor and virtue of the Democrats.
~An auto accident? "Questions are being raised over culpability, given that 30 years ago Republicans failed to approve a highway bill that included road improvements for this stretch of highway..."
When Democrats deliberately drive up the cost of fuel, and other forms of energy, it hurts real people. one of my best friends spent 15 years building up a regional delivery business, and when Obama and his policies caused the price of gas to "necessarily skyrocket" it drove my friend out of business. he had to really struggle to get by during the last years of his life... I'll never forgive Barry DumboEars for that.
every time Democrats are running the country the American people pay through the nose for gasoline and everything that needs to be shipped any distance. you'd think the people would notice the pattern. I think that's one reason Democrats keep pushing for a younger and younger voting age... so they can reach people who don't remember what they did before (even more than the average sheep).
Does DeSantis have any downsides?
Not really, so far
Yeah. Everyone says, "Where's Ron?" when his wife's on the podium.
Biden: "Put 'Operation School Lunches' into effect."
With midterms coming up, the Lefty gauleiters in the Press will be redoubling their efforts to twist every single story, every single item they print into a political statement on the inherent evils of Republicans and the purity, honor and virtue of the Democrats.
~An auto accident? "Questions are being raised over culpability, given that 30 years ago Republicans failed to approve a highway bill that included road improvements for this stretch of highway..."
The list of potential fodder for this is endless.
We need DeSantis to be our next president. Fuck Vaxx - whore Trump.
When Democrats deliberately drive up the cost of fuel, and other forms of energy, it hurts real people. one of my best friends spent 15 years building up a regional delivery business, and when Obama and his policies caused the price of gas to "necessarily skyrocket" it drove my friend out of business. he had to really struggle to get by during the last years of his life... I'll never forgive Barry DumboEars for that.
every time Democrats are running the country the American people pay through the nose for gasoline and everything that needs to be shipped any distance. you'd think the people would notice the pattern. I think that's one reason Democrats keep pushing for a younger and younger voting age... so they can reach people who don't remember what they did before (even more than the average sheep).