Reading is fundamental. These loons don’t expect the dirty hordes to read the bill. The supporters of the bill who can read ….either live above the fray or doubled down on their shroom intake.

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That bill was a horror show and the Rs should be ashamed of themselves for even entertaining it. We don't need a bill. We need to enforce the laws on the books. This law would have facilitated the open border laid out the red carpet for illegals as Ann notes. Know why housing is so expensive? We have 30 million people here willing to live 4 or 5 or more to a room competing with Americans and all the tens of millions of legal immigrants for the same housing stock.

I am so sick and tired of every level of government passing new laws every five seconds and then declaring "problem solved!" And they never fix anything and instead make things worse. Biden/Harris spent a trillion on "infrastructure" and everywhere is a worse mess than before. Also btw, even the "aid package" to Israel was BS- $9 Billion, more than half, was going to Gaza which means Hamas and every other terrorist group in the area. The money to Ukraine is ensuring that no Ukrainian men under 60 who are still there live to see 60.

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They spent a quarter billion on a floating dock for resupply in Gaza. It lasted about 30 days. That's par for the course when it comes to Biden administration infrastructure bills. I mean, it only cost them a couple billion to put in 8 charging stations.

Ouch, puppy, they're on a roll!!

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I still can't believe that democrats are so dumb that they think by allowing illegal immigrants into the country they will all eventually vote democrat. Does anyone know WTF is going on?

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They don't need the illegals to actually "vote" Democrat, but just like inner city blacks, they just need to get them "registered to vote" (which they are doing en masse) and the vote counters will take care of the rest! They don't vote, they get voted for.

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So far Democrat expectations paid off in California, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Virginia and now Georgia. All those once red states turned blue because of the influx of illegal aliens.

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Yes, and the Democrats in those blue states should enjoy every second of their short-lived victory…soon enough, the unassimilated “diverse” hordes wll unleash their “multi-cultural” instincts to destroy what was once our constitutional republic and celebrate the reign of totalitarian faux-socialism.

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Say it ain't so!

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They don't have to vote themselves, just provide their ballots to be voted by others. If they don't, they'll lose their benefits and find themselves on the wrong side of an asylum hearing.

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All traitors must hang!

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Whether she lies about a law in California that essentially makes shoplifting legal or she lies about this border bill, Heels Up Harris finds it far easier to lie than to tell the truth.

Funny, it's almost as though she (and the Democrat / Media Industrial Complex) is intentionally trying to destroy the country.

It can be assumed that the Democrat Party's own internal polling is telling them that this strategy works....that Americans are so breathtakingly stupid that they will believe all of the lies they're telling.

I hope and pray that they're wrong. If they're correct, we can all say "Adios America" along with Ann.

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All Americans aren’t “breathtakingly stupid”, only the graduates of Oprah College and the University of The View.

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Napolean said to never ascribe to malice what could be explained by incompetence, and he had a point. Incompetence is A LOT EASIER than conspiracy, which requires secrecy and coordination.

However, at a certain point it doesn't matter. The damage is the same regardless of the approach.

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If Napolean were alive to see the WEF and its ongoing murder of the West, I think he'd become a believer in malice.

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Excellent article Ann! It's a Modus Operandi of the Kamala Harris to name the bill exactly the opposite of what it's designed to do. Thus Proposition 47 which allowed shoplifting up to $950 was called "Safe Schools and Communities Act". Now they tried facilitate legalization of illegal aliens by financing pro migrant NGOs and their attorneys while calling it a "Border Bill". There ought to be a "Truth in Advertising" law against the politicians like Kamala Harris.

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The title of all state (& federal) bills are an oxymoron.

Of course, Kamala is just a moron.

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The proposed bill turned border guards into travel agents.

"Where is it you want to go? Las Vegas, oh yeah, it's great this time of year. Here's your $1400 food voucher, your drivers license and voter ID. You don't have TB, do you? Oh, good. Ever worked for MS-13? Oh? Just a little? I guess that's okay. Well, we have you on American 1483, it leaves in about an hour. In the meantime, why don't you and the rest of your posse help yourself to our free snack bar? Try the baby back ribs, they're great!"

Yeah, it was really tough on illegals. In the meantime, why does no one mention the fact Biden was flying them directly into the country from foreign locations? I mean, at that point, who cares about a border? Border, shmorder.

And watch out for the Chinese shitting in the street, apparently that's an age-old tradition in their country.

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The fecklessness of GOP leadership was on display in Mike Johnson's threat to withhold (additional) Ukraine funding unless Democrats agreed to real border security. When the dust settled the autocratic Kiev regime ended up with $61 billion; our useless "ally" Israel shook us down for $14 billion; and We the People got more debt to repay with interest. Please remind me why it is imperative that we vote Republican in November.

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Because the opposition makes the Republicans look like Ron Paul on meth.

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Thank you Ann for update on the border crisis. A lie has speed but truth has endurance. As tiring as it is to watch the web of Daily Lies by and during the implosion of the democratic party, as a privileged voting citizen of the USA should believe, the bleeding, as JD Vance said re: immigration, (illegal, illegal, all related terms of asylum “seeking”) will begin to cease once integrity is present and accounted for by a human who respects all human life. Clearly, I opine, Kamala’s party is deathly confused about this point.

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If Trump manages to pull off a victory in November, I'll be looking forward to the return of Ann's Border Wall Update.

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Allowing human trafficking of children, no vetting of illegal aliens, and unfettered illegal drug delivery across the US border are crimes against humanity -how can Democrats live with this madness -

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More tedious inside baseball analysis of these fake jew controlled political party actors. Please interview Thomas Massie at your earliest convenience before I write you off as well.

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Rep. Massie's cold shoulder to AIPAC deserves a public hearing. That was true courage.

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“We need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it” - you know who

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We were really shafted by our Republican reps. That bill should never have gotten as far as Trump needing to talk about it at all. Crap, maybe he needed to with all that Republican bipart support. I really thought I was reading a joke when it said Repub support....and I don't have dozens of staffers and researchers in my employ to really get the facts straight.

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If Trump were to be elected, wouldn’t it be great if he appointed Ann Coulter Secretary of State!

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Democrat border plan: hire many more asylum officers (i.e., rubber-stamp coordinators to handle stipends, free phones, plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and introductions to local Dem "get out the vote" scammers).

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