“Mazie Hirono (notable accomplishment: the only Japanese person with a low IQ).”

I am dead.

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yep- I'm originally from Japan and I must say this was yet another very accurate statement

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Thank goodness…. she is not a Brain surgeon.

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Don’t put the whammy on us, Scott. PLEASE. In these times of woke ideas and policies of limitless self identity—schools let kids dress like anteaters and crawl the hallways sniffing for bugs to eat—Sen. Hirono may choose to declare herself a twenty two year old and apply to med school and via DEI may someday end up a brain surgeon operating on your granddaughter. Please, cease and desist!

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I’ll be a brain surgeon before her and that’s not happening 😎

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I told a couple Japanese guys at my gym who are too humble to tell the rest of us how smart they are that there is one dumb Japanese individual in America: the Honorable Maxie Hirono from Hawaii. As proof I reminded them that she told us all to believe Baby Girl (Brett Cavanaugh’s accuser) even though no one who knew her and Cavanaugh in the mid eighties could corroborate her allegations of sexual misconduct by Cavanaugh.

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No one ever said it better. Vote this guy in. Doesn't matter about the Donald. Trump needs a republican senate.

This guy counts.

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I have two thoughts on this:

1. There should be a different standard for getting elected as a Republican in, say, Utah and, say, Massachusetts. So Mitt Romney is fully unacceptable as a red-state Senator in Utah, but acceptable as a blue-state Governor in Massachusetts. And, yes, MAGA is retarded for not understanding this.


2. #1 is what I used to say pre-2022. Now that we’ve had a Republican House for two years and it’s been completely useless and no different from a Democrat House, my response is actually, “Why should I care about getting Hogan or any Republican elected? Having a Republican Senate is no different from a Democrat Senate.”

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A Republican Senate could be different but, that is up to the Republicans in it and their vested interest masters.

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Republicans lack of party solidarity, mostly due to the unrealistic demands of a small caucus, has severely limited their ability to thwart or modify Dems' intentions or extract concessions in legislation.

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“Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders -- regardless of party -- must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

Irrespective of your point, Ann, what kind of milquetoast, 1980's, vanilla, RINO bullshit, is this supposed to be? Are we just going to look past this obscenely tone deaf idiocy? "Respect the verdict and the legal process"? Is that supposed to be funny, or is he just that fucking stupid?

You talk about electable candidates, and this dimwit is belching this kind of garbage? Who is his audience? The Lincoln Project?

"At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders -- regardless of party -- must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship" Oh, that's fresh, "all leaders, regardless of party"? Let me guess, he doesn't mean the Democrats that brought us here, does he? Nope, he's admonishing "his own party"! Well, thanks, but no thanks, Governor Noble Man of Principles!

"Pour more fuel on the fire"? Seriously, is he channeling Mitt Romney? "Toxic Partisanship"?

Don't get me wrong, I get your point, but this dope couldn't be any more off beat with the temperature of the current electorate.

Maybe he shouldn't have said something so stupid and asinine!

I don't care what Trump, Laura or Donald, think of this stupid statement, I think he sounds like a weakling, a simp, an idiot, and as soft as Whoppi Goldberg's ass!

He could have just as easily, NOT SAID ANYTHING, which is what I would counsel him going forward. Otherwise, he should move to Utah, and run for Mitten's seat instead!

If he actually wrote that pablum, then he's an idiot, and if he didn't he should have said so, and deleted it.

If I were an idiot RINO, and wanted to end my career in politics, that's exactly the kind of stupid shit I would say, and at that exact moment in time too.

He sounds like a fucking traitor!

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Exactly I wouldn't call him a 'traitor' but it's pretty clear he wants to be the Chris Christie replacement on some random dreary Sunday show. Given the soviet style machinations which allowed Bragg , James and their puppet master Soros to launch terrorist lawfare against Trump (and by extension-all of us), Hogan's statement was incredibly stupid. As for poor old Maryland, the current crop of DEI politicians running the place make Spiro Agnew look like a saint.

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Did you read Ann's article? He's in deep blue Maryland. He would probably be like Susan Collins who is slightly right of center on most things and can help the GOP win a majority. That majority controls the comittees, what gets voted on and what judges get through. So a Senator Hogan is really valauable even if he is not a sure conservative vote. Trump endorsed him so even he understands that.

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Yes, I read it, so what! He still didn't NEED to put out a statement as stupid as this one. You know the old saying- "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak, and remove all doubt!"

I'm not saying that he needs to campaign on the most Right-wing talking points available, but he also doesn't have to make such asinine statements, so as to make him sound like the Rip Van Winkle of politicians, that fell asleep in 1985, and woke-up yesterday!

I hope he wins, but that statement, was just beyond the pale!

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Ann you seem to be a smart woman--I think it's time to get off of the "hate Trump" bus unless you and Peggy Noonan have some kind of suicide pact.

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This is Ann's platform. If you don't appreciate her courage and honesty, move along. And yes, she is brilliant.

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Calling people who would like to make America great again " morons " is not very "brilliant",impressive ,courageous, or honest. Ann's "platform" used to be 100% Trump worship, btw. If you don't like other people's comments and free speech maybe YOU have a problem.

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I dunno, if Maryland is Democratic maybe Trump hating him is a plus? The Republicans there are probably never Trumper types maybe?

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I don't care if Hogan is a never Trumper..I don't want Chuck as leader of the Senate.

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I think you have something there. Hogan needs everything in his arsenal to pull this off and he is reading the MD tea leaves, not the national. His opponent has Kamala campaigning for her and other big shots are supporting her. He won governor against a black, weak candidate and Ann has a point with that configuration being applicable here and increases his odds. If he supports Trump in any way, he is burnt toast. He knows this. If he has any Trump bad mouthing him, that's another independent or democratic vote for him come November. He knows the republican voters will vote for him even though they might hate him.

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What I admire about Democrats, it's their party discipline. You will never see Democrat politicians (even from the deepest red states) badmouthing fellow Democrats on Fox News, or anywhere else in the Media. Democrats also rarely vote against their official party line. Republicans do it all the time. That's why fewer and fewer conservatives bother to vote or donate money to the RNC. What's the point when you'll get stab in the back anyway?

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Okay Ann, I pinched my nose and threw some money at the Hogan campaign, but only as a display of my unrequited love for you.

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"It’s bad enough when ordinary Americans are incapable of strategic thinking."

Agreed, Ann, and yet your premise appears to be based on the assumption that Trump v.2 with a GOP controlled Senate and House would result in an aggressively sweeping course correction that might save the nation yet; including a border shutdown, immigration moratorium, worksite raids and mass deportations.

But the American people, or what remains of them, have seen this movie before and enough of them were so disgusted at the box office bait n' switch that they aren't exactly convinced a 2025 sequel will prove any more fulfilling.

Trump's campaign motto is essentially: 'This Time I Mean It!'

But in all probability what a second Trump Administration and GOP controlled Congress would deliver would be, in order of their priorities: $250 billion more for Ukraine along with expedited shipments of more advanced weaponry to Kyiv, $250 billion more for Israel and the green light to annex the West Bank and Gaza in return for expanded lines of credit to Jared Kushner and Trump Organization naming rights throughout the Holy Land, preservation of the carried interest loophole, elimination of the EPA in concert with the Open Season Act which eliminates all restrictions on shooting wolves and the Second Step Act as crafted by Ivanka and the Kardashian sisters which prioritizes the immediate release of violent felons under the strict conditions that they are black and promise not to do it again.

Once all of that is accomplished, as a sop to their loyal dupes Trump & Co. may well see fit to offer another 23 miles of fencing along the southern border and carry out deportations of several hundred MS-13 members. But even that is likely to be contingent on passing several U.S. Chamber of Commerce wish list items, the elimination of E-Verify chief among them and the passage of the Dan Crenshaw Freedom To Work Act which legalizes and incentivizes the mass elimination of all native-born workers that have managed to hang on in the construction, hospitality and service industry sectors.

So I think for many folks among what remains of the American people, whether Hogan wins or not, whether Trump wins or not, whether the Republicans hold the House or not, is now simply immaterial and has been for some time. With more than 30 million migrants now garrisoned around the country—millions of them battle-hardened fighting-age men—the Post-American Age of the United States has arrived.

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It’s so obvious, it didn’t need to be said, but you said it perfectly. The most glaring thing you note is the instantaneous stupidity the Trump staff demonstrates. How ANYONE in a major political position couldn’t understand the stupidity of those comments is beyond me. I can only think they cower at the thought of the Orange Clown going off on them and act reflexively. That Trump hasn’t spent a millisecond thinking about the state of the ‘24 Senate races is sadly unsurprising.

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A few things, for those who think this strategizing, i.e. bolstering Hogan bona independent bona fides, that is a little too much chess playing for the Republican Party I know. As a Marylander, I agree with Ann. We do not need sniping from the Trump side (and I currently support Trump though I was a Cruz person first and would have been happier with Dosantos this time around). We were lucky the party didn't nominate perennial loser Robin Ficker. And for those who say there is no difference between and R and D Senate, you are gravely wrong. Reread Ann's point on committee chairs. Also, judges and justices - without Rs in charge we would have three justices closer to KBJ than Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Until we have a massive win, we are not going to get much dramatic change out of Congress. We had chances years ago and the uniparty squandered them. But we are more wise to them than ever and we have more friends in Congress than before. I am not saying the chance is great, but it is far better with an R controlled House and Senate than without. Exec orders are not the same as laws (and I think are unconstitutionally overused) and you need two houses of Congress for that. We need to follow the old rule - let's get the best most conservative person that can actually win and take it from there.

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I smell some "strategerizing" here on the part of the Republicans. In a 2 to 1 Democrat state where even most of the Republicans are probably never Trumpers, putting as much distance between Trump and Hogan should serve to benefit Hogan's chances.

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Nine times out of ten Ann is right when she calls some politician, left or right of center, a fool or a hack or a danger to our country. But I think she has to pipe down when it comes to calling Trump a big baby and an unreliable blowhard. We got to face facts: we didn’t get DeSantis; we got Trump. While we didn’t get our full border wall and bold, sensible leadership on Covid, when he was president gas was a buck eighty nine a gallon here in Buffalo, NY; inflation was roaring along at 1.4 percent; people were making and spending money; Putin was in his lane; peace was breaking out all over the place in the Middle East; there was no talk of transferring from graduates to taxpayers the six figure debt sociology majors at Dennison or Oberlin ran up getting their useless degrees; and no one was talking about a vax mandate for healthy American workers.

Translation: let’s give him an 80 for first term grade and push him to focus and study harder this time around. The potential is there for a 95. And what’s the alternative, Ann? Biden—meaning Dingbat if Biden falls down the stairs and kills himself a month into his second term? Newsome? Hillary? Oprah? Michelle Obama? RFK I could tolerate because he is more liberal than progressive leftist. But any of the aforementioned would surely mean, as you once said: Adios, America!

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Clearly see Miss Ann’s point but can’t forget the first two years of the do-nothing Trump administration with a Republican majority in both House and Senate delaying all forward motion…and that cloning experiment gone wrong from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology aka Trey Gowdy continually squawking and pecking about his bullshit intentions to trammel the Democrats while all the while playing the faithful long enough to slither into the more highly paid private sector.

And why is Trump so pissed at Hogan? Like Trump hasn’t lied to anybody; or let anybody down; or abandoned any loyal supporter for selfish townie piss-ant reasons?

Come on…this is politics…get the majority; get the committee assignments and then bust the balls to get what you want…anything but another second with Schumer or Hirono…geez, as things stand now, the era of Norman Mineta was a relative high point in political IQ.

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Trump just endorsed Hogan but this will probably hurt him since most of Maryland hates Trump and Hogan was a Never Trumper as governor. Why is it so important for Hogan to win this Senate seat when he will just be the short, fat and bald version of Lisa Murkowski? Murkowski is now threatening to defect to the woke Dems if Trump wins the election.

I also don't think Hogan is much of an immigration restrictionist and seems to favor America as a dumping ground for third world refuse and opportunists.

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Larry Hogan may be a RINO, but he accomplished much as Maryland's governor -- lowered taxes, made the state friendlier to business (he vetoed a $15 minimum wage), supported gun rights, supported tougher anti-crime measures and vetoed a bill making Maryland a sanctuary state (the loon Dems overrode his veto).

All American Marylanders must vote for a Senator Hogan.

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