The pronataliets are naive. You know who's having a lot of kids? Blacks. And browns. Not Whites, and no amount of goading is going to change that. And why is this happening? Economics. If the governments of the Western countries redistribute huge sums from Whites to blacks and browns, what do they think is gonna happen? I support the opposite movement, not blanket antinatalism, but rather the paid sterilization movement, as this mostly affects blacks & browns, i.e. it addresses the root cause for decline of the West. https://childfreebc.com/candidates - free market, voluntary, and strongly eugenic.

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If you want white people to have more kids you're going to have to make women second class citizens again. Russia and Poland already tried paying women to have kids, it doesn't work.

As long as women put off marriage so they can go to college or get slammed by Chad, they will not reproduce above replacement rates.

Patriarchy or die.

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You don't understand what CBC and the paid sterilization movement do; it is not paying Whites to have more kids, like Hungary is trying to do with is tax breaks (positive eugenics). It is paying blacks & browns to get sterilized and not have more kids... i.e. negative eugenics.

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The lower half of the bell curve should be sterilized; the higher half should marry young and have at least five children!

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Right on!

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This would be highly beneficial for many.

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Who told you (in America, blacks and browns have a lot of kids)?? Blacks certainly in Africa but not the US, and for Latinos, they don’t, anywhere. Ann Coulter is a childless unmarried +50 years old woman. She feels pain about it. And thus I remembered here and chose to subscribe to read what I expected, she certainly met my expectations.

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1. Get your head out of the sand. Blacks & browns procreate like jackrabbits, and we pay for it. https://images.app.goo.gl/3YBWouff63F6HuC1A. And why wouldn't they? Doing so gets them more of our money. And the Left gets votes. It's a helluva racket! 2. You are ad hominem'ing Coulter, and when you do that, you automatically lose the argument. 3. Hint: It's all about genes. And black genes are inferior. No amount of money, education, "opportunity" is gonna change that.

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1. The published "statistics" are BS, so as not to incite panic about how fast the US is darkening. Just look at American cities... Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis, Newark, New Orleans, South Chicago, DC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis... all black hellholes. But they weren't like that in the past, they were nice, when they were White. So where did these blacks come from??? Blacks birthrates in the US are down ha, how incredibly naive.

2. Average IQ of US blacks = 85. Average IQ of African = 70 (mental retardation threshold). Don't shoot the messenger. If you buy the out of Africa theory, tell me... despite homo sapiens starting out there, with a tens of thousands of years head start, why could Africans not develop Africa beyond the shithole that it is?

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It’s fruitless to continue this conversation if we can’t even agree to a basis of facts. The published numbers are real. Actually the political class would love and celebrate an a big increase in black population. I don’t know about birthrates of blacks but it’s not exceeding whites. The only sources of good increases in number of blacks are the ~110k immigrants who come by diversity visas (who usually kick the butts of local blacks and many whites in their educational outcomes) and as refugees.

Africa, beside the IQ issue, have an awful geography. The biggest dray and hottest arid desert in the world makes about half of it (Sahara desert), and then below it you have equatorial forests. Zero to 100. The lowest tip of it can be developed, beside the coastlines.

I don’t know about the IQs of Africans or when these tests taken. But I know as a group, black Americans score lower than Asians amor whites. Of course that doesn’t make me assume any white I’m talking to is smarter than me, though I noticed low IQ whites talk a lot about groups to cover their individual failures. If I take your number as true, what explains the 15 points difference between Africans and US blacks? —— Again this conversation is going no where because I seriously don’t understand your point. I walked in some African cities and I felt more safe in it than in some US cities with big black population. We need to address the cultural problems in the US. The stats shows black immigrants commit way less crimes than US born crimes. I care about safety.

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Another black apolpgist. Black "cultue" is the problem, yeah, sure... we just need to "educate" them, and give them a few trillion more. That'll do it. News flash: Culture is downstream from genetics. Nature >>> Nurture.

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What? I thought you will provide links to statistics, not factoids about some rappers! C’mon Darwin, be a Darwin!

What ad hominem’ing I did? I mentioned facts about Ann Coulter. She’s childless, unmarried and over 50 years old. She has a lot of opinions about shaping the future. And I knew Vance’s thoughtful (yet not complete) comments will hit a nerve with her.

As for black genes. I do think as a whole, black are less gifted intelligence wise (but way war more gifted physically). I’m from an Eastern African background (not common in US where blacks are mostly from West Africa). Knowing that black immigrants do way better than native born blacks, and even many whites, there’s a massive defect in black culture in USA, that exacerbates problems that may stem from being lesser intelligent than other groups. I think if those are addressed, I will not assume blacks (in general) will have higher SAT scores than Asians, but you will have a safer community, better economic output, and less problems.

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Blacks also account for 37% of the one million abortions in the US each year with black women accounting for just 7% of these abortions. One of the reasons the African American community is below its replacement rate.

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I’m black and it seems like a good economic policy. The less children from poor and unprepared women, the better. As for the replacement rate among us, well, if half whites-half blacks are counted as blacks only, and even quarter black can be counted as black, you should have no worries. There’s also some ~30k slots in immigration quotas (Lottery green cards) for Africa and winners can bring their immediate family (so you get up to 80k blacks annually from that), plus through refugees resettlement. Those are pure Africans (although the good from that is you have skinny East Africans in that stock). —- Our problem is crime as without young men in their lives, black women hesitate to bear children and choose abortion more than others.

Ann Coulter is a childless unmarried who’s +50 years old. She feels awful about her life choices, I expected her to bash Vance and other Republicans sound pro-family policies. It just reminds her about her misery.

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I've met Ann Coulter she's suffers from a perpetual case of eudaimonia. She's probably the happiest person I've ever met!

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Huh? When is the last time you looked at a line graph showing continental population growth? Africa is by far growing up the fastest rate. https://images.app.goo.gl/iPLuuRnfoQji939T7

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My comment was about African-Americans, not Africans.

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Uh-huh. And where do you think billions upon billions of Africans on the African continent are going to go? Do you think they're going to build wakanda on their land? No. They will flood Europe and they will flood North America and destroy both as they are doing today and as they have done to their own continent. The number one existential threat to humanity is racial dysgenics, fueled by redistribution. Pay them all whatever they want, sterilize them and prevent them from having children. https://childfreebc.com/candidates-

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I’m black, and the population boom in Africa scares me. These countries are in dire need for one child policy, or at least 7 years gap between two births (if a two child policy is implemented). But leave it to the European Catholic Church to prevent family planning, birth control and even condoms.

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You don't need the church to do anything, you don't need govt. We can do it with our private funds by donating to and sharing CBC: https://childfreebc.com/candidates.

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Don't look now, but black & browns are not having more kids, either. No one is. Out of 193 countries, only about 89 experience births at replacement rates, and most are small and/or dirt poor.

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350 million people is enough more than enough . Whole regions are running out of water. Given a choice between more white kids & importing the third world. Having more white kids is better but than turning the hills above Hollywood into the slums of Rio. 53% of black males are convicted felons. Less than half of Latinos ever graduates high school. We already have enough jailbirds & welfare recipients.

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In the reverse of the cliche about the stopped clock being right 2 times a day, the great and good Ann Coulter is wrong here.

Government policies should try to increase the birthrate.

Orban of Hungary has come up with a very interesting law. If a couple have 4 children, they get an exemption from the income tax.

The great thing about his idea is that will incenticize the very people whom we most need to have children and no incenticize the slow-witted. An architect, an engineer, a brain surgeon are going to get far more benefit from an income tax exemption than someone flipping burgers at McDonald's.

Vance is right also about the role of children in determining the franchise.

I don't think childless people (like me) should have a voice in shaping a futrue in which we have no genetic investment.

I think that - among other restrisctions - the only people who should be allowed to vote are married men who have children and have never been divorced. (Vance hasn't thought it through. The parents of bastard children should not be allowed to vote.)

Imagine the revolutionary changes in our government if the electorate consisted exclusively of married men with kids?

I'd gladly give up my right to vote if I c ould live in a country ruled by a government elected by such voters.

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Mass deportations will lower the price of homes by up to 80%; slashing income taxes to a flat 10% will allow for a living wage.

A true populist far right government can do a lot without having to dole out money.

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All true. It is estimated that since the New Deal, the American Left has redistributed get this -- 70 TRILLION -- to blacks, browns, she now, illegals. That said, is you're waiting for politicians or voting to save us, don't hold your breath. The sheer #'a of PoC + dumb liberal while women is too high for voting harder to work

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It was an economic analysis I read somewhere, I forget where. But it doesn't surprise me at all. Look back at the '50s, after world war II, the middle class was flourishing, the husband worked in a very middle-class job, the mother did not have to work and could full-time take care of three or four children. They had a nice home in the suburbs, they had nice things, no stress, even took some vacations. Oh this was possible back then because blacks and browns were under 10% of the population. Fast forward to today. The huge amount of net negatives both black and brown are destroying the country. Both parents now have to work, kids are raised by daycare and social media to become woke zombies, why? Because we have to pay for all of the destruction created by blacks and browns. Just so they vote for the Democrat elite. They want reparations? They've already got reparations to the tune of 70 trillion dollars and the destruction of the greatest country on Earth. Sterilize them all. Pay them whatever they want, but please sterilize them.

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Mr. M.D.: I would LOVE to get the source on the 70 trillion dollars in transfer payments you mention. I'm old and I remember things most people are too young to remember or did not notice att he time. I remember when Lyndon Johnson was implementing his "Great Society" program including the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, that Whites in large measure thought ot things like Section 8 housing, food stamps, Head Start, Jobs Corps and so on as REPARATION payments. "Give it to them. They'll be happy. Problem solved. We can then all go our way." This was a foolilsh concept at the time and has proved utterly false. I'd really like to see it if someone has drawn up an estimate of the transfer payments that have been made. Thanks.

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No, Ms. Coulter is right here - if DC and state and local affiliates would stop playing God, our Constitutional model of governance would kick in and get out of the way of social/economic normalization. Marriage is one of the normal self-generated urges of happy, secure, liberated people.

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Alas! Time has moved on. The ideas of a "return to the Constitution", limited government, States Rights and so on are as impractical and fantastical as restoring the Stuart Dynasty in Great Britain. The solution to our problems requires strong government, firmly centralized power (not letting Callifornia set its own policies) and a tough minded government. We are at a division point in the road. This time, we need the Abraham Lincoln and let them have the Jefferson Davis. We need the Stalin. They can have Tsar Nicholas. I'm not happy about this. I wish it were otherwise. But it's so.

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As well intentioned as it may be, the Hungarian positive eugenics effort, despite having been around for many years now, is having little impact, unfortunately.

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Sam, everything you say makes logical sense, and would work. But in order for any of it to become a reality, it would require votes... and that, unfortunately, is never going to happen. There are simply too many blacks, browns, illegals, and illogical, emotional liberal white women in this country to accomplish anything through "democracy" ever again -- we've lost majority, and it's never coming back. Therefore, we must look for a solution outside of democracy, independent of govt. And that's where the free market and CBC come in. https://childfreebc.com/candidates.

Private, global wealth = $450T. Do you know how much Whites control? $300T. Do you know how much it would cost to voluntarily sterilize all blacks of childbearing age in the world? Only around $2T. What would the ROI on that look like in 20 years? Jared Taylor and Ed Dutton both did videos about CBC. I would urge you to contact them and write about them. We can't win through politics anymore, but we can through the free market!

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Before I touch on Coulter, let me address head your point. On what basis you think married women, or women who have children out of wedlock, but are in a relationship with a man, shouldn’t added to your preferred voting population?? Why a lack of a piece of paper from the state will hinder the parents of the those children?

Also, nobody will pay taxes if they don’t get to vote. Nor we should encourage people to have children so they can vote. But surely I see a point that a mother of 2 should have 3 votes compared to a childless woman or man.

—— Ann Coulter is a childless unmarried who’s +50 years old. She feels awful about her life choices, I expected her to bash Vance and other Republicans sound pro-family policies. It just reminds her about her misery.

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Ann Coulter is one of the very greatest journalists and social critics of our age. I am her unqualified admirer. Lest anyone try to tarnish her reputation but associating her iwith me, let me say that I buy what she says and that doesn't mean she buys what I say.

Her Adios, America is of greater sersvice to us than if she had had thousands of kids. She is the only journalist who had the gumption to compare the number of remittances to Mexico sent through Western Union now to how many were sent back in the 1990s when the government first trotted out the figure of 11 million illegals in the country.

She found the number had TRIPLED. The 11 millin figure has been used now for decades and is obviously intended to anaesthetize puhlic concerns bu understating the number. Coulter showed that the fumber has likely tripled since the 11 million figure ws first used.

So there are around 35 million Third World, badly educated, poverty stricken "migrants" in our country. This conformed with my own personal observation as I went about my daily business but only Coulter documented it. Her critics deal in lies. They cannot function, cannot "win" without lies. She has given the lie to their false claims about illegal immigration. And they will never forgive her for it.

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You didn’t answered my point at all. Other than buffing up Ann. She’s not journalist at all. And this article is her wounded ego talking. I have no doubt about it. How ridiculous to criticise gov policies that aid child bearing in a country that suffers a declining birth rate??

I didn’t knew she (foolishly) took remittance numbers as evidence of increased illegal migrants. That’s an awful source because it doesn’t distinguish between legal and illegal. Or even citizens who send money abroad. And of course with increased wages, the number will be bigger now than in 1990.

I have no doubt that the number of migrants jumped by millions (at least a net of 4m under Biden), but it’s not 35m , not even close.

Ann is the same woman who pushed Trump and even wrote a book about him, only to immediately bash him and called him dangerous. No wonder she’s not hosted anywhere, anymore. She’s a failure.

Again, you failed to address my point.

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If we’re counting anchor babies of the ones who came in the 80s and 90s, and their children, then yes, Ann certainly is right on the number.

And it’s patently ridiculous to think that pro-natal policies would be good for America to adopt. Countries like Hungary are largely homogenous, whereas in America, our black, Hispanic and white trash communities love to consume a lot of welfare, and the more they breed, the more money they get? How’s that working out?

If anything, it would be best that the only people who’d have more kids would be white Evangelicals and Catholics, and a lot of those people (at least many of the ones I know of) make plenty of money to take care of their families and are already reproducing at or above the replacement rate.

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H.S.: you err in your insistence that a 3 fold increase in remittances does not show a massive increase in immigrants from the time (in the 1990s!) when the government first used the figure of 11 million illegals, a figure it continues to use unchanged almost 30 years after they started using it. Your position defies common sense and the facts.

Your argument that Coulter (let's use last names as is proper) is somehow discredited because she initially supported Trump but then changed her opinion when he failed to carry out his campaign promises indicates IMO that you are functioning from a set of idees fixes, one of which is an intense and unfair hostility to her.

Your ad hominem (ad feminam?) attacks on Coulter ought to be embarrassing.

Coulter is something of a reactionary IMO. She still thinks that reform through elections is possible. She believes in a ''return to the Constitution.''

I think her reactionary traditional conservative distrust in government action and power accounts for her position on Vance's desire to use government to boost the birth rate.

I disagree with Coulter. I don't think reform within the System is possible. I believe we must think ''Post America.''

There is no going back.

Coulter has not been dropped from being hosted because she is a ''failure'' as you say.

She's been removed for the same reason Tucker Carlson has been purged:

They aren't safe, System conservatives who know their place, stay in their place and are careful not to talk about issues that upset hard-wired liberal minds.

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Lmao, you’re being ridiculous if you seriously think that would hold up. First, we’d have to have a constitutional amendment (highly unlikely to happen), and secondly, being married and having kids in and of itself doesn’t make one a conservative.

TF would I give up my right to vote as a single, childless—yet white wing—guy while married leftist men would still be allowed to vote, under the idiotic notion that being married and having kids in and of themselves allow for special rights.

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Wolfeil: You are correct. My proposal could never be adopted under our present form of government. I am thinking about what policies that might be adopted after the collapse of the present System. ''In the winter the farmer looks to his tools'' as the old proverb runs. I believe we need to be thinking about what we will do if we get a chance. Our situation is comparable to that of Lenin in exile in Switzerland between 1906 and 1914. The Bolsheviks were developing an ideology. When the crack came, they had an agenda.

We are effectively powerless in the present System and we always will be. The good thing about this is that a system without any means of correction and reform is a system without means of its preservation. Our misrulers are driving the bus off the cliff. And there's no stopping them. Fine. Let the bad times roll.

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The problem here is that the more children a couple has the greater the expenses, time, energy, etc. If women leave the workforce to raise families you end up with wither men working 80 hours a week (not good for families) or lower productivity and lower growth. There are good arguments either way on that issue.

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I regret not having had kids in principle, but the arc was of my life and the circumstances thrown at me precluded it. That, I don’t regret, but of all the crap we are dealing with today, this is a fake issue. As fake as it gets.

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Thank you Ann. “Hang on my every word.” Good one. Seriously. What I have seen, close up, (too close up actually) is some whose only way into a “normal” life is to use having multiple children (as opposed to the love of kids and having a large family) as a way into the welfare system, ultimately leaving our older population at a disadvantage as social security and support eventually dries up along with the ability to “pop” a kid out. Not to mention one’s moral ability to have a child and have the moral willingness to support a child emotionally, physically, etcetera to and through a reasonable adulthood. This should, but does not, stay out of the government’s hands.

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Lordy, if you were any smarter, I’d retreat to a mountain cave to mourn my inadequacy. You are a rare delight Ms. Coulter.

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Tragic that novice politician and brand new president Trump didn't immediately hire Ann Coulter as his chief of staff since her political IQ was exactly what he needed if he didn't want to be dragged through hell. But because didn't, Trump and his family have been running like hell ever since just to stay ahead of the meat grinder.

The grotesque and endless beating the Trumps have taken ensures that nobody in their right mind will enter US politics, and that's Trump's legacy.

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Oh the hypocrisy! Did you know that in 2022 the year Dobbs rescinded Roe v. Wade the following year 2023 abortions went up in the United States? Did you know that African Americans are below their replacement rate with 37% of the one million abortions annually in the US coming from black women who account for just 7% of the population? Remember when the Black Lives Matter website clearly stated it was against the nuclear family until it was taken down during the summer of 2020 and the George Floyd riots? Gee, I hope Kamala Harris doesn't get elected president of the United States of America.

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Right, with regard to minority abortions, wasn't that one of Margaret Sanger's main goals? I just think as humans, let alone Americans, so many of us have stopped trying to do better including those at the top in terms of our government. And yes, BLM were "trained Marxists" seeking the end of the nuclear family.

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Encouraging child bearing among adult population who of course better commit to each others, in a country with a declining and aging population is a sound policy. I will not claim it makes a voter better informed. But over all, on a macro level, it’s a sound policy.

Ann Coulter is a childless unmarried woman who’s +50 years old. She feels awful about her life choices, I expected her to bash Vance and other Republicans sound pro-family policies. It just reminds her about her misery.

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Great column, Ann. I've never quite understood the making-more-children as the solution to [fill in the blank] and they're equating of having kids with a state of auto-happiness and fulfillment. In fact, I call bullshit. I know plenty of people who boarded the USS Matrimony & Kids and sailed into the seas of utter disaster and misery. And I have friends who've had the classic nuclear family life and loved it, too. It's just not one-size-fits-all and ought not to be preached as a government mandate or a miracle cure.

Favorite line: "Human reproduction doesn’t require a P.R. team. All the Beatles got married and had kids. Mick Jagger got married and had kids. If ever there were men who had no reason to get married and have kids, it was those guys. But people want to get married and have kids."

And I agree that Vance is a solid choice and hopefully he will deliver with consistency. He was chosen to reach out the white working and middle class and he ought not equivocate. He needs to lean into it and amplify his appeals. The media's contempt of Vance does indeed correlate directly with their fear of him, the question is whether the Trump campaign is competent enough to stay on message and forge ahead.

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Encouraging child bearing among adult population, in a country with a declining and aging population is a sound policy. I will not claim it makes a voter better informed. But over all, on a macro level, it’s a sound policy. We already give child income tax credits for these families.

Ann Coulter is a childless unmarried woman who’s +50 years old. She feels awful about her life choices, I expected her to bash Vance and other Republicans sound pro-family policies. It just reminds her about her misery.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

The gov should simply stay out if it. You know what they say about good intentions.... And yes, 90% less gov would be clearly pro-family (and pro-human) on so many levels.

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Geez…there is a basic concept in economics…the lower the price, the greater the demand and the less the supply (simple economics 101 supply and demand curve).

The government had intervened and created one economic reality for those who pay for their needs and pay taxes (a shrinking minority of the US population with a negatively sloping growth curve) and a separate economic reality for those who rely on the industry of the former group to pay for the needs of the latter group while the latter group (a majority of the the population with a steep growth curve) also pays no taxes (historical figures can be found at the IRS, Statistics of Income, Individual Income Rates and Tax Shares).

Hence, by government policy, there is a child supply and demand curve for the former group and a separate and not equal child supply and demand curve for the latter group with significantly different unit price/cost.

There might be more than ego to the size of Elon Musk’s family. In the world of the taxpaying family provider, the cost of “family” is becoming economically prohibitive except for the 1%ers.

Maybe it is time for at least 50% of the adult population (non-income taxpayers) to pay their fair share!

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Women want the best (or serial killers) while men will drop to the gutter or lower. Good luck changing that!

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I'm not really sure most Republican politicians want to win. They certainly act as though they don't. Why bother with all the hard work of governing? Better to earn a pretty good living with excellent benefits and just whine and complain at appropriate moments. Dems are just too tough. Sad, but true.

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Ramaswamy would have been a much better pick. He carries a lot less baggage and thinks on his feet, actually has policy that would only help the cause. About the only guy I could compare him to, he's like an Indian version of Ben Shapiro. And he would cut whoever the VP nominee is to pieces, if that mattered.

I guess in the last two weeks I've become a NeverHarris. The only she's ever had between her ears is Willie Brown's wedding tackle.

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All they have is he's "Weird". We have a winner Ann. Vance 2028 / 2032 ?

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You hang out with Gavin McInnes all the time. Tell him to his face that he's sorry he got married and had kids and report the results back to us subscribers. Bill Schulz had the same theory.

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