In my experience liberals have no sense of humor, thus the term, “Libtard” was coined. I joked with a Barista that I knew for a fact DT-Jr was selling non-taxed cigarettes acquired from vendor in Brighton Beach. She bought it for a second then exploded. Libtards are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

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This is the same stupidity from the apocalyptic drama queens that followed from the joke about the Hillary emails. Some of them are just idiots but there are a lot of humorless people in DC at least. In 2016 we assumed the Chinese were reading our stuff (or maybe the Russians) but who knew it was actually our own intel services! I actually don't care whether he was joking or not. If they don't pay up, forget about them- they can afford to pay. Russia is not going to invade. They are bogged down as it is. The old fools Biden, Pelosi, Clinton and Schumer reliving the 80s as crossdressing Rs (since they were selling us out to the Commies then as Ds). They see Russkies around every corner and still think Trump is colluding with Putin. And the press is not exactly filled with the best and brightest- they lap this stuff up from their corporate masters. Our press is more Soviet than even the Russians are at this point.

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The media is responsible for the circling of the wagons. The more your favorite personalities at CNN and MSNBC and the NYT irrationally trash Trump, the more belligerent and intractable MAGA becomes. The sad thing is that there is a plethora of criticism that can be leveled at Trump’s broken promises, failed term and unjustifiable behavior, but they would rather fabricate and exaggerate.

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Still a touch of TDS but clearly getting better. Unity 2024!

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C’mon, Ann, in your heart you know he’s right!

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Did you all see Biden's presser with the "I'm Fine" and then "President Sisi of Mexico" comment? I think the handles must of done a lot of Petron shots after that one. It's all game on with the media colluding with another attempted steal/win. Trump should hang out at Mar-Largo until Oct. and let Joey just keep digging the hole deeper. I want to see Joey speak at the convention and the walk back.

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It's my fondest hope, now that most of Joe's amygdala is fried, that he goes back to his Neil Kinnock speech going on about working in the coal mines all day, then playing football. Of course, Thursday's presser may have already done the trick, but there's still that 13% we still need to knock off their hobby horse. What, exactly, does it take to convince the Bidenites he's no longer there?

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

At this point, just to put the alphabet mafia in its place, the entire West deserves to be taken over by Russia; any society who tells children that they are born in the wrong body and proceeds to turn them into sordid monsters deserves far worse than the Russian yoke.

Seriously, all of this tranny retardation should be banned at once for children as well as adults; its enablers and promoters should end up in an Alaskan version of the Gulag!

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NATO should not even exist; early in his first term, Trump should have pulled the plug on NATO!

He then should have focused on Mexico and the border and Operation Wetback 2.

Destroying NATO would have prevented Ukraine from provoking Russia.

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The “profession” of “journalism” is actually the dumping ground for all the crazies when the Dems shut down and emptied all the looney bins.

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

As the Office of the Historian tells it:

"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union."

Is it too soon to tell them that the USSR called it a day in 1991?


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When your life consists of humorless wonkish behaviors, even the simplest things fly over your head. I'm not pretending the Right is any better at humor, but force yourself to watch SNL or any of the late night presenters. Their "humor" is thinly veiled bile and envy, which, as far as I know, has never been funny.

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Thank you Ann for a serious lesson in humor. So much drama in the world. I hope journalism schools in the US today teach students how to ask tough questions, discern what is going on, decipher the message and write.

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He’s an idiot. Completely. A shit show.

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