Awful. Time and again, and, yet, the Left marches forward and many on the right, like a certain former President, want to acquiesce for votes. Recidivism for Class A felonies and most violent crimes don’t lie. It just needs a shine to be palatable for the general public, which doesn’t want to be called racist.

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Liberalism's obsession for human rights caused ppl to protect all sorts of worthless ppl that shld belong in asylum (many exposed thanks to Libs of Tiktok, mental care, or be given the death penalty for the animals they are. We need to revive law & order and be tough to clean up our society.

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Thank you for follow up news on crime and other societal matters Ann. I appreciate the opportunity to stay common sensibly informed and/in order to make informed decisions.

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Signing now. The POS who took the life of my best friend was given the death penalty. But of course in California, that means for some sick reason that nuns and Native Americans fill up your canteen. It's unimaginable that these monsters could ever see daylight.

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023

If we had a functional Press, or if California had a functional Government, grieving families wouldn't be forced into a position of having to rely on an online petition to desperately plead for the most minimal levels of Justice. In a sane world, if a State Government were to utterly lose its mind to the point of even 'considering' the idea of letting depraved murderers like Richard Johnson go free, a healthy Press would be screaming this news from every rooftop and demanding the firing of all State officials even remotely associated with such a plan. In turn, a healthy public would be viscerally enraged, picketing the Governor's Mansion and unleashing a tsunami at the next voting cycle that would wash away all members of the Governor's Party for the next fifty years.

Instead, the Dark Age we are in now manifests itself in a terrifying silence that thoughtful readers can experience for themselves in real time. Here are the results I got when I used the keywords "Richard Johnson Cathy LaCorte" in a Google search:


Maybe a Lexis/Nexis search would be more accurate, but Google is still valid in this context in the sense that it gives an idea of the information that the casual news consumer will see.

Pretty sad, in my view. The petition is the top result, which is great, but after that it instantly goes to a forty-year-old UPI article...and that's on the 'General' results tab in Google. Clicking on the 'News' tab delivers nothing relevant at all. Try it yourself in your own favorite search engine. I'm guessing you won't get much more.

One naturally wonders what the difference in media coverage and public reaction would be if the races of all involved parties had been different. Would Los Angeles be burning at this moment if the murderer had been a 'white supremacist' and the victims had been black? We only have the events of recent history to guide us in guessing the answer.

THANK YOU Ann for bringing this to our attention, and hopefully this will result in Cathy LaCorte's and Bob Morton's families being able to rest just a bit easier...at least until the next parole hearing.

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