Journalists would make whores blush.

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At least a whore is still providing a useful service.

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In reality, Sir Biden is probably unaware of his decision.

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I feel worse for whoever had to tell Doctor Jill.

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What a truly historic humiliation for Biden. He deserved no less.

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Just wait for the first big interview he does, post-announcement. The softballs might not even fit in the room:

"Mr. President, some people say you're an American hero, others say you're an American icon - who's right?"

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Joe was always an asshole and, as more and more of his personality disappeared under a build-up of beta amyloid plaques, the only thing remaining was his aggressive sociopathic narcissism. Hard to believe, but he became an even bigger asshole, to enemies and friends alike. The crack he made on the call with democrats regarding one representative's Bronze Star was a low point and I can only imagine the rest of the call participants were either dumbfounded or pissed.

Like a raging alcoholic, Joe drove away anyone who cared until the cheese stood alone.

The only thing he ever wanted was to be President, he made it, and it destroyed him.

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

The "machine" in action. We are battling a machine not a person. (Thank you Vivek for that). It is like a circus game where you shoot one pigeon down and the next gets up. The dem's mock the notion of voting for an independent minded president. We see it unfolding before our eyes. They represent power for power's sake. The greatest evil of all. And one more reason to vote Trump/Vance 2024.

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Defecating all over the Capitol--they're projecting again, this time actual crap. As to crapper Joe himself, I guess the 50-year grift is ending, apart from the ginormous pension, any remnant foreign royalties, and money squirreled away by the Biden-brand crime family.

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At least Biden will not be performing a sequel to his former performance for HRH Queen Elizabeth II and crapping his pants at Windsor Castle.

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Thank God that's over...now all those "journalists" can close their eyes and sleep through the next few years as the laundry list of Biden's quid pro quo withdrawal trinkets unfolds.

Tractor trailers full of goodies...maybe even Hunter as next head of the ATF.

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I doubt it, Dan. He waited too long.

A good party man does as he’s told. He doesn’t have to be convinced and forced out.

Khrushchev didn’t get no medals or a fancy dacha on the Black Sea.

Plus, if he remains in office not only is that a distracting campaign issue to Kamala, but it’s also very likely he’s going to continue to embarrass the party in public, especially with a media that is less invested in him than ever.

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If you think the Jan 6 rioters defecated all over the Capitol you should see San Francisco.

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There’s even a map for that to help tourists.

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Jao Bidung's selfishness is beyond comprehension. He was so selfless that he was not even present when and where the decision and action for his withdrawal were made. He has not since appeared further proof that he is a creature of rare selflessness by avoiding the attention-getting limelight.

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Trump was almost killed and he didn't back down, yet Biden economically killed this country and runs....

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Strange he waited 8 days after Trump's assassination attempt to step down. So let me get this straight, sending trillions of dollars to other countries and allowing illegal immigrants in is considered patriotic n selflessness??? To me, that's treason or am I missing something....

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FYI, Biden will be recognized, long-term, as a terrible president. Had he admitted to his illness, and apologized to the American people, he might have been able to save his legacy. But he did not. Just more lies. This is just a shift from one lie (that biden is fit) to another (that this was not a dem-orchestrated coup). For the sake of America and the world, The Dem machine must be overrun at the polls this Nov.

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The photos of the January 6 excrement are filed next to the photos of the 40 Israeli babies beheaded by Hamas.

Harris presents the same challenge for Democrats as Biden presented: how to prevent the public from hearing her articulate an idea, answer a question, debate a policy or speak, generally.

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The next Republican President should award you the Congressional Gold Medal for consistently watching the Communist channels and reporting back. After all, Barbara Streisand received one.

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Even FOX News lost its mind over Charlottesville and blamed "white supremacists" for the rioting when the reality was it was a potpourri of right wing groups who were opposing the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. There were even some race neutral patriot groups with some black members.

The local and state police did not separate the two sides and allowed antifa and BLM to attack the "Unite the Right" protestors but when the UtR protestors began fighting back and defending themselves it was characterized as a "white supremacist attack" against innocent citizens.

FOX revealed themselves as part of the American Soviet media apparatus and fake opposition to the left wing extremism of the Democrats and their NGO allies.

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