George Soros is Jewish in Name Only like Joe Biden is Catholic in Name Only. Only people as foolish as those who run and work for the Times (and follow the Times lead) could push the actual trope that being against Soros is antisemitic. People are against Soros because he wants to destroy Constitutional Rule of Law Following, Everyone is Created Equal and Deserve Equal Protection of the Laws America. Ditto Joe Biden. It has nothing to do with the religion of their birth, whose principals and teachings, both of whom in practice and deed, have rejected. Soros himself is antisemitic in deed if not actual word by supporting those who would destroy Israel and the Jewish people.
As a young man, George Soros ratted out his neighbors to the Nazis. After they were hauled away for deportation or to the death camps, he stole all of their valuables. Hard to imagine anything more anti-semitic than that.
Not sure that he personally stole valuables, but he said on video, to 60 Minutes no less, that it was a "happy making" time for him, forming his outlook that if he hadn't been doing it, someone else would have, so was A-OK. Asked if the experience troubled him, his reply was, "No, not at all."
The money he stole from his Jewish neighbors is still collecting interest and funding domestic terrorists here in the U.S. as well as funding the campaigns of District Attorneys who release all of the criminals that prey on innocent, law-abiding citizens. He should be in jail next to Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff and the entire Biden crime family.
Don't disagree on jail, just have not heard that he actually pocketed money as a 14-year old Nazi helper. I think most of his ill-gotten gains came later, with scams like funding the likes of our leftist, bought-off DAs while short-selling the same country's bonds and stocks. For example, he's known as "the man who broke the Bank of England" by betting against the British Pound. Britain probably had it coming, for adopting policies (like open borders) promoted by Soros and hirelings.
Not defending him at all. That's the same interview I referenced (I believe there are others), and while he admits to helping his "protector" in confiscating property, we don't know what happened to the property. Logically, most of the property would have gone to the Nazis or their local capos, not to a 14-year old helper. The interview proves that Soros is a sociopath, but not that his fortune came from WWII.
I am America first, as most catholics are America first, not Italy first. So, as someone who is American and jewish, I would agree with that.
But as to the jews own the media, schools, banks, medicine... I wish! Given jews are in big cities and big cities control the media, schools, banks,... there are many jews in high levels of media, schools, banks,.. and most jews in big lib cities are lib - to my sorrow.
But the real story is not the jews at all -- it is how the libs, in their contempt for whites (and jews) try to force their colonialist narrative on all of us. So much so, they are willing to take the side of vile jihadist terrorists. Of course, to push that square peg in a round hole they have taken advantage of scapegoating jews. The left has successfully made this into some sort of anti-semitism thing which is an obfuscation of the real issue -- the failure of the race and colonialist based framework from which all woke is derived. Ann correctly points out just how far the libs will go to create their baseless arguments.
Reading it in the print edition over breakfast this morning, I knew the jump from the front page was bound to land on a classic NYT narrative management operation (another conspiracy theory!) and I wasn't mistaken. What a double truck dookie that was, but instructive nonetheless. The 'Methodology' appendix, printed in the always helpful 4pt font, was a snazzy bit of wordsmithing designed to provide an illusion of intellectual depth and honesty by noting the wide array of offending words were "terms widely accepted by multiple historians and experts on antisemitism as 'dog whistles'..." Chief among those "experts" was the ADL, which has determined that saying 'It's OK to be white' is a Klan slogan and that 'All Lives Matter' is a vicious canard that would do George Lincoln Rockwell proud.
The “Liberal Left” (for lack of a better term) is losing their minds, because the entire pro-Israel/pro-Palestinian debate/protests, are a pure leftist circular firing squad!
It’s left versus left versus a tiny sliver of the “pro-Israel” Right, and the leftists can’t process the mess they have made for themselves!
They’re stumped, because it’s lose-lose, and they know it!
But again, it's fracturing conservatives too. Most conservatives want America First, not in the sense of attack other countries, but in the sense of serving our own people. But Republican politicians only care about the donors, and the donors care about Ukraine and Israel. Trump insanely backed the recent $105 billion gift to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, seemingly ignorant that Ukraine and Ukraine's Bidenesque allies were the ones behind his first impeachment. As Ann has said, the author of The Art of the Deal is among the worst deal makers ever.
Agreed, most voters don’t support any of these conflicts, myself included.
I think, and I could be wrong, that Trump is actually being pretty deft, politically, thinking that if he can make it look like he will “play ball” with the mega donors, and deep state apparatchiks, that they might allow him to be elected in Nov., so he can get his revenge on everyone that has screwed him over.
It won’t work, because they will NEVER let him become the president again, because many of those deep state apparatchiks, KNOW he will come after them if he does.
Trump still doesn’t understand the stakes of the Big Game, just like, as much as I like her, Ann doesn’t either.
The real question is- What are they willing to do to stop him!? Because he will win, if they don’t prevent it, and they know that, better than anyone!
"Around 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were killed in the attack by thousands of Hamas-led gunmen, according to Israeli tallies, the worst loss of life in a single day since Israel's founding in 1948. More than 240 people, including United States citizens were taken hostage." - Reuters Percentage-wise, that was a big chunk of people from tiny Israel. And these civilian people were brutally slaughtered, some beheaded, babies burned in ovens - humans raped & killed up close and personal. Israel knows exactly who the attackers were. It's documented by the killers themselves: undeniable proof that no court could refute.
Here in the USA on September 11, 2001, 2,996 people, also civilians, including 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers in a manner that could only be compared to Pearl Harbor. In the USA - George W. Bush went after Iraq and Saddam Hussein. "But rather than send troops into Afghanistan to eliminate Al Qaeda, the Bush administration began to massively shift men and resources to Iraq, where Al Qaeda (and Bin Laden) didn’t then exist." - Politico
Now Biden is in charge - and after a botched withdrawal of our remaining troops in Afghanistan, this US President and a whole lot of college students, a few folks in Michigan and some others in Congress want to direct Israel how to handle the heinous people who attacked them - our sole ally in the Middle East. Tiny, little Israel. Additionally, Israel is being attacked by several other surrounding countries. It's not hard, in my mind, to see what Israel wants to ignore the "great suggestions" of President Joseph Biden (or anyone else) in handling the attacks on Israel.
This is an OLD promise in the Bible about Israel, but it was a promise made by God: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse” (Gen. 12:1–3) I suspect it still counts.
I'm much more concerned with left wing anti semitism. You can see the right wingers a mile a way. They've been too busy lighting Tiki torches and dry humping statues of Robert E Lee.
The left wingers, ignorant of history, make truly stupid arguments but do have subject-verb agreement in their anti semitic screeds. A literate anti semite is still an anti semite
I may be paranoid …the real puppeteers usually turn out to be globalists or gov bureaucrats pretending to be globalists, it’s all the same BS. Whether Students are attending Columbia or Podunk U having to wait 5 min for the usual cowards to stand up for them always turns out bad. Sadly the only thing bullies understand is a swift kick in the nads. Perhaps university Presidents should be taken out behind the wood shed.
George Carlin the Comedian made a Joke before the Public how we can call the killing of the civilian population as COLLATERAL DAMAGE as is being done in Palestine even as I type.
When intercourse becomes necessary is NOT Thomas Jefferson following the script in THE LAW OF NATIONS, published a few years earlier, and copies of the book were distributed among friends and colleagues by no less than BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, which allowed the attorney to write
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary..."
Netanyahu is about to commit the sin of genocide because a man risks being called an antisemite for being saying killing civilians in Palestine and Israel is antisemitic.
I would not be able to call myself a Christian if I do not object. Genocide can be prosecuted as a WAR CRIME.
Genocide is a crime.
Innocent civilians man woman and child will suffer martyrdom before abandoning their ancient homeland in a region which, before 1948 was known as THE HOLY LAND of the ABRAHAMIC FAITH.
For once in its rotten history The NY Times gets it right.
And the great and good Ann Coulter is wrong.
Jews are never going to vote Republican. They are never going to identify with European Christians in America or elsewhere.
The key to their survival through 25 centuries of being distributed throughout other people's countries and culture has been the fact that they are hostile and adversarial to any people with whom they live.
They are necessarily so.
If they ever ceased and began identifying with the people around them, they would cease to exist the way the French Huguenots ceased to exist in South Carolina.
George Soros is Jewish in Name Only like Joe Biden is Catholic in Name Only. Only people as foolish as those who run and work for the Times (and follow the Times lead) could push the actual trope that being against Soros is antisemitic. People are against Soros because he wants to destroy Constitutional Rule of Law Following, Everyone is Created Equal and Deserve Equal Protection of the Laws America. Ditto Joe Biden. It has nothing to do with the religion of their birth, whose principals and teachings, both of whom in practice and deed, have rejected. Soros himself is antisemitic in deed if not actual word by supporting those who would destroy Israel and the Jewish people.
As a young man, George Soros ratted out his neighbors to the Nazis. After they were hauled away for deportation or to the death camps, he stole all of their valuables. Hard to imagine anything more anti-semitic than that.
Not sure that he personally stole valuables, but he said on video, to 60 Minutes no less, that it was a "happy making" time for him, forming his outlook that if he hadn't been doing it, someone else would have, so was A-OK. Asked if the experience troubled him, his reply was, "No, not at all."
The money he stole from his Jewish neighbors is still collecting interest and funding domestic terrorists here in the U.S. as well as funding the campaigns of District Attorneys who release all of the criminals that prey on innocent, law-abiding citizens. He should be in jail next to Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff and the entire Biden crime family.
Don't disagree on jail, just have not heard that he actually pocketed money as a 14-year old Nazi helper. I think most of his ill-gotten gains came later, with scams like funding the likes of our leftist, bought-off DAs while short-selling the same country's bonds and stocks. For example, he's known as "the man who broke the Bank of England" by betting against the British Pound. Britain probably had it coming, for adopting policies (like open borders) promoted by Soros and hirelings.
Don't defend him. He is a vile sociopath. And committed to destroying your way of life.
Not defending him at all. That's the same interview I referenced (I believe there are others), and while he admits to helping his "protector" in confiscating property, we don't know what happened to the property. Logically, most of the property would have gone to the Nazis or their local capos, not to a 14-year old helper. The interview proves that Soros is a sociopath, but not that his fortune came from WWII.
Israel runs the show in the west. Jews own the media, schools, banks, medicine etc. I'll stick with America first, not Israel first.
I am America first, as most catholics are America first, not Italy first. So, as someone who is American and jewish, I would agree with that.
But as to the jews own the media, schools, banks, medicine... I wish! Given jews are in big cities and big cities control the media, schools, banks,... there are many jews in high levels of media, schools, banks,.. and most jews in big lib cities are lib - to my sorrow.
But the real story is not the jews at all -- it is how the libs, in their contempt for whites (and jews) try to force their colonialist narrative on all of us. So much so, they are willing to take the side of vile jihadist terrorists. Of course, to push that square peg in a round hole they have taken advantage of scapegoating jews. The left has successfully made this into some sort of anti-semitism thing which is an obfuscation of the real issue -- the failure of the race and colonialist based framework from which all woke is derived. Ann correctly points out just how far the libs will go to create their baseless arguments.
If that's the case then why the CNN and the rest of the MSM are so rabidly anti-Israel?
Reading it in the print edition over breakfast this morning, I knew the jump from the front page was bound to land on a classic NYT narrative management operation (another conspiracy theory!) and I wasn't mistaken. What a double truck dookie that was, but instructive nonetheless. The 'Methodology' appendix, printed in the always helpful 4pt font, was a snazzy bit of wordsmithing designed to provide an illusion of intellectual depth and honesty by noting the wide array of offending words were "terms widely accepted by multiple historians and experts on antisemitism as 'dog whistles'..." Chief among those "experts" was the ADL, which has determined that saying 'It's OK to be white' is a Klan slogan and that 'All Lives Matter' is a vicious canard that would do George Lincoln Rockwell proud.
The “Liberal Left” (for lack of a better term) is losing their minds, because the entire pro-Israel/pro-Palestinian debate/protests, are a pure leftist circular firing squad!
It’s left versus left versus a tiny sliver of the “pro-Israel” Right, and the leftists can’t process the mess they have made for themselves!
They’re stumped, because it’s lose-lose, and they know it!
But again, it's fracturing conservatives too. Most conservatives want America First, not in the sense of attack other countries, but in the sense of serving our own people. But Republican politicians only care about the donors, and the donors care about Ukraine and Israel. Trump insanely backed the recent $105 billion gift to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, seemingly ignorant that Ukraine and Ukraine's Bidenesque allies were the ones behind his first impeachment. As Ann has said, the author of The Art of the Deal is among the worst deal makers ever.
Agreed, most voters don’t support any of these conflicts, myself included.
I think, and I could be wrong, that Trump is actually being pretty deft, politically, thinking that if he can make it look like he will “play ball” with the mega donors, and deep state apparatchiks, that they might allow him to be elected in Nov., so he can get his revenge on everyone that has screwed him over.
It won’t work, because they will NEVER let him become the president again, because many of those deep state apparatchiks, KNOW he will come after them if he does.
Trump still doesn’t understand the stakes of the Big Game, just like, as much as I like her, Ann doesn’t either.
The real question is- What are they willing to do to stop him!? Because he will win, if they don’t prevent it, and they know that, better than anyone!
"Around 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were killed in the attack by thousands of Hamas-led gunmen, according to Israeli tallies, the worst loss of life in a single day since Israel's founding in 1948. More than 240 people, including United States citizens were taken hostage." - Reuters Percentage-wise, that was a big chunk of people from tiny Israel. And these civilian people were brutally slaughtered, some beheaded, babies burned in ovens - humans raped & killed up close and personal. Israel knows exactly who the attackers were. It's documented by the killers themselves: undeniable proof that no court could refute.
Here in the USA on September 11, 2001, 2,996 people, also civilians, including 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers in a manner that could only be compared to Pearl Harbor. In the USA - George W. Bush went after Iraq and Saddam Hussein. "But rather than send troops into Afghanistan to eliminate Al Qaeda, the Bush administration began to massively shift men and resources to Iraq, where Al Qaeda (and Bin Laden) didn’t then exist." - Politico
Now Biden is in charge - and after a botched withdrawal of our remaining troops in Afghanistan, this US President and a whole lot of college students, a few folks in Michigan and some others in Congress want to direct Israel how to handle the heinous people who attacked them - our sole ally in the Middle East. Tiny, little Israel. Additionally, Israel is being attacked by several other surrounding countries. It's not hard, in my mind, to see what Israel wants to ignore the "great suggestions" of President Joseph Biden (or anyone else) in handling the attacks on Israel.
This is an OLD promise in the Bible about Israel, but it was a promise made by God: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse” (Gen. 12:1–3) I suspect it still counts.
End all foreign aid to Israel and Ukraine. Foreign aid moratorium on all other countries.
End dual citizenship. Build the wall, deport the illegals, send all non-US firsters to their preferred countries.
I'm much more concerned with left wing anti semitism. You can see the right wingers a mile a way. They've been too busy lighting Tiki torches and dry humping statues of Robert E Lee.
The left wingers, ignorant of history, make truly stupid arguments but do have subject-verb agreement in their anti semitic screeds. A literate anti semite is still an anti semite
I may be paranoid …the real puppeteers usually turn out to be globalists or gov bureaucrats pretending to be globalists, it’s all the same BS. Whether Students are attending Columbia or Podunk U having to wait 5 min for the usual cowards to stand up for them always turns out bad. Sadly the only thing bullies understand is a swift kick in the nads. Perhaps university Presidents should be taken out behind the wood shed.
Torah is what a Jew must believe to be a Jew.
George Carlin the Comedian made a Joke before the Public how we can call the killing of the civilian population as COLLATERAL DAMAGE as is being done in Palestine even as I type.
When intercourse becomes necessary is NOT Thomas Jefferson following the script in THE LAW OF NATIONS, published a few years earlier, and copies of the book were distributed among friends and colleagues by no less than BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, which allowed the attorney to write
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary..."
Netanyahu is about to commit the sin of genocide because a man risks being called an antisemite for being saying killing civilians in Palestine and Israel is antisemitic.
I would not be able to call myself a Christian if I do not object. Genocide can be prosecuted as a WAR CRIME.
Genocide is a crime.
Innocent civilians man woman and child will suffer martyrdom before abandoning their ancient homeland in a region which, before 1948 was known as THE HOLY LAND of the ABRAHAMIC FAITH.
Cartoon history is rich. History in itself is rich with facts and the truth. That’s history. Thank you Ann.
For once in its rotten history The NY Times gets it right.
And the great and good Ann Coulter is wrong.
Jews are never going to vote Republican. They are never going to identify with European Christians in America or elsewhere.
The key to their survival through 25 centuries of being distributed throughout other people's countries and culture has been the fact that they are hostile and adversarial to any people with whom they live.
They are necessarily so.
If they ever ceased and began identifying with the people around them, they would cease to exist the way the French Huguenots ceased to exist in South Carolina.
…you mean Marionette.
You forgot bankers.
You just couldn't stay out of it could ya?
Thank you for permission to share these caricatures, stories and information and Ann.