When evil whites ran SA black Africans moved their by the millions. Now that the evil whites are out of power SA which used to feed itself & much of the rest of Africa now can’t feed itself
Excellent article Ann!!! The BLM endorsement of Arab atrocities against the Jews in Israel is the precursor of what they gonna do to us, when thanks to Democrat policies minorities will become a majority. This is exactly why they want to disarm us now, so we won't be able to defend ourselves in near future.
Ann, thank you for another brilliant essay. In a perfect world, it would be nice to send all of the BLM supporters, including liberal Jews who support them to go and live in these autocratic Arab countries. I suspect within one month they would all be either beheaded or be slaves. Unfortunately, without any education to the fact that the slave trade was not led by evil white individuals, but rather the Arab slave traders, they would find out the hard way about historical irony.
On a good note, I’m sure Mr. Biden and his fellow Democrats will feel bad for the, poor poor Palestinians, and bring 1 million of them over here so they will assimilate into American life and be productive members of our society.
Jews and Jewish groups who once adored BLM are now turning on them since they don't uncritically support Israel. Jews and Jewish groups used to think Louis Farrakhan was delightful when he was attacking white people but when he started focusing his ire on Jews then they and all the media outlets they own began hissing and clutching their pearls. And let's not forget that it's Jewish terrorist Susan Rosenberg who is the behind the scenes fundraiser and leader of BLM.
Sorry but your optimism is misplaced. As Ann accurately points out, blacks and liberal Jews will crowd the voting booths shoulder to shoulder tripping over themselves to continue voting for their Democrat overseers. Why oh why does the GOP continue to pander to these lost self loathing imbeciles. THEY WILL NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN so stop wasting your damn time and money making believe they will! Concentrate on the one group of swing voters that actually make a difference in an election; WHITES!
You clearly didn't understand what I wrote. I'm not a braindead Daily Wire conservative type who thinks enough pleading and pandering will cause blacks to vote GOP in large numbers.
Jews and blacks are two peas in a pod and both work against white people. American Jews support black organizations and causes as long as they are opposed to white people. Jews used to run the NAACP and it was considered above reproach but then blacks purged Jewish leaders and lost support of wealthy Jewish donor networks and their media. And now the "for us, by us" NAACP is a shell of its former self mired in financial difficulty and scandal.
Secular Jews have swapped Judaism for Liberalism decades ago, and now they worship unholy dogmas of Liberalism (whether it's Abortion, Blacks, LGBT, Gun Control and Climate Change) like a sacred gospel.
To this day I am “permanently suspended” from Twitter for, among a few other wholesome beliefs, having the savagery to repeatedly decry the white genocide in South Africa which includes the butchering of wives, children and family pets. Sound familiar Hamas? Apparently those little hipster drones who Elon pays to monitor free speech defend genocide over truth.
Sadly the little hipsters just turned down my last appeal a few months ago (as always for no reason...the same way that Stalin had you carted off) but I have faith in your optimism and will give it another try!!!!
Exactly the same situation I have...the ridiculous thing is that anyone can read my account and all my tweets seem to be still up but went from 15,000 followers to 0 and I can’t even delete the acct...liberal logic at work
Being a glutton for punishment, I took one last shot and appealed my “permanent suspension” today. Within an hour of the appeal I received the following:
Case# 0345134530: Your account is suspended or locked [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004w00002pgaP1:ref]
Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.
So, “Screw You, elon” and screw your AI response monkey (or possible excuse for a human employee) that should be reprogrammed to sign off as X
Most importantly, the puppet masters who author the agenda for X, and all culture making propaganda, must be discredited and taken to task for their suppression of 1st Amendment rights. The new civil rights challenge is to return the free exercise of civil liberties to the American populace and treat those who attempt to suppress these liberties as the real insurrectionists trying to destroy our nation.
And yet, as Ann accurately points out, blacks and liberal Jews will crowd the voting booths shoulder to shoulder tripping over themselves to continue voting for their Democrat overseers. Why oh why does the GOP continue to pander to these lost self loathing imbeciles. THEY WILL NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN so stop wasting your damn time and money making believe they will! Concentrate on the one group of swing voters that actually make a difference in an election; WHITES!
Thank you for follow up news and information re: crime Ann. Complete madness. Disclaimer: White Christian here. The Chicago connection is especially hurtful. Seems to me certain previous and current administrations, certain “actors” knew the cities to “move through” to target, to achieve the criminality being excused now—the shoplifting, carjacking,maiming, murdering, fake (Jussie Smollet) stories. The Underground Railroad runs deep and wide. The third to the last paragraph is frightening. Agree: Reading Hamas literature (that is, if literacy exists with these barbarians at all). Agree: Leave white people alone. We are simple. We live peace. Not never ending, tumultuous protests.
Liberals operate by this template: They endorse everything that comes from the LEFT and demonize everything that comes from the Right. Thus in the 1970s, NYT has expressed support for Pol Pot. So what if middle class is discriminated in Cambodia, Red Khmers are for the poor and therefore they're good guys. For the same very reason, they support Hamas atrocities against the Jews today. To the left-wingers civilized Israeli citizens are seen as evil colonizers who should be eliminated by any means.
Civilization has been built on 10 commandments. Communist Manifesto was built on 10 statements - just totally opposite. Ten Commandments say "You shalt not steel" Communist Manifesto says "Abolition of property" which is gigantic stealing. !0 commandments say "Do not commit adultery", Communist Manifesto says "Abolition of family". Majority of American Jews abandoned the basic of their religion - 10 Commandments for Pagan Heresy of Communist Manifesto. They are voting Democrats who are trying to build socialist paradise in America. Ask people who already lived in such paradises - Soviets, East Germans, Vietnamese, Cubans - nothing comes from communist drafts besides Gulags - different sizes labor camps with no chance to get out.
American Jews falling into relations with lowest quality groups in USA. Just 150 years out of slavery is not enough. Look at Russians. It is not skin color. It's inability to depart from collective slavery mentality, which includes disrespect for human life and property. Freedom is responsibility. Ann mention that Americans do not treat their African-American citizens as adults. They are not. The same like Russians. Slave mentality is infantile.
Miss Ann asks, ”Are liberals still OK with the monsters they’ve created?”
The answer must be yes since they have been unfazed by not only creating monsters for decades but doubling down when challenged.
Case in point...the same bleeding hearts that were apocalyptic over the apartheid in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), again went apocalyptic over the apartheid in South Africa after clear evidence of white genocide in Zimbabwe as Robert Mugabe’s totalitarian state murdered their way from the highest per capita income in Africa under Ian Smith’s government to starvation and bankruptcy under Mugabe’s reign of terror. So the liberals denied the facts and anybody who disagreed was labeled a racist.
Part deux...the very same corrupt UN loving liberals then turned their outrage to topple the white apartheid government of South Africa...cut to the quick...as soon as they resurrected Nelson Mandela the murder of white farmers and their families commenced and continue to this day. The liberals reaction to this slaughter, confiscation of property and its accompanying poverty and starvation? “It ain’t so and you must be a racist”
Which leads me to conclude that the liberals who are so morally exercised over Palestinian liberation would have no problem with the slaughter of Jews that would accompany said liberation. They weren’t concerned last week and they won’t be concerned next week or the week after that because it never happened and if it did, it was Israel’s fault. For even whispering this, you must be a “colonizer” which I think is as bad as a “racist”.
One really has to wonder what kind of useful idiots the media must be to keep believing/promoting this 2nd grade finger-pointing and genocide denial as truth.
Ann this is excellent, as usual, but what I really want to know is what you thought of Maher's interview with DeSantis! It was so good I want to send it to everyone I know. 1. Notice how he doesn't make every question or topic about himself and 2. see how he very clearly makes his case in a rational and concise way. No calling names, no making up facts, no wild exaggerations. I really don't understand his polling numbers, the same as I don't understand why some people don't check your Substack first thing on Wednesday. Because Wednesdays are for Ann.
On a lighter note here is probably the most lyrical song played by the Grateful Dead; Ann is right when she postulates that, on average, deadheads are far more more pleasant and intelligent than leftists and liberals!
When evil whites ran SA black Africans moved their by the millions. Now that the evil whites are out of power SA which used to feed itself & much of the rest of Africa now can’t feed itself
Excellent article Ann!!! The BLM endorsement of Arab atrocities against the Jews in Israel is the precursor of what they gonna do to us, when thanks to Democrat policies minorities will become a majority. This is exactly why they want to disarm us now, so we won't be able to defend ourselves in near future.
Ann, thank you for another brilliant essay. In a perfect world, it would be nice to send all of the BLM supporters, including liberal Jews who support them to go and live in these autocratic Arab countries. I suspect within one month they would all be either beheaded or be slaves. Unfortunately, without any education to the fact that the slave trade was not led by evil white individuals, but rather the Arab slave traders, they would find out the hard way about historical irony.
On a good note, I’m sure Mr. Biden and his fellow Democrats will feel bad for the, poor poor Palestinians, and bring 1 million of them over here so they will assimilate into American life and be productive members of our society.
Jews and Jewish groups who once adored BLM are now turning on them since they don't uncritically support Israel. Jews and Jewish groups used to think Louis Farrakhan was delightful when he was attacking white people but when he started focusing his ire on Jews then they and all the media outlets they own began hissing and clutching their pearls. And let's not forget that it's Jewish terrorist Susan Rosenberg who is the behind the scenes fundraiser and leader of BLM.
Sorry but your optimism is misplaced. As Ann accurately points out, blacks and liberal Jews will crowd the voting booths shoulder to shoulder tripping over themselves to continue voting for their Democrat overseers. Why oh why does the GOP continue to pander to these lost self loathing imbeciles. THEY WILL NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN so stop wasting your damn time and money making believe they will! Concentrate on the one group of swing voters that actually make a difference in an election; WHITES!
You clearly didn't understand what I wrote. I'm not a braindead Daily Wire conservative type who thinks enough pleading and pandering will cause blacks to vote GOP in large numbers.
Jews and blacks are two peas in a pod and both work against white people. American Jews support black organizations and causes as long as they are opposed to white people. Jews used to run the NAACP and it was considered above reproach but then blacks purged Jewish leaders and lost support of wealthy Jewish donor networks and their media. And now the "for us, by us" NAACP is a shell of its former self mired in financial difficulty and scandal.
Heard 👍
You are both correct.
Secular Jews have swapped Judaism for Liberalism decades ago, and now they worship unholy dogmas of Liberalism (whether it's Abortion, Blacks, LGBT, Gun Control and Climate Change) like a sacred gospel.
And a ditto for, “screw you, Elon....”
To this day I am “permanently suspended” from Twitter for, among a few other wholesome beliefs, having the savagery to repeatedly decry the white genocide in South Africa which includes the butchering of wives, children and family pets. Sound familiar Hamas? Apparently those little hipster drones who Elon pays to monitor free speech defend genocide over truth.
I think elon will let you back on now! He retweeted the "kill the boer" video, calling it genocide.
Sadly the little hipsters just turned down my last appeal a few months ago (as always for no reason...the same way that Stalin had you carted off) but I have faith in your optimism and will give it another try!!!!
I use my suspended Twitter account so that I may read Ann's tweets; I am unable to like or comment and all of my appeals have been rejected.
Exactly the same situation I have...the ridiculous thing is that anyone can read my account and all my tweets seem to be still up but went from 15,000 followers to 0 and I can’t even delete the acct...liberal logic at work
Damn, and I can't even get arrested!
I'll be watching for you.
Being a glutton for punishment, I took one last shot and appealed my “permanent suspension” today. Within an hour of the appeal I received the following:
Case# 0345134530: Your account is suspended or locked [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004w00002pgaP1:ref]
Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.
So, “Screw You, elon” and screw your AI response monkey (or possible excuse for a human employee) that should be reprogrammed to sign off as X
X delenda est!
Most importantly, the puppet masters who author the agenda for X, and all culture making propaganda, must be discredited and taken to task for their suppression of 1st Amendment rights. The new civil rights challenge is to return the free exercise of civil liberties to the American populace and treat those who attempt to suppress these liberties as the real insurrectionists trying to destroy our nation.
And yet, as Ann accurately points out, blacks and liberal Jews will crowd the voting booths shoulder to shoulder tripping over themselves to continue voting for their Democrat overseers. Why oh why does the GOP continue to pander to these lost self loathing imbeciles. THEY WILL NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN so stop wasting your damn time and money making believe they will! Concentrate on the one group of swing voters that actually make a difference in an election; WHITES!
yes, Yes, YES!
Go get 'em Ann!
You're on fire!
Thank you for follow up news and information re: crime Ann. Complete madness. Disclaimer: White Christian here. The Chicago connection is especially hurtful. Seems to me certain previous and current administrations, certain “actors” knew the cities to “move through” to target, to achieve the criminality being excused now—the shoplifting, carjacking,maiming, murdering, fake (Jussie Smollet) stories. The Underground Railroad runs deep and wide. The third to the last paragraph is frightening. Agree: Reading Hamas literature (that is, if literacy exists with these barbarians at all). Agree: Leave white people alone. We are simple. We live peace. Not never ending, tumultuous protests.
Liberals operate by this template: They endorse everything that comes from the LEFT and demonize everything that comes from the Right. Thus in the 1970s, NYT has expressed support for Pol Pot. So what if middle class is discriminated in Cambodia, Red Khmers are for the poor and therefore they're good guys. For the same very reason, they support Hamas atrocities against the Jews today. To the left-wingers civilized Israeli citizens are seen as evil colonizers who should be eliminated by any means.
Civilization has been built on 10 commandments. Communist Manifesto was built on 10 statements - just totally opposite. Ten Commandments say "You shalt not steel" Communist Manifesto says "Abolition of property" which is gigantic stealing. !0 commandments say "Do not commit adultery", Communist Manifesto says "Abolition of family". Majority of American Jews abandoned the basic of their religion - 10 Commandments for Pagan Heresy of Communist Manifesto. They are voting Democrats who are trying to build socialist paradise in America. Ask people who already lived in such paradises - Soviets, East Germans, Vietnamese, Cubans - nothing comes from communist drafts besides Gulags - different sizes labor camps with no chance to get out.
American Jews falling into relations with lowest quality groups in USA. Just 150 years out of slavery is not enough. Look at Russians. It is not skin color. It's inability to depart from collective slavery mentality, which includes disrespect for human life and property. Freedom is responsibility. Ann mention that Americans do not treat their African-American citizens as adults. They are not. The same like Russians. Slave mentality is infantile.
Ann Coulter, with beauty so rare,
Elegance and grace in the air.
Her smile's like the sun,
A radiant one,
A vision beyond compare!
Miss Ann asks, ”Are liberals still OK with the monsters they’ve created?”
The answer must be yes since they have been unfazed by not only creating monsters for decades but doubling down when challenged.
Case in point...the same bleeding hearts that were apocalyptic over the apartheid in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), again went apocalyptic over the apartheid in South Africa after clear evidence of white genocide in Zimbabwe as Robert Mugabe’s totalitarian state murdered their way from the highest per capita income in Africa under Ian Smith’s government to starvation and bankruptcy under Mugabe’s reign of terror. So the liberals denied the facts and anybody who disagreed was labeled a racist.
Part deux...the very same corrupt UN loving liberals then turned their outrage to topple the white apartheid government of South Africa...cut to the quick...as soon as they resurrected Nelson Mandela the murder of white farmers and their families commenced and continue to this day. The liberals reaction to this slaughter, confiscation of property and its accompanying poverty and starvation? “It ain’t so and you must be a racist”
Which leads me to conclude that the liberals who are so morally exercised over Palestinian liberation would have no problem with the slaughter of Jews that would accompany said liberation. They weren’t concerned last week and they won’t be concerned next week or the week after that because it never happened and if it did, it was Israel’s fault. For even whispering this, you must be a “colonizer” which I think is as bad as a “racist”.
One really has to wonder what kind of useful idiots the media must be to keep believing/promoting this 2nd grade finger-pointing and genocide denial as truth.
Great job Ann, congratulations first column I read you did not mention the Trump!
Ann this is excellent, as usual, but what I really want to know is what you thought of Maher's interview with DeSantis! It was so good I want to send it to everyone I know. 1. Notice how he doesn't make every question or topic about himself and 2. see how he very clearly makes his case in a rational and concise way. No calling names, no making up facts, no wild exaggerations. I really don't understand his polling numbers, the same as I don't understand why some people don't check your Substack first thing on Wednesday. Because Wednesdays are for Ann.
On a lighter note here is probably the most lyrical song played by the Grateful Dead; Ann is right when she postulates that, on average, deadheads are far more more pleasant and intelligent than leftists and liberals!
There is nothing more American than the Grateful Dead.