Exhibit A Howard Stern he started out as a libertarian republican who was quite witty . After decades of chronic drug abuse including pot he is now a hard core leftist Kamala supporter who can barely put a sentence together

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Legalization basically ruined Colorado! In part because it was first, and that attracted a lot of the kind of people that would move to a different state, just for legal weed. Like many, 20 years ago, I would have been willing to discuss legalization... but now!? No effing way! Drugs aren't the answer, be they legal, illegal, or prescribed by a supposed doctor.

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I was just telling someone how much I loved visiting Denver for business and strolling down sixteenth street 25 years ago but no more. It is really sad.

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You should try walking down a street in Manhattan. The pot smoke is everywhere.

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Ann leaves out the Clinton/Soros connection now that Hillary's chief aid Huma Abedin married George Soros's son Alex. Moreover, while America's youth gets stoned, China's youth studies hard!

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Evil squared.

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And who is at the head of this parade now? Que Mala Harris. She proposes giving loans up to $20K, which are forgivable, for blacks to open Marijuana businesses among other initiatives qualifying for the loans. Her brilliance is stunning. How could that go wrong?

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How could she ignore the right of illegals to get those loans?

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it DEFINITELY seems like the Left want to turn us into a third world country. one that can be more easily controlled... manipulated.

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Newt Gingrich is a self-important blowhard who tried to run to the left of Mitt Romney in 2012.

The Univ. of Colorado is the site of the only college football game I've ever been to where the smell of weed was pervasive (granted, I've never been to a game at UC-Berkeley). I'm not sure if the higher potency makes weed smell worse than it used to, but it stinks.

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Especially like this point - <<Newt Gingrich is a self-important blowhard who tried to run to the left of Mitt Romney in 2012.>>

See https://anncoulter.com/2012/01/25/re-elect-obama-vote-newt/

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So Gingrich was in on it too? I always felt Boehner was the Republican ringleader on this. Pot (and gambling) are the undoing of millions. I was just in DC meeting with the CEO of a large trade association in the building they own. As I left the meeting, I smelled pot in their lobby and then walking outside, saw a guy in what appeared to be an Amazon uniform getting high sitting up against the building. A guy delivered a large item to my home Tuesday. Clearly high and reeking of pot. My car had a blown-out tire and no spare, just a useless can of goo that will do nothing in this case I know how to change a tire in case Kamala needs me for a real man commercial. The tow truck drivers truck reeked of pot. And insult to injury, today's pot stinks like rancid skunk. DC is not a swamp, it is a sewer literally and figuratively. So the Democratic Party, Republican sellouts, and the corporate machine and their pal George Soros (and family, his son is real "winner" too) are destroying America. Sadly too many look at this as some kind of libertarian progress. But much like one sided free trade that sends jobs elsewhere, it is freedom without the personal responsibility and accountability part. Of course Kamala wants to give away pot to black men for some reason- now that's not racist is it?

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a woman I used to hang out with (yes, I was trying date her) used to smoke pot on occasion.

once, she went to a professional dinner party, with a lot of big wigs in her industry, from around the country.

I guess she must have been nervous because, as she told me about it later, she decided to have half of an edible before going in. apparently, it made her completely lose her shit.

she told me she was screaming at people that she felt were being rude to her, "don't you know who I am?! I'm... " (the CEO and part owner of a new and very small company).

at the time, I assumed she was lying to me and that she had actually taken some other drug(s).

but, from things I've read since then, maybe she told me the truth (not that it would have changed my decision not to pursue her, anymore).

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Unless the federal drug laws are changed, it is still a crime to possess pot and if you are a gun owner, they might use this as a pretext to take away your gun rights. So, do you want to own a gun lawfully or be able to smoke pot that is 10-15 times stronger than it was in the 60s and 70s?

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Regarding the 'tax windfall' that supposedly comes from legalization, put that one to bed: California gets 1/2% of its revenues from marijuana taxes (not counting collection and other costs, and not to mention the externalities Ann discussed), and still 2/3rds of CA marijuana is sold illegally.

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Last time I smoked was 1969.

Made us giggle and laugh a lot.

The biggest benefit to legal pot is the standardization of the weed, potency, and that it shouldn't be laced with other drugs.

Btw. No one is imprisoned for possession. Maybe someone plea-bargained to a possession charge instead of a more serious crime and the bleeding hearts claim they are imprisoned for possession but the truth is just a little deeper

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<<The biggest benefit to legal pot is the standardization of the weed, potency, and that it shouldn't be laced with other drugs.>>

FALSE. As MarlinSkiff says above, the illegal market will still thrive. Cheaper, no taxes or regulation.

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The legal lottery did away with the numbers game.

I have been wrong many times especially with Drug legalization. How is it in the states where it is legal” dispensaries?” is the illegal market thriving, failing, or holding on?

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Oct 16Edited

The biggest pot advocate I ever met is dead of a stroke despite being an avid bicyclist. Why does Richard Kirk look so much like Timpon Walz? And why does George Soros look more like Satan than even LBJ did in 1962, smirking as he said that "he who controls the weather, controls the world"?

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It’s not your father pot is the perfect title. It was fun in the good old days( not that long ago😎) it’s turbo charged now. It’s gone from chilling in your beach chair .. one with ocean to not being able to get out of the chair. 🤪

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<Insert "play faster, faster!" scene from Reefer Madness here.>

It is still "your father's alcohol," so maybe we should go back to Prohibition because that worked out so well.

Are there downsides to marijuana consumption? Sure. We had an obesity epidemic before pot was legalized anywhere. Maybe we should outlaw donuts next...

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It's in the interest of the Democrat party to have lazy and low-IQ voters, so they would always be dependent on government programs.

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I am a physician who works in Schenectady New York. We have more than our share of poverty, joblessness, single parent households, a high school that graduates less than 65% of its students. And you know what the state did to help all these people in their time of need – legalized pot. I don't like this false flag that it's very different in the park from the 1960s. I don't give a crap I didn't use it then because getting high just didn't seem like a lifestyle anyone would be successful in. So now I have dozens of people every day who need to smoke 2, 3, even four times a day. And it's certainly not all adults. Many, many teens.And the thought process is really pretty simple: how do you keep a large population complacent and in thrall to you like so many zombies? How do you rob them of drive and make them susceptible to every grifter who tells them that the almost 60 years of the welfare state just isn't enough? Why introduce and sanction a drug that becomes the focus of their daily life, such that they cannot function without it for the least little thing that they have to do. I can get them to stop alcohol easier than I can get them to cut the marijuana. Yet they vote for Democrats because they think they have their best interest in mind. Wake up! It's all been a plot, and you people have only yelled the louder for Barabbas.

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